I cant wait for her to come. You had your duties as a wife during busy times, he had claimed angrily. didnt hurt him too badly. Thats why you made it your objective, at the moment, to let him know how much of an amazing father he would become. You feel nothing for the numbness in your body, but the sound triggers a response in your body, and you cry out. As soon as he got back with two cups of instant ramen, he smiled again seeing you behind the counter desk. -RM (Kim Nam Joon)- You and Namjoon were walking down the street in the dead of night. Collaborate on what? , and we can achieve this only through the fan Support of BTS. This is probably not what you were expecting but I honestly had no idea where this was going. He couldnt hide his worry any longer. When he went to turn of the small Doyoung. BTS Reacts: You Asking For A Massage/Bath Together. And it worked, how he succeeded to show it to you. BTS club Korea is here for BTS club night with BTS Club Korea members. your mind. Are you holding him at penpoint? You chuckled, looking at the wide pen she was pressing into his stomach. For BTS 's recipe blog, Jin took a snapshot of of himself eating a meal he had cooked. The answer was simple for you. You cleared your throat and Yoongi stood from his seat.The two of you talked for a while about how he had gotten to where he was while Yoongi was silently scrolling through his phone in the back.So you dont dance anymore? Hoseok asked surprised.Not really no. As if on cue, a song stared playing on the stereo now connected to Yoongis phone. Okay this became more angst that I meant for it to be but for some reason Mafia!Minho is just an angsty boi. BTSClub Korea hopes that you all loved this "BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023" and all the varieties covered in this BTS Reactionto you being kidnapped. The front door opened without you You had to do something. It was from you, after all. He reciprocated your actions before you replied and wash his hands in the sink. You actually married him because of this fact. Youre already here? Hoseok said in pleased surprise as he walked in. He would also continously nudge you and tease you about how you got fans too, as soon as he came home to you. Tae knew this and wasnt happy that you still decided to finish the season. You looked into his sparkling eyes and lost yourself for a minute before looking at the computer just beside to check if his preference was in stock, and luckily, it was. You had asked your doctor if it was okay to perform when he had told you the news and he said it should be fine as long as you take care of yourself. home alone. He chuckled. A girl was stood holding something that could be a weapon pointed at him. It's alright if you do everything you want to do. Giving one last smile to you, he exited the store, realising that he had left behind his beating muscle in your hands and hoped with all his might that you would give him a call, which you did, later that night. You heard Jimin mumble your name as his arm went to rest on the girls back, she was visually enjoying it. Just be happy JIMIN Know More BTS CLUB "Effort makes you. the entire hall went quiet for a second until you fell.You would have fallen off stage if it werent for the other member who had ran to your side. You left, not knowing what else to do, but only a few days later you already found yourself back on the doorstep of your shared mansion. There is a flower bath waiting for you!". Many times had he been on the verge of actually shutting you up, but every time he saw you, he chose against it. Youve been eating cheese sticks dipped in nutella. he laughed. In the freezing cold, on the roof of the hospital. It was less of a coincidence, more of fate. your fiance has fainted and we are concerned because of her pregnancy.When he arrived he was told you should be taken to the hospital for further tests and led to where you were. It turned out, he had also applied for the same job as you and you two seemed to become much more closer than you were as kids. At first Yeah. Oddly, you met him again, after five or six years, when you returned to South Korea and took over your fathers business. The only thing youll take care of this way is giving him bronchitis. BTS Reaction: You Hit Him Where It Hurts Jin: "Do you remember this?" You looked out into the garden noticing one of the old-fashioned swing shot toys. It was then that you realized him that you loved him. Whether it's using their fame and influence to raise awareness about your situation, reaching out to authorities, or simply being there for you emotionally, the members of BTS value their relationships and care about the well-being of their loved ones. You glanced at the large elevator down the hall. He took you backstage, a million thoughts running trough his head but he made sure to handle the situation like he should. It was his love for you. The victim was reportedly terrified and panicked during the incident, and the BTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in this scenario might have been similar. You share laughs with them and theres not one time that, after interacting with a child, you didnt come to me talking about the child and how you were so impatient to have one of your own. From Jin's calm and collected demeanor to J-Hope's energetic and determined personality, each member brings something unique to the table. He held his beloved newborn in his compartively large hands. You never were one for It's impossible to know for certain how each member of BTS would react to dirty fanfiction in 2023, as everyone has their own unique values and boundaries. Fate worked beautifully once again, when your assistant came into the office with Hoseok right behind her. He was happy but so nervous seeing both of you were performers and on top of that you had a performance that day. He knew about your pregnancy and you two had talked about performing. Y/N He whisper yelled.I propose we run. You said, and he immediately ran to your car with you. Im Im Jaebum and I live in the house right next to yours! Didnt she say to turn left here? The next day you were more nervousthen ever before you went on stage. She motioned for Namjoon to come along with her. going to react that way against an intruder I dont need to worry when youre When you arrived home he dragged you over to the couch and cuddled you.Dont ever do that again. He made sure you felt loved, and beautiful, that day. You asked the others but they also hadnt seen him, and obviously they couldnt help you search with all the fans around. I know you likely lost hope, and thats okay. That a person can be complete without their 'other half. He was your classmate. You ran trough the halls yourself, searching for anywhere that he could be. You had done some self-defence classes but sure enough it also worked when sneaking up to people. As you carefully placed your hand on his cheek, he leaned into you touch like a lost puppy. This, this was the answer to your question. You stood after the particular song was done, all of you bowed to the crowed and when you rose up once more, you couldnt keep yourself upright, seeing stars appear in front of your vision before you lost consciousness.You were in the first aid tent when you woke up again.Jin was already on his way to come pick you up like he had promised, completely oblivious to what was going on until he relieved a call from your manager which went along the lines ofHello sir. How would the members of the popular K-pop group react if you were taken against your will? BTS Reaction: S/O not being able to sleep without them, Yoongi - A dream is a wish the heart makes: prt2 (final). n 2023, there were several notable pranks that BTS got up to. What I think is that, baby, youll make a father who is beyond amazing.. He realised that he became lucky and that there was absolutely no power in the world that would stop himself from loving and adoring you both. I uhm In the haze of the moment you leaned forward, and as he didnt seem to pull away, your lips met.I will support you every step of the way, I will be here? He whispered, and he was. I hope you guys understand. You For MORE reactions JOIN our PATREON! I hope you like it! Ew. Hell no. Bro, thats gross. Doesnt suit us. A series of comments passed on by both of you, expressing your 'disgust in the recent situation. You were anxious the entire day, distracted by the thought of Yoongis invite, you didnt even understand why you felt the way you did. You smile and tell him that its okay and that he should make it up by singing to you. But he also knew that you needed him to be calm and just be there for you so he was. It's a form of entertainment and should not be taken too seriously. Lets go home.. Jungkook was young but definitely scary. Instead of being excited and stuff, he would remain calm but that doesnt mean that he doesnt have that gigantic smile on his face. That was cheesy.I know. Both of you stared at each other for a while before erupting to fits of laughter. I could, but Im not going to. She grinned. And it was exactly then, when you two shared you first kiss. She glared at you ands saidNO, I need to take care of him.. Thank you so much. Maybe, its time for us to actually do more than just tolerate each other. Jagiya, Im sweaty. He whined but hugged you anyway, knowing you didnt actually care. Fuck, you-youre really awake! You looked back at him and returned his smile before replying,Yes, we do! After what I saw I was worried you wouldnt make it if we ever made it to you in time. Seokjin, sir. I used to think I was fat, look at me now. You said, showing off your belly, probably sounding a bit too serious but your He was so busy researching that he forgot to actually talk to you. And, and did she teach you about how centripetal force applies on the solar system?. He really wished you hadnt gone on stage in the first place then none of this would have happened. . you thought he was planning to never let go, you didnt want him to. Your wound sere tended to and Namjoon stayed by your side for a long time. Hed-. Yours came along Jeon Jungkook. Yoongi had gotten into the car that was supposed to pick him up from the airport. Mafia BTS reacting to their S/O getting hurt on the job. Jin stopped what he was doing and gave you an endearing smile, looking tired as well. would. As soon as she saw no way of talking her way out of this, she sprinted away into the night. It seemed like a century before the elevator came to a halt with a soft *ding*, The doors slid open and there it was, the hospital bed with Jimin and some random girl in a nurse outfit. more certain that it wasnt so rose coloured. It's the properties of BTS and we are here to provide theseBTS Reactions just for information. When your manager called, Yoongi didnt even listen properlyand just rushed over. You looked at him with wide eyes and he did the same. Eventually, you had to remind him to get what he needed before you two would get carried away. You were on a walk of your own, to the dorm in fact, when you saw them. Originally posted by kpopidolaegyooo. Hence we can conclude that the BTS kidnap prank on an American in 2023 was a highly publicized and controversial event. He was afraid to think what would have happened if you didnt. BTS reaction to seeing a girl they really like. The simple answer caused you and Jimin to break out laughing. Taehyung was, alluring, to say the least. hed never let go. yet, The roof , It was a good start. He called your gynaecologist in the mean time, I swear they were his lifeline at that point, and hed take you back to the hospital as soon as the concert was done. He almost immediately responded by wrapping his around your waist. . You were calling Jin just when the girl from before entered the street. I was just making a joke. You laughed.Since I have you to smother with love and cheesiness. He grinned, standing back up. You had been accepted in a foreign university. You first became friends with him when you were around fourteen, and it was at school. So right as Namjoon stepped past her, and she turned her back to you, you tried to grab her gun. I want you to know that I was watching every second of it. Hed want you to stop performing, at least for a while but he understood that this was your passion and didnt want to take that away from you. touch feathery that he would barely feel it. So you took care of said duties, in a way understanding that he needed you there at that times. How is it longer when I didnt have inspiration. You had gotten a staff badge, so you could perfectly pass as a staff member. After exchanging a few friendly sentences, gasped,Oh, my god! But you were running late, you just saw him get into the car. You were forced to dine together and at least participated in small talk. Note: Im sorry, this isnt my best work. You and JiHyun would be playing in the ocean, splashing each other as Jimin stayed in the sand. On the other hand, if Jin were to become a criminal, he might be more of a smooth talker and con artist. ", in the BTS Reaction article ofBTS Reaction to you being kidnapped in 2023. Dude. him shift from his seated position and his arms wrapped around you so tightly A blush crept on your to explain, you still had no idea what he was saying. His first reaction would be him giggling profusely and even squeaking cutely a little, at the end. The victim, who was reportedly terrified and panicked during the incident, later revealed that he had been in on the prank and was a friend of the group. I was thinking about a special someone.. It's difficult to say for certain, but based on the reactions to the kidnap prank, it seems that the members of BTS value their relationships and care about the well-being of their loved ones. Its so different from his outside persona of harshness and invulnerability. BTS Reacts: Plus Size S/o Scenarios. Will they be able to rescue you, or will they be outwitted by the kidnappers? in-erasable Min Yoongi: Originally posted by imonaworldtour. Before you knew it you were on your way back, to find a fuming Jimin in the living room. He wouldnt feel comfortable letting you do any concerts after that and hed smootheryou like crazy duringthe rest of the pregnancy. Im here jagiya, and thatll never happen t you again, Jin tells you, his voice soft and soothing, not wanting to startle you as he enters and moves to sit on the chair beside your bed. You had never seen him like this, he seemed stressed yet determined.Even though the gynaecologist had said that it was fine, Jimin had given you some doubts in the process of him making sure everything would be perfect. You walked up to him, placing a hand on his cheek and he leaned in to your touch. You wince and he pulls back a little, but still maintains physical contact with you, Im sorry I took so long. But that didnt mean he wasnt worried. You had noticed him as you had just gone to get a coffee down the street. You had known for a bit over a week but only told him the day before your concert. So when you stopped believing that fact, you ran. I love you. You both said at the same time and backed away. Im never letting you out of my sight again, Yoongi tells you. To say that he was proud of you was merely an understatement. You had run back to your parents, begging them to take you back in, to not make you marry a man with such a bad temper, but alas, they didnt see your logic, so when Jimin angrily stood on your doorstep, they ordered you to go back. To find out, we'll take a closer look at each member of BTS and consider how they might respond in this hypothetical scenario. What were you saying? He smirked and stole a chaste kiss. This is fluffy and shit and theres just cheese everywhere. He would goofly smile and apologise but he wouldnt stop thinking about how he would backhug and kiss you as soon as he got home. Miss Y/N, CEO of Jung Coorperations wanted to seal the companionship between the companies upon this meeting. He wouldnt hear the end of it after the other members found you cuddled up like this: He was practisingintently when he suddenly noticed you standing there. Just, I dont expect anything but I just want to help you reach your dream like you helped me. His voice gradually weakened as he got closer until you were inches apart. You two exchanged numbers as one of the first things after recognizing each other to make sure that you two wouldnt lose contact again. So there you stood, in the doorway, full comfy outfit and a blanket draped around your shoulders. You didnt take advantageof this of course but a few times a week hed come home at least slightly earlier so the both of you could get some proper sleep and loving. As fans of BTS, it's natural to wonder how the group would handle a situation like this. Your What makes you think that? He asked.You were just so quiet.Im sorry. Not long after, he became teary-eyed. It's possible that you've become interested in this fictional scenario or role-playing game, and you're looking for other fans who share your interests. Until at a certain they told him to get in the car. Hed ask you to come to the studio with him every day after that even though he knew that wasnt possible. :https://www.patreon.com/OrtegaTwinsOUR SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagrams. Hey there! I heard that someone was moving in so I wanted to be the first one to welcome you into our neighbourhood! You were snapped out of your daze and replied to him with your name and thanking him for his kind gesture. Shaking your head at his ridiculous, but somewhat cute statement, you stood up from the sand, dusting off the excess that was left on your dark blue jeans. | BTS REACTIONTHIS CHANNEL INCLUDES:I react to all MV Shooting, MV, Episode for all..KPOP, K-Hip Hop, etc. You were engaged to him since you were both still children, and you despised each other. BTSClub Korea is here to become the newBTS BOOM in 2023, and we can achieve this only through the fan Support of BTS. I wouldnt dare to do otherwise. He smiled sweetly at you, clearly awestruck by how you made him putty by simply returning a stretch of muscles back to him. You, him and his younger brother would all be at the beach. All in all, this boy would all cute and giggles and filled with pride. You could never search them all. But, you say that theyre fools. You walked towards the car, hoping the cardoor would open from the outside. Our fan club is for BTS members in South Korea. You mind coming over after your shift?Yh sure, see you then. You smiled. Yoongi looked guiltily at you.I showed him your recordings.You still had those?Well of course He chuckled Look, He started You were always the one that helped me get my goals, stopped me from making dumb mistakes, got me to where I am now without even realising. He inched closer with every word You did all that just by giving me your You made me love you a little more every day and I was too scared to admit it. I had everything under control. He smiled but you gave him a knowing stare. You chuckle at his suprised smile and lean in to leave a little peck at his lips "I'll wait for you in the bed, take your time please. Nothing could go wrong. "It's mine. However, when he looked at the clock he frowned and almost ran out, giving you a single word of goodbye.You frowned at the door, still breathing heavy. He fucking deserved it, He growls. Sorry for not updating I had. But as the two of you really got to know each other, you really started to work together, however, it did come with a cost. He dint want you pushing yourself too much like you always did. MTF ZONE Reacts to BTS WAS KIDNAPPED??? You would be both sitting on the couch catching up on a K-Drama until you realised you had run out of sweets. As Namjoon stepped past her, and thats okay rest on the girls back, to say that he.. Clearly awestruck by how you got fans too, as soon as he got back with cups! 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