On the sands along the shore from el-Mejdel to `Ain et-Tineh these shells are so numerous as to cause a white glister in the sunlight.The main formation of the surrounding district is limestone. In front of the prayer hall, a narthex, or porch, separates the hall from the large open forecourt, or atrium, mentioned earlier. Further, Luke places the country of the Gerasenes on the other side of the sea from Galilee . This two-terraced structure, consisting of a memorial, or landmark, tower and a chapel above, undoubtedly was thought to mark the very site of the miracle that cured the demoniac. It varies in depth from 130 ft. to 148 ft., being deepest along the course of the Jordan (Barrois, PEFS, 1894, 211-20). 8:4-18 Sea of Galilee. JOHN. It should be noted, however, that the name is in origin radically different from Bethsaida. This is true even today. The miracle of the swine took place during Jesus' visit to "the land of the Gadarenes," "the land of the Gerasenes," or "the land of the Gergesenes.". Conclusion: we just dont know where this event is supposed to have taken place. Many ancient tombs are to be seen in the face of the hills. This is a difficulty for Marks account the pigs would have had to trot many miles from the country of the Gerasenes before they even reached the hillside that overlooks the lake, never mind actually get to the lake itself. Josephus explains that the country of the Gadarenes reached the shore of the lake: the villages of the Gadarenes happened to lie on the frontier between Tiberias and the territory of the Scythopolitans.4. he first invaded Palestine (Polyb. From Mount Tabor to Capernaum: Step 27: From Caperaum to Nain: Step 28: From Nain to the second Galilean preaching tour: Step 29: From the second Galilean preaching tour to the country of Gerasenes: Step 30: From he country of Gerasenes to Capernaum: Step 31: From Capernaum to Jerusalem: Step 32: From Jerusalem to Nazareth: Step 33 v. 37) describe Jesus' healing of the demoniac "Legion" and . Many New Testament manuscripts refer to the "Country of the Gadarenes" or "Gerasenes" rather than the Gergesenes. The southern city, therefore, should be understood as "the capital of Peraea" in BJ, IV; vii, 3.Gadara was a member of the DECAPOLIS (which see).W. They include several splendid temples, theaters, basilica, palaces and baths, with hippodrome and naumachia. Gardens and orchards are being planted. ton Gergesenon, "of the Gergesenes," must be rejected (Westcott-Hort, II. "The advent of the railway has stirred afresh the pulses of life in the valley. Matthew, using Mark as a source for his own gospel, appears to have been aware of this geographic difficulty. The house of Andrew and Peter seems to have been not far from the synagogue in Capernaum (Matthew 8:14 Mark 1:29, etc.). v.71). Jesus agrees, so the demons or unclean spirits leave the man and enter the swine, which then rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned., The cured demoniac begs to accompany Jesus, but Jesus tells him to go home instead and declare how much God has done for you. The cured demoniac then declares to all how much Jesus had done for him. According to Mark, he proclaims it even in the cities of the Decapolisand all the men marveled.. The monastery compound covers four acres and is surrounded by a well-preserved wall that was originally plastered over and decorated with an incised palm-branch motif. , Also, Id like to think Ive demonstrated elsewhere on this site that Im more than comfortable with the notion that the biblical text contains genuine errors, contradictions, etc. (he thalassa tes Galilaias):1. 10, Library of the Historical Jesus Studies (London; New Delhi; New York; Sydney: Bloomsbury, 2013), 168. In any event, the "country of the Gergesenes/Gadarenes/Gerasenes" in the New Testament Gospels refers to some location on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. There is no good reason, however, to question the accuracy of the text in either case. Therefore it was no contrary wind that carried them toward Capernaum and the "land of Gennesaret." As in the case of the other Bethsaida, no name has been recovered to guide us to the site. It had begun to be named from the city so recently built on its western shore even in New Testament times (John 21:1; John 6:1); and by this name, slightly modified, it is known to this day-Bachr Tabariyeh.2. The pilgrimage sites associated with the swine miracle, as opposed to the urban settlement of Tell el-Kursi, were discovered quite by accident in the late 20th century. Lets be clear: I know zero greek. Country of the Gadarenes:This city is not named in Scripture, but the territory belonging to it is spoken of as chora ton Gadarenon, "country of the Gadarenes" (Matthew 8:28). A party in the city surrendered it to Vespasian, who placed a garrison there (BJ, IV, vii, 3). The Syrians made reprisals, and took many prisoners. The precise name of the place where the swine miracle occurred varies somewhat among the Gospel accounts and among the various ancient manuscripts that have survived. GADARA. The gospels. As this is too far from the sea for a fishing village, Schumacher (The Jaulan, 246) suggests that el-`Araj, "a large, completely destroyed site close to the lake," connected in ancient times with et-Tell "by the beautiful roads still visible," may have been the fishing village, and et-Tell the princely residence. Fertility:The walnut, the palm, the olive and the fig, which usually require diverse conditions, flourish together here. This is doubtless to be identified with the village of Bethsaida in Lower Gaulonitis which the Tetrarch Philip raised to the rank of a city, and called Julias, in honor of Julia, the daughter of Augustus. The fruits of Gennesaret had such high repute among the rabbis that they were not allowed in Jerusalem at the time of the feasts, lest any might be tempted to come merely for their enjoyment (Neubauer, Geog. (ii) Medieval works of travel notice only one Bethsaida. If Capernaum were at Khan Minyeh, then the two lay close together. They brought a blind man to him, and begged him to touch him. The sheltering hills provide excellent grazing areas, particularly for hogs, which are best suited to these rocky hills. He could have followed Mark, but he chose to do something else.9 It seems reasonable to this layman to suggest that maybe Matthew relocated the herd because he knew enough of the geography to say that if this event took place in the country of the Gadarenes the herd couldnt be both on a hillside and close to the shore Gadara was around 5 or 6 miles away from the shore, and the hills that lead from Gadara to the lake are very close to Gadara and a number of miles from the lake. The place might therefore be called with propriety, either "land of the Gerasenes," with reference to the local center, or "land of the Gadarenes," with reference to the superior city. Here the slopes descend swiftly almost into the sea, and animals, once started on the downward run, could not avoid plunging into the depths. Luke 9:10 The apostles, when they had returned, told him what things they had done. When they arrive on the shore he gets out and is met by two demoniacs/a guy called Legion. 80, The Fathers of the Church (Catholic University of America Press, 1989), 226. Its just one of those things. Both Gerasa and Gadara were cities to the east of the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan. All Rights Reserved | Built by, Kursi The Gerasene Site of Jesus Miracle on the East Side of Lake Galilee. On the upper terrace of the hill is the structures second element: a small chapel paved with a colorful mosaic floor. Tyre: 33.2721571: 35.203278: Capernaum: 32.88033: 35.573307: Distance: 55.56 km: It may have been the fishing town adjoining the larger city. Galilee is one of the USA city. , Amanda Witmer, Jesus, the Galilean Exorcist: His Exorcisms in Social and Political Context, ed. If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles per hour) between Tyre to Capernaum, It takes 0.06 hours to arrive. Josephus gives Pella as the northern boundary of Peraea (BJ, III, iii, 3). The chapel has an apse constructed within a natural rock shelter. Now there is no question that Capernaum was on "the other side," nor is there any suggestion that the boat was driven out of its course; and it is quite obvious that, sailing toward Capernaum, whether at Tell Chum or at Khan Minyeh, it would never reach Bethsaida Julius. He deals with a remaining issue by locating the herd some distance away rather than on the hillside next to the lake. This condition is fulfilled only by the district immediately South of Wady Semak, North of Qal `at el-Chucn. Kefar-nahum, "Village of Nahum") was a prosperous . If the boat was taken from any point in el-BaTeichah towards et-Tell, no east wind would have distressed the rowers, protected as that part is by the mountains. It was the seat of one of the councils instituted by Gabinius for the government of the Jews (Ant., XIV, v, 4; BJ, I, viii, 5). II, ix, 1). Further, Luke places the country of the Gerasenes on the other side of the sea from Galilee (Luke 8:26)-antipera tes Galilaias ("over against Galilee"). Mark 8:22 He came to Bethsaida. History:The name Gadara appears to be Semitic It is still heard in Jedur, which attaches to the ancient rock tombs, with sarcophagi, to the East of the present ruins. The city of Gadara is represented today by the ruins of Umm Qeis on the heights south of el-Chummeh-the hot springs in the Yarmuk valley-about 6 miles Southeast of the Sea of Galilee. Cataloging is a continuous work in progress, however, and we welcome your input to enhance our understanding and presentation of the collection. When it comes down to it we really have no idea where the event the narratives are based on took place. Occasionally, however, tempests break over the lake, in which a boat could hardly live. One things for sure: Gergasa, if it can be equated with Kursi, is the most geographically plausible16 reading. Commentary on the Gospel according to John Books 1-10, Ed. gad'-a-ra (Gadara):1. His rst preaching at Nazareth seems to have been unsuccessful, and he left the town to settle at Capernaum on the shores of Lake Gennesaret. Gergesa was a small and very obscure town nearly opposite Capernaum. 6.211. Near by is the site at `Ain et-Tabigha, which many have identified with Bethsaida of Galilee. But (i) this involved a passage from a point on the West to a point on the South shore, "crossing over" two considerable bays; whereas if the boat started from any point in el-BaTeichah, to which we seem to be limited by the "much grass," and by the definition of the district as belonging to Bethsaida, to sail to et-Tell, it was a matter of coasting not more than a couple of miles, with no bay to cross. John, writing after 84 A.D., would hardly have used the phrase "Bethsaida of Galilee" of a place only recently attached to that province, writing, as he was, at a distance from the scene, and recalling the former familiar conditions. it is a happy contention of the seasons, as if each of them claimed this country; for it not only nourishes different sorts of autumnal fruit beyond men's expectation, but preserves them a great while." The water of the lake is clear and sweet. Mk 1:35-45 During the winter of 27/28AD, Jesus goes to the nearby villages of Galilee, preaching and casting out demons. Some of these sites, such as Capernaum, have a continuous and uninterrupted place in the history of Christian pilgrimage, beginning as far back as the first centuries of our era. 2, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989), 158. "Jesus of Nazareth" was born in Bethlehem. Every effort has been made to accurately determine the rights status of works and their images. He gave it a free constitution. A person seated on this bench beholds, through the chapels small prayer hall, an excellent view of the enclosed rock on the terrace below, and, from there, of the monastery at the bottom of the hill and the Sea of Galilee beyond. The distance line on map shows distance from Cana to Capernaum between two cities. But one things for sure: wherever the event happened it was a waste of good bacon. If Marcus is right then heres an oversimplified explanation of what may have happened: Mark, wanting to make a theological point, locates the event in a place whose name is associated with casting out demons the language, as Marcus points out, does kinda support this.21 This strengthens the exorcism theme of the pericope seems legit. We may assume that the cities named in the Gospels were mainly Jewish. The miracle referred to took place, without doubt, near the town of Gergesa . The greatest breadth is in the North, from el-Mejdel to the mouth of Wady Semak being rather over 7 miles. During the second half of the sixth century, the diaconicon was remodeled to house a baptistery. ", beth-sa'-i-da (Bethsaida, "house of fishing"):(1) A city East of the Jordan, in a "desert place" (that is, uncultivated ground used for grazing) at which Jesus miraculously fed the multitude with five loaves and two fishes (Mark 6:32 Luke 9:10). It was a strong fortress (Ant., XIII, iii, 3), near the Hieromax-i.e. It was used to drive certain mills, and also to refresh the neighboring land. These demon-possessed pigs then run headlong into the lake and, presumably, drown. Unless they had moved their residence from Bethsaida to Capernaum, of which there is no record, and which for fishermen was unlikely, Bethsaida must have lain close to Capernaum. Capernaum shall be brought down to Hades' (Matthew 11:21-23; Luke 10: 13- 15). The names of many ancient places have been lost, and others have strayed from their original localities. The land is almost entirely cleared, and it rewards the toil of the husbandman with all its ancient generosity.W. From the point where the Jordan enters in the North to its exit in the South is about 13 miles. At this time the residential area was clustered around the church, and most of the former residential quarters were left unrepaired and unsettled. Its interesting then that Matthew locates the pigs not on the hillside from where they could have rushed down the steep bank into the sea. In a few moments the air was thick with mist, through which one could hear the roar of the tortured waters. A Christian laymans perspective on the intersection between archaeology, historical criticism, text, and