I informed the owner, unfortunately she didnt care much because damages were minimal and left back inside . Why wouldnt she have filed anything yet? That said, all parties involved in an accident are still required to stop their vehicles and exchange information. She claimed there was on side of her car however, I hit her bumper! Now, I dont know what to do next, the only information I have about the at-fault driver is his license plate and vehicle information (which his registration expired in 2018). They cant sue you for parking too close, unless there was no way for them to move their car without causing damage. I didnt even know if its an accident or not. Do you think I have a case, if I try hiring an attorney & suing her for damages & my medical bill? If the guy said he was uninjured and did not want to provide the police with any info, oh well. But, theres a chance (particularly if the Honda was speeding) that the other driver was at fault, or at least partially at fault. You should always try to get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of anyone who might have witnessed part or all of your accident, or who might have witnessed the other driver's behavior and actions before or after the crash. Instead, they work on a contingency basis. A suspension. In other words, Im so glad you fared okay after the accident. Then the plaintiffs drove away like nothing happened to their vehicle, meanwhile my daughters car pouted on over to our driveway a block away. There was no police report, now theyre sueing my step dads insurance company . Hi, Eric. (The dent on HER car) SHE SAID SHE WAS SO SORRY and that its OKAY so I just left no complaints. Filing a Lawsuit in he Said She Said Auto Accident Disputes. And report a police report for the accident? I contacted his insurance and they are giving him 15 days to respond. We both decided to go through insurance for the accident and no one was injured. One of the workers there informed me that the at-fault driver would have bought the pieces and brought it to them to have my car fixed, but they had not heard from him. Well half a year goes by and we get served papers saying the man is suing us and his car was totaled!!!!! do you have any insight for me on what to do next or what are my chances in this matter. To recover damages, hell have to prove that he was actually injured and that the injuries were caused by the car accident. Please comment with some advice or just your personal opinion. If the other car didnt sustain any damage, the owner may not file a claim. Was the person's testimony at trial consistent or inconsistent with that person's past statements, especially statements to the police about how the accident happened? She statea her head hurt alittle, but the car was fine. Even for accidents involving only vehicle damage, some states still require drivers to report the accident if the damage is over a certain amount, typically $1,000 or $2,500. If so, she likely signed a release preventing her from suing you. Will I still be in trouble? I would recommend using our free online directory to contact an attorney in your area. The vehicle I hit was a company vehicle, so there was no owner present. TELL US ABOUT YOUR ACCIDENT. I had not heard from the auto body shop, or the at-fault driver for a few days, and so I gave them a call to see what was going on. Only after he helped load Lady Di into an . In this . The driver of the at-fault vehicle brought me to a shop where we explained the accident to the mechanic and the at-fault driver said he would cover the cost. As I was traveling through a intersection the semi turned his signal on and cut in front of me amd proceeded to press his brakes. She really wants it fixed since her car is white and the paint marks are blue. If I pay the deductible will her insurance company still come after me for more money? His brothers were drinking hard alcohol all day and right before it was over, about a handful of people were yelling, fighting and someone called the police because it was so late. Now I am being told by my insurance company that the driver is planning to file a lawsuit against me to recover all damages that they insurance company will not pay. A plaintiff can absolutely come back days or even months later and decide to sue you, even without a police report she just has to be within the statute of limitations. We didnt exchange information but she did take a picture of my license plate. Looking back, I realize that I was very ignorant in accepting this offer, and I should have called the police right away. They told me police came but nobody was there there were no report .I asked what should I do then cause I dont want no trouble the lady said nothing there were no report. The Honda had liability coverage only. How bad will this affect my driving record? He did not come in contact with me, however in a blink of an eye I couldve been history. We are here 24/7 to address your injury case. I tried fixing it but I just ended up getting closer to the car. NOW GET THIS, the police had him to bring his truck in for inspection. I founc out my insurance wae lapsed because my mother didnt pay. The insurance lady belived my husband and who knows what she is gonna do about this now but they have already given this man money for a car that we did not even damage in this manner and now if he gets always with this we will end up paying for what ever bodily damages he has after our insurance pays out what they pay. An attorney can discuss your options and, should you choose to file a lawsuit, can help gather evidence to support your claim (security footage, witness testimony, etc.). Any advice? No place immediately pullover so it took me about a mile the police showed up, then came back to me. She got my name/number. The tow driver told us no way he ever applied his breaks. It might be a real document, but not meant for you. Also, her license plate was expired by two months which is why I think she didnt file. Get started with a. They are willing to pay the actual personal damages (like medical expenses) but not general damages (like pain and suffering) because the driver did not have any insurance, which according to the law in California they are not obligated to pay since the driver was uninsured. As far as your dads car is concerned thats between you and your dad. One man said Carfax and Autocheck.com both reported his car was damaged, costing him thousands of dollars in value. The cop didnt even have me do a sobriety test, didnt read me my rights and showed no concern for my well being. Use our free online directory to find an attorney. So they don't complete an accident report. Now Im wondering whats going to happen. It sounds like your lawyer has the matter under control. So about an hour later this man and hiswife were ringing my doorbell off. Her BF came eventually and my fianc is worried about him bc he kept making comments. His hitch did more damage to my jeep, I bent his back bumper barley. Bs.. Sorry this happened to you. Hi, Haley. However, you must also make a police report. Why would she need my insurance card for an auto body shop? Police I spoke with told me that as I called them about this, it would not be hit and run. Now weeks later she texts saying she is I pain and did not want this reported to the mvr thats why she told police not needed. He called back 5 days later and said Theyre not accepting liability because he had the right of way, and due to me pulling out in front of him i was at fault. He says its his moms car and he does not want to call the cops and does not have his drivers license on him. The "He Said, She Said" Dilemma. Everything looked normal. Im in California. In most states, there are serious penalties for driving without a license and without insurance. However, it CAN be used against you if you appeared in front of a judge with respect to the ticket. No police were called, damage wasnt too bad and no injuries. Because while I was backing up from a parked spot, I saw the car coming but she was at a very good distance for me to be able to pull out taking my time AND FOR HER TO SEE ME PULLING OUT! he didnt have any broken bones, but wow, can the hospital really just treat you like that? Good question, thank you for asking. Hes lying. They told me they wouldnt file a report unless the woman called. And also if the hood did fly off and hit his windshield, how is it that my sons vision was impaired, he kept driving, and he slammed on the breaks all at the same time? After the crash I and my friend waited for the owner of the car for an hour but he/she did not show up and sincerely we were scared and confused as to what to do we decided to leave the scene. He gave the homeless person a ride away because his car literally ad a small cosmetic dent. I gave him a copy of mine and left. If the matter is urgent, get directly in touch with an attorney in your area, most offer free consultations. . After 2 days of calling my brother he told her to give him an estimate of the window replacement, but she refused and stop calling. Does a police report count on a he said she said accident? There was definitely no cracks or dents, etc. I told him Id contact AAA because I have full insurance. Obviously, you cant exchange information if the other driver does not want your information. I was hit by a semi truck while riding my bicycle because the driver ran a red light .they did not make a police report and i was healing from my head wound that i got . If you've submitted a car . Thanks for sharing, Becca. I was involved in an accident. When his brother left he hit my nieces car but never said anything to anyone about it. Please advise if I can get some assistance with the pain and stress of possibly message up my knee replacements. It was in a residential area and the cop didnt have any lights on. They think it aint gonna matter anyway. Some car accident injuries might not be noticeable immediately but the injured person could experience symptoms days or even weeks later. Physical car accident evidence includes the vehicles involved in the accident and the accident scene itself, typically documented in photographs. During the call, the insurance company will ask you to describe the accident. However, a police report isnt necessary for a lawsuit. Hello. Then it becomes he said-she said situation. While its unlikely youd be arrested for this, he may decide to try to file a lawsuit. Also, its possible that his injuries are unrelated to his carrying boxes (a head or neck injury, for instance). Hiring a lawyer can be a worthwhile investment when: A lawyer can help you get the best possible outcome in your case when there is a factual dispute about what happened. A judge and/or jury may be sympathetic to your case, but you should hire an attorney to represent you rather than trying to handle it on your own. Which is the only shift this officer works! The driver and I exchanged numbers she said she was fine just a little schoked I did say I can fix the damage to her car which was minor. What do I do? Yes, the individual can certainly sue you if you ignore them. It sounds like you did exactly the right thing by leaving a note with your contact information. I then verified that he was insured and called his insurance and made a statement, attempting to go through his insurance for property damage but they deemed me at fault. it seems like our insurance doesnt want to move forward without it. In the meantime, be sure to keep copies of all your medical records and photographs. Alyssa Milano was involved in a car accident on Tuesday, when her uncle suffered what authorities have said is a possible heart attack while driving on . If we can determine that the at fault party is not telling the truth then a lawsuit will be warranted. The attorney listings on this site are paid attorney advertising. It sounds like the other driver failed to do so, in which case she acted improperly. Before we both took off he told me hes going out of town for a couple days. The rules for reporting vary from state to state. Whether an accident happens in a parking lot, an intersection, or on a highway, many people get in car collisions every day. The driver of the other car according to my insurance company did not have insurance at the time of accident. While there are situations where its clear that you need to call 911, accidents where everyone seems fine may be a bit more confusing. I would recommend reaching out to an attorney in your area (or even your insurance company). I had not heard back from the mechanic and so I decided to call them. When his one brother left it was late and everyone that was still there were inside. If you are served with a lawsuit, youll want to find a lawyer who can find out if there is evidence you dont know about and if its within the statute of limitations. No police, she asked for money I offered $100.00 and she took it then I left. If you lose your case, you don't have to pay your lawyer a fee, though you may be on the hook for some costs, like court filing fees. Writing down names and contact information for these witnesses may make the difference between winning and losing he said, she said car accident litigation. Jurors tend to believe the testimony of neutral car accