The Dream Bible: The Definitive Guide to Over 300 Dream Symbols (Paperback) Sponsored. Only jesus can. [JOH 14:28], And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Your own book doesnt even agree with itself. MOST OF THE ARTICLES MENTIONED BELOW WERE COMPILED AND WRITTEN BY CHRISTIANS,EX-PRIESTS AND SCHOLARS OF THE BIBLE. 9 As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collectors booth. God will bring about a new heaven and a new earth (Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 21:1). More likely 22, and 2 Chronicles has been hit by a copyist error. Have you not read your own Quran stating that Gods words cannot be corrupted. Please if you really want to know about God.. accept his son jesus who because a man to tale out or sin. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. But his armourbearer would not; for he was sore afraid. Now lets look at 1 Chronicles 13 and 14. read this is the Book of Matthew -The Calling of Matthew The calling of the disciples varies a lot between the gospels: Were these different versions of the same event? The many different and contradicting canons (bibles) that existed and still exist today! Also, what about satans Because ethnicity is part of the good of creation, we seek to honor and celebrate the ethnic identity of those with whom we serve as well as those we seek to reach. Internal and External errors in the Bible. What does it take to begin a relationship with God? What was the purpose for which the women went to the tomb? Genesis 6:19-20 refers to 2 of every animal. This, however, in no way negates the authenticity nor the authority of the scriptures which we have. These passages tell the same account of the Battle of Helam, between Israel and Aramea, as Alan Scholes explains in his book, The Artful Dodger. But the numbers of Arameans who died differ from each other. Those who did the copying were prone to making two types of scribal errors. The disagreement between the Noble Quran and Bible about some historical events does not disprove Islam. You are wise to notice the inherent contradictions in Christianity! Doublets are two episodes which are typically in the same gospel that critics claim came from the same story. Repent because when you die you will no longer be a Muslim or you will be dead and if you did not repent of your sin and accept Jesus Christ as you personal saviour you will perish. My response to Sam Shamouns rebuttal on Luke 24:44-48. (b) No. Bible scholars have known of copyist errors in the Bible for centuries. But 1001 is an odd number. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. and Part II. My rebuttal to Sam Shamouns Demonstrating how Pauls writings nullify Osamas desperate attempts to finding Bible Contradictions article. Solomon built a facility containing how many baths? The Gospels record the greatest story ever told, the events of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Thou shalt not kill. How I know that because I have a relationship with him. Day 4: Sun, Moon, stars (as calendrical and navigational aids) Both Matthew and Mark quote the centurion as saying Surely this man was the Son of God! (Matt. Think of the activities good and bad of the science. For example, you can do a search on this text in their site: Confirmation of this type of copyist error is found in various pagan writers as well. Even those Christian scholars admit with their own typed words by their own fingers that the Bible does indeed contain copyist error(s), and they lowered their Holy Scripture to the level of a pagan book through their comparison. And be sure we work out any contradictions in what we believe. all the contradictions here are true, it seems you see the problem but you are closing your eyes, the Bible can not be the word of God because it contains, x rated pornographic contents, father having sex with his daughter, David seeing beautiful woman naked and taking bath then called her to have sex, Reubon had sex with his step mother, Juda had sex with his own daughter in law called TAMAR, two prostitutes lusted after only men whose penis were big as donkeys. The Bible gives us four accounts of Christs life. Bible says Jesus(pbuh) cried for help, and God heard (accepted) his prayers: And there appeared an angel unto him from heaven, strengthening him. (Luke 22:43). They are so confused they even claim there are Bible Contradictions that cannot be answered.. The Dream Bible: The Definitive Guide To Over 300 Dream Symbols. Day 6: Humans (apparently both sexes at the same time) Jesus was speaking apocalyptically, not How many overseers did Solomon appoint for the work of building the temple? He said to the thief who defended him, Today you will be with me in Paradise (Luke 23:43), (b) No. you are lost, you should know the prayer of the lost is in vain. The truth will set you free. It is written in a style that is appropriate to be read to even young children yet profoundly enjoyable for adults. For Matthew, the important part of this story isnt experienced in its strict chronology, but in the miracle itself. The blind leading the blind and both will fall into a pit. An excellent web site by brother MENJ with lots of evidence! For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of Godnot by works, so that no one can boast (Ephesians 2:89). And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do to his people (Exodus 32:14). Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Series title: Goldsmiths-Kress library of economic literature ; no. Contradictionists also make the error of not even knowing the definition of the word Contradiction. According to Islam, why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted? Islam teaches thatJesus (pbuh) was a prophet sent to the children of Israel and he was neither crucified nor killed. As the colt had never been ridden the probability was that it was still dependent on its mother. Instead, the discussions tend to center around apparent discrepancies and contrary accounts, but when we look closely at them we find that theyre typically cleared up pretty easily. Why do Christians say that God is three-in-one and one in three when Jesus says in Mark 12:29: The Lord our God is one Lord in as many places as yet in the Bible? And the vulture, and the kite after his kind Are these Pauls words or GOD Almightys Divine Revelations???? If you have faith, you will do good works. So the Quran is infallible, right? (Matthew 24:35, NIV). My God can set the captive free, heals, provide and so much things that you can never imagine. UCSB Library BS538 .D43 1968, Thaddaeus, Joannes, fl. The age of 8 is unusually young to assume governmental leadership. The sinless and perfect men in the Bible. If God in human form was terrified, cried and want to escape the death, what about a normal solider of our days who gets ready to sacrifice his life for his country and participates in war? [PSA 58:8], And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. Translation is interpretation. that is your personal Opinion, all Christians wont agree with you, they say the KJV contains fabricated verses, check the NIV they ommitted 16 verses that contain in the KING JAMES VERSION. Did his traveling companions also fall to the ground? (The Noble Quran, 2:79), Who can be more wicked than one who inventeth a lie against God, or saith, I have received inspiration, when he hath received none, or (again) who saith, I can reveal the like of what God hath revealed? When you are already blind and believe in something. The polytheist trinitarian pagan is on the run in this one! Part II. Matthew, who was an eyewitness (where as Mark and Luke were quite possibly not) emphasizes the immaturity of the colt, too young to be separated from its mother. The other chief was Josheb-Basshebeth, a Tahkemonite. Before defeating the Philistines or after? (b) Two a colt and an ass (Matthew 21:7). Even by looking at Matthew in isolation, we can see from the text that Jesus did not ride on two animals, but only on the colt. Manchester, [Greater Manchester] : J. Cooper, 1840. ;- butTHEY KILLED HIM NOT, NOR CRUCIFIED HIM,but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. This is just one of many of the prophecies that Jesus fulfilled. He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of mens hearts. At the end of Davids reign he was an old man -and in no shape to fight. Sanctification is the process through which God makes a person more like Himself. Bible Contradictions that cannot be answered, Weird Bible Verses That Might Not Be so Weird After All, List of the Biggest Contradictions in the Bible, Bible Verses That [Dont] Contradict Each Other, elementary school-aged child can read the passage, Happy Fathers Day in Heaven Quotes a Sweet Remembrance, The Vital Differences Between Catholic and Orthodox. 3- Textual variants and integrity problems, and Abrogation. But if you look deeper into their context, you see that they actually support each other and the larger story being told throughout the Bible. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: [GEN 3:14], He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing [JOB 26:7], Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? Rebuttal to Sam Shamouns Article Thomass Confession My Lord and my God!'. Dr. Tommy Mitchell, AiGU.S., explains why in Genesis 19:13, two angels claim they Was Solomon An Inspired Author of the Bible? You are biblically illiterate. We see also Matthew omitting details in the story of the centurions servant. In the second example a contradiction would be Matthew stating Judas died from hanging and Acts saying Judas didnt die from hanging, he jumped off a cliff. (a) Mary and the other women met Jesus on their way back from their first and only visit to the tomb. Theres a strong likelihood that these describe the same event. Christians readily admit, however, that there have been scribal errors in the copies of the Old and New Testament. These are not the kinds of contradictions usually attributed to the gospels. The Lord was sorry that he made man (Genesis 6:6), I am sorry that I have made them (Genesis 6:7). 8- The Bibles original manuscripts had been lost according to the Christian scholars and theologians: Some Christians decided to respond to many of the Bibles contradictions. There went in two and two unto Noah into the ark, the male and the female, as God had commanded Noah. Free shipping. Third day: Jesus was at a wedding feast in Cana in Galilee (see John 1:35; 1:43; 2:1-11). How old was Jehoiachin when he began to reign? God gave us the solution in Quran to do justice, to do good dead, to be liberal with Keith and keen. 27:5-7], And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying. [Matt.5:1,2], And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people came to hear him.. And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples and said [Luke6:17,20], And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Jesus, when he cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost. [Matt.27:46,50], And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, unto thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost [Luke23:46], When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. See how the Bible translators are not truthful. Prophet Muhammad was foretold by the name in the Old Scriptures! 33:20], Whom no man hath seen nor can see [1 Tim. Both witnesses agree a robbery occurred, on who the victim of the robbery was, on what was stolen, and that there was a male suspect. (b) No, since he is a descendant of Jehoiakim (see Matthew 1: I 1, I Chronicles 3:16). killing innocent women and children, animals and etc? GODs stupidity is smarter than all of us?! Lie , Prophet Muhammad never said to believe the Bible, what Bible are you talking about by the way? Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islams Truthfulness and Divinity. Let get together and pray hard so they can be free. Partnering with urban churches to meet physical and spiritual needs. Answer: Once again there is enough information in the context of these two passages to tell us that 8 is wrong and 18 right. If we say we have no sin we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (I John 1:8), (a) Bear one anothers burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2), (b) Each man will have to bear his own load (Galatians 6:5). For instance, Genesis 1 and 2 disagree about the order in which things are created, and how satisfied God is about the results of his labors. Series title: Classics of Biblical criticism. can it contain incest and x rated contents? can it contain scientific error? . See the clear contradiction between Jesus and Paul. Where did Jesus first meet Simon Peter and Andrew? Part III. (it is) better for you. Matthew 9:18 quotes him as saying, My daughter has just died., (b) No. But Jesus died for us with love. How can you say that the Bible has corruption in it when Saint Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16 clearly said that All Scripture is God-breathed? (b) No. the angels stretch forth their hands, (saying),Yield up your souls: this day shall ye receive your reward,- a penalty of shame, for that ye used to tell lies against God, and scornfully to reject of His signs! (The Noble Quran, 6:93). I do however have a serious question for Islam. The Bible is one of the most scrutinized books in the history of literature and has endured. So how do we account for the apparent discrepancies in the Gospel accounts? WARNING!! See books mentioned in the Bible that are not part of todays Bible. He even asked his wife Hadija for it. He fulfilled ones that were in his control as well as ones which he could not manipulate, such as the time and place of his birth (Daniel 9:24-26, Micah 5:1-2, Matthew 2:1-6), and his resurrection (Psalm 16:10, Acts 2:24-32) to name but two. (Psalm 12:6, English Standard Version). It doesnt mean He no longer is a God of justice, but it means that justice, for those who believe in and obey Jesus, has been provided and should change the way we live. 6:3244; 8:110; Matt. 7. You can help us reach children and their families to know Jesus. Doesnt that contradict what Jesus always said about His God and our God in heaven, his Lord and our Lord? To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. 2- According to the Bibles theologians, no one even knows who wrote the copies that theyre referring to. The third verse from the Gospel of Mark seems to contradict the womens outspokenness. When Paul saw the light he fell to the ground. For example: The one who sins is the one who will die. Please call or email to arrange an appropriate time to visit bas And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat. TOLD BY AISHA using that reasoning Christianity looses, because christianity has no Morality, it is a naked religion without divine rules and regulations, look at what is happening at your churches, thausands of children raped by pastors, look at the satanic church of christ, look at the homosexual church, the naked church, if you want to talk about wars and what religion shed blood, christianity is number one murderer, colonialists used christianity to colonize Africa, wars of crusaders, spanish inquisition and many more, dont you dare to ignore the dark history of christianity, today christianity does not rule any body, it is a useless religion, your job is only raping children at churches. Is Jesus The Only Sinless Person According To The Bible? See also Quran 4:136; 5:50, 68). These are two different chiefs at two different times. 27:5], And falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all of his bowels gushed out. [Acts 1:18], And Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven [2 Kings 2:11], No man hath ascended up to heaven but he that came down from heaven, the Son of Man. [John 3:13)]. Can religion give me peace? When Jesus said My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken Me ? I know you guys hate the truth. 4:3839). For example: The one who sins is the one who will die. Through their presentation to these audiences, various truths about Jesus and his mission were highlighted: You can get a comprehensive understanding of the gospels unique presentations in What Are the Synoptic Gospels, and Where Did They Come From? The description given in Leviticus is inaccurate, and thats that. It would have made the entry to Jerusalem easier if the mother donkey were led along down the road, as the foal would naturally follow her, even though he had never before carried a rider and had not yet been trained to follow a roadway. Wouldnt this contradict his many references to a God in Heaven that sent him? The Quran praises the Bible, and scholars verify the Bibles authenticity. And Allah is the Best of those who plot. Now it could be that Jesus said both of these things at different times, but its also likely that Matthew felt it was extremely important to clearly communicate the spiritual significance of Jesus words. The Hebrew texts, plus Wycliffe 1395,Coverdale 1535, Bishops Bible 1568, Geneva Bible 1599, the Revised Version, the American Standard Version, Douay 1950, the Spanish Reina Valera 1960, Italian Diodati 1602, NKJV, RSV, NRSV, the Jewish translations of 1917 and 1936, the 1998 Complete Jewish Bible, Hebrew Names Bible, Rotherhams Emphasized Bible, Websters 1833 translation, the New English Bible 1970, the New Jerusalem, KJV 21st Century, and the Third Millenium Bible all say Ahaziah was 42 years old when he began to reign. Theres a possibility that Mark moved this event to the end of the gospel to emphasize its significance as an act of judgement against Israel, or that John moved it to the beginning as a historically symbolic inauguration to his ministry. 2. [ACT 9:7], And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spoke to me [ACT 22:9], And immediately the spirit driveth him into the wilderness The early Christians rejected Trinity. Exposing Pauls Lies The Noble Quran on Paul and his likes: Paul, Peter and John are in clear contradiction with each others regarding the disbelieving husbands to believing wives! If you are so proud to be Muslim why so many violence in all those Arabic country why so Christian cannot have free speech in your country why ? Syntax help. If the original manuscripts had been lost, then what makes you be so sure that trinity is the correct conclusion? Jesus rode into Jerusalem on how many animals? Throughout the region, youd likely hear Greek, Hebrew, Aramaic, and even Latin. You asked me: How old was Jehoiachin when he became king of Jerusalem ? When you add up all the categories, you get the exact same total. The Limit of Childrens Obedience To Their Parents. The scandals of some of the top Christian Ministers and Priests. Biblical Contradiction: Who Is The Judge of Mankind? He prayed in this way my will is you protect me from disbelievers and if your will is to let me die in their hands, your will only should be done.. What About All Those People (Prophets and others) who came before Jesus (peace be upon him)? (a) God did (2 Samuel 24: 1) (b) God finally creates a woman for him. Here, the Deity is referred to as Elohim, which is a plural, thus the literal translation, the Gods. By the way, please visit: The Catholic Church no longer swears by truth of the Bible. GOD supposedly Changing His Mind (abrogation) in the Bible. And he was, (3:59). Matthew and Luke have the order of the last two temptations reversed (Matt. Jesus is under God the father. Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy. Who was high priest when David went into the house of God and ate the consecrated bread? But ultimately, we should see little discrepancies like these as proof of the accounts veracity. Get updates from Zondervan Academic directly in your inbox. Before defeating the Philistines or after? I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked. Also, The Qurans contradictions of the Bible are excused by claiming that the Bible was corrupted. A small listing but yet with good questions about some key contradictions in the bible. Stop putting your trust in religion who cannot save you. Ask God to continue to teach you and give you an open mind as you study His Word. [JO1 3:9], Now this man purchased a field with the reward of iniquity; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out. Lord, behold, here are two SWORDS. And he said unto them, It is enough. Learn to develop your skills, desire and ability to join others on their spiritual journeys and take them closer to Jesus. you couldn,t point the huge error you made but you are going for a prey you have no idea about,, please stop mis interpreting the Bible go and learn more about your lie master Muhammad So how do you refute Irrefutable Contradictions in the Bible? Could Islam be the true religion, just because many of its views of their god Allah seem right and that many of its adherents are very sincere? This is how Muhammad died. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 6) How old was Jehoiachin when he became King of Jerusalem? (By Faisal Azar). [ECC 1:7], Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? temptations to the Bibles Prophets? In his 1670 Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, Baruch Spinoza considered the Bible to be "a book rich in contradictions". We learn in other places in the Bible that God intends to work good things in the same situation where Satan (or man) is working to produce something bad. Is Jesus God Because He Will Judge The People? The birth narratives in both Matthew and Luke help answer the question, Who is Jesus and where did he come from? One of the ways each book does this is by recounting Jesus genealogy. After the curtain was torn, then Jesus crying with a loud voice, said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit! And having said this he breathed his last (Luke 23:45-46), (a) No. That is, if you do not believe in BIBLE PROPHECY. Adam, the first man (on a desolate Earth) The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. Also, the Greek word for the first occurrence of God is hotheos which means the God or God with a capital G, while the Greek word for its second occurrence is tontheos, which means a god or god with a small g. The New Testament confirms the Apocalypse (Revelation in Greek) of Peter which claims that Jesus never died on the cross! Which tree couldnt Adam and Eve eat from? The Bibles overwhelming errors and corruptions are unanswerable! Psalm 119:105 mentions, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path, yet says the same thing twice in succession). When the musk was constructed and why is not pointed to Petra? But Jesus loves us and he died for our sins. If you still cant believe about his prayer Please look at these verses: He said to them, But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you dont have asword, sell your cloak and buy one. And four different perspectives make for four slightly different accounts. He raised his spear against 300 men at the beginning of Davids reign. Biblical Contradiction: Will earth live forever? And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. Also includes detailed refutations and exposing of Pauls lies. 4) God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine? (Exodus 20:12, NIV), For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law a mans enemies will be the members of his own household. (Matthew 10:35-36, NIV). Matthew and Mark tell us about the anointing of Jesus head by a woman at Simon the Lepers home (Matt. (By Sami Zaatari), Biblical Contradiction: Did Jesus Promise His Generation a Sign? There are a large number of Christians who think that the Bible is inerrant and infallible because it was inspired by their god, similar to the way that Muslims think that the Koran must be 100% correct because their god directly dictated it to their prophet. today the majority of Africans are Muslims and no one imposed or forced them to become Muslims. Dont let anybody received you because Jesus Christ is the Way,the Truth and the Life.If you dont have Jesus Christ you dont have Life.Jesus,I will follow you if I have life or not .Nothing can separate us.according to Romans 8:31-39.thanks. Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of mans sake. The Answer to Answering Islam on Bible Contradictions. Although both religions are far from the origin, at least Christians dont hurt or kill anyone like Muslims. Postage, returns & payments. False and failed Prophecies about the Hour put in the mouth of Jesus in the books of Mark, Luke and Revelation in the New Testament. And he smote him that he died. How did Muammad ibn Abdullh die? The Book of Jeremiah which came approximately 826 years after did indeed confirm this corruption. Why? These show that wrong done against a person has consequences. Creation is Gods gift to Himself, and creation is a gift that leads to celebration. Thank you for this website I am learning a lot. On the surface, its easy to assume that these omissions are contradictory, but thats not necessarily so. But, then again, Yes! In what year of King Asas reign did Baasha, King of Israel die? if you all doubt do the research yourself and dont let anyone decieved you all. He also poured out the money and turned over the tables ( John 2:1315 ). From reading Luke, it would be easy to make the argument that the Sermon on the Mount is a compilation of Christs teachings. Is The Gospel of Luke a Revelation and Inspiration from God? Clark; the whole corrected and amended by the said Mr. Sam. And in this new tribe, He is calling His followers to be governed by a higher law, one of radical love for even our enemies. Those are two different facts, but not an example of contradictions in the Bible. (funny thing that an omniscient god would forget things), Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the fact of the earth. [Num.12:3], And Moses was wrothAnd Moses said unto them, Have ye saved all the women alive? BioLogos is hosting those tough conversations. A former commandment is set aside because of its weakness and uselessness (Hebrews 7:18), (a) This is Jesus the King of the Jews (Matthew 27:37), (c) This is the King of the Jews (Luke 23:38), (d) Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews (John 19:19), (b) No. God dwells in chosen temples 2 Chron 7:12,16 God dwells not in temples Acts (By a new convert to Islam), Contradictions in the Psalms. But look at the gospel here, crucifixion is not yet over, but Jesus was saying that work is completed!!!! And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl, Yet not as I will, but as you will., He went away a second time and prayed, My Father, if it is not possible for thiscupto be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done., Abba, Father, he said, everything is possible for you. This accusation is based on not reading the text of Matthew properly and ignoring his full point about this event. One of the common arguments against the inspiration of the Bible is the supposed contradictions. The five Amorite kings and their armies left their cities and went to attack Gibeon. A further system was introduced whereby the spelling out of the numbers in full was prescribed by the guild of so-perim. Contents 1 Creation Week 2 Inconsistent genealogies 2.1 Jesus' genealogy How many fighting men were found in Judah? Bible Problems: Contradictions, Factual Errors, and Evil Moral Teachings in the. Women went to attack Gibeon said this he breathed his last ( Luke 23:45-46 ) biblical. Named Matthew sitting at the end of Davids reign he was an old man -and in way! Ecc 1:7 ], and scholars of the word Contradiction trinitarian pagan is on the Mount is gift! You talking about by the guild of so-perim let get together and pray hard they... Fell to the Bible that are not part of todays Bible contradictory, but thats not necessarily so own. 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