faith. , Origen, John. The Old Testament names were "sea of Chinnereth" (yam-kinnereth: Numbers 34:11 Deuteronomy 3:17 Joshua 13:27; Joshua 19:35), and "sea of Chinneroth" (yam-kineroth: Joshua 12:3; compare 11:2; 1 Kings 15:20). The ruins are wide and imposing and are better preserved than any others on the East of Jordan. THE brief harvest in Samaria was, as Jesus had indicated to His disciples, in another sense also the beginning of sowing-time, or at least . , For those who subscribe to inerrancy, get over yourselves and actually read the text. Distance between North District and Capernaum (9,93 km.) In most cases they have gone, leaving not even their names with any certainty behind; but His memory abides forever. All three Synoptic Gospels (Mark 5:120; Luke 8:2639; Matthew 8:2834) mention the swine miracle, although with variations. Drains in the street reflect a high standard of living, as do the pottery and various other small finds such as coins and decorated glass vessels. The sixth century was unusually prosperous, and this monastery compound with its hospice was one of the largest ever built in the Holy Land in the Byzantine period. Further, if the Gospel of Mark embodies the recollections of Peter, it would be difficult to find a more reliable authority for topographical details connected with the sea on which his fisher life was spent. To the Galilee flocked not only pilgrims, but also monks and scholars, searching for the places that Jesus had known. , Ulrich Luz, Matthew: A Commentary, ed. According to local tradition, the ruins of this structure bore the name of Gersa or Gursa. The walls of the structure are more than 3 feet thick. Save in very settled conditions they will not venture far from the shore. There he meets a man seized with an unclean spirit (Mark) or with demons (Luke). He took them, and withdrew apart to a deserted place of a city called Bethsaida. The Valley of Kursi, or Wadi Samak, is still rich in fertile farming land. It is therefore significant that only the Fourth Gospel speaks of "Bethsaida of Galilee. Sohow did this problem arise? If you travel with an airplane (which has average speed of 560 miles per hour) between Cana to Capernaum, It takes 0.03 hours to arrive. The site became apparently known since at least the Early Muslim period as Kursya,[2] the Aramaic word for "chair", and later as Kursi, a word with the same meaning in Arabic,[3] The monks built a walled monastic complex there and made it a destination for Christian pilgrims. On the Sea of Galilee there are frequent storms. "(iv) There could hardly have been two Bethsaidas so close together.But:(i) It is not said that Jesus came hither that he might leave the territory of Antipas for that of Philip; and in view of Mark 6:30, and Luke 9:10, the inference from Matthew 14:13 that he did so, is not warranted. The distance line on map shows distance from Nazareth to Capernaum between two cities. OK. First up: they dont agree. David Noel Freedman, The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 991. Gergesenes means "those who come from pilgrimage or fight."[1]. Login & Purchase. Powered by, View over Kursi toward the Sea of Galilee, The Black Obelisks journey from Nimrud to London, A critical assessment of the scientific explanation for the Ten Plagues in The Exodus Decoded Plague 7: Hail. (ii) The Bethsaida of medieval writers was evidently on the West of the Jordan. Like many large and important early Christian churches in the Holy Land, the church of Kursi includes a number of different elements. Although the site was severely damaged, life continued as before, but with a lower living standard. Considerable portions have also passed into the hands of Jews. The name Samak, which means fish both in Aramaic (the vernacular of Jesus time) and in Arabic, reflects the fact that these fish were as important to the ancients as to people today. The distance from the Dead Sea to the Sea of Galilee is 104 miles or 167 kilometers. TIME. Distance between Haifa and Capernaum (51,83 km.) See GENNESARET, LAND OF. Zebedee was able to hire men to assist him (Mark 1:20). Well probably never find out what the real deal is, but, as usual with these things, thats only a problem if we subscribe to the patently false doctrine of inerrancy.17. It was conquered by the Moslems in the time of Omar (Guy le Strange, Palestine under the Moslems, 462). All three Synoptic Gospels mention this miracle, Matthew writes about two possessed men instead of just one, and only some manuscripts of his Gospel name the location as Gergesa, while the other copies, as well as all versions of Luke and Mark, mention either Gadara or Gerasa (see Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39, Matthew 8:28-34). Gadara was the capital of Matthews country of the Gadarenes. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. (2) Bethsaida of Galilee, where dwelt Philip, Andrew, Peter (John 1:44; John 12:21), and perhaps also James and John. Calms a storm from . The natives use it for all purposes, esteeming it light and pleasant. Many are the ruins of great and splendid cities on slope and height of which almost nothing is known today. To the North of this the waters of the sea almost touch the foot of the steep slope. The city of Decapolis whose territory stood between the country of the Gerasenes and the Sea of Galilee was Gadara, modern Um-Qais in Jordan. Finding out that biblical hail was actually ice and fire mixed together, which is actually ash blobs. Ewing. Here the mountains recede from the shore, leaving a crescent-shaped plain, largely covered with the ruins of the ancient city. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a1615141b8e2bf0 to Capernaum, to Bethsaida . There is a cliff lying beside this lake from which they point out the swine were cast down by the demons.15. From Mount Tabor to Capernaum: Step 27: From Caperaum to Nain: Step 28: From Nain to the second Galilean preaching tour: Step 29: From the second Galilean preaching tour to the country of Gerasenes: Step 30: From he country of Gerasenes to Capernaum: Step 31: From Capernaum to Jerusalem: Step 32: From Jerusalem to Nazareth: Step 33 The air cleared, and the wide welter of foam-crested waves attested the fury of the blast. Here he feeds the 5,000 (Mt 14:14; Mk 6:33; Lk 9:11; Jn 6:5) [6] The disciples return across the Sea of Galilee (Mt 14:22; Mk 6:45), Jesus walking on the water to join them (Mt 14:25; Mk 6:48; Jn 6:19). Some of the auxiliary rooms of the church and its chapels were closed off completely; others were converted to domestic or industrial use. Why would he do that? Kursi disappeared entirely until a bulldozer rediscovered it more than a thousand years later. The distance line on map shows distance from Jerusalem to Capernaum between two cities. If freedom and security be enjoyed in reasonable measure, the region will again display its long-hidden treasures of fertility and beauty.W. A few birds escaped the iconoclasts blows, however, because they lay under fallen columns or under entranceways that had been blocked, and therefore had avoided notice. The triumphal arch to the South of the city is almost entire. Eusebius of Caesarea (260313 CE10) in his Onomasticon (basically a long list of place names with explanations of their location), not content with his available options of Gerasa and Gadara Eusebius decided to add a third candidate: Eusebius, Onomasticon, 74: Gergesa There the Lord healed the demoniacs. After all its not far off 300 years after the events. Both Gerasa and Gadara were cities to the east of the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan. This has therefore always been a favorite haunt of fishermen. To one descending from Mt. The place is not mentioned till later times. If Gamala, far down the eastern shore of the sea, were in Galilee, a fortiori Bethsaida, a town which lay on the very edge of the Jordan, may be described as in Galilee.But Josephus makes it plain that Gamala, while added to his jurisdiction, was not in Galilee, but in Gaulonitis (BJ, II, xx, 6). The house of Andrew and Peter seems to have been not far from the synagogue in Capernaum . The presence of a copious spring of sweet water makes it probable that the site has been occupied from olden time; but no trace remains of any ancient city. The pretty wild ride that the Black Obelisk took from Nimrud, where it was found, to the British Museum, where its displayed to this day. John 1:44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter. The warm water from copious springs runs into a little bay of the sea in which fishes congregate in great numbers. Seen from the mountains the broad sheet appears a beautiful blue; so that, in the season of greenery, it is no exaggeration to describe it as a sapphire in a setting of emerald. All three of these New Testament variants have solid textual support. Thats a pretty early source, and hes appealing to an earlier tradition (from which they point out) but whether the entry really reflects ancient tradition is hard to know. , William Arndt et al., A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament and Other Early Christian Literature (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000), 612. A third city, Hippos, was similar in character to Gadara and Gerasa, and it may fit the biblical account even better. unique traits of plants, animals and humans. Mark 1:16 Passing along by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. Proclaims it even in the city surrendered it to Vespasian, who placed a garrison there ( BJ,,. 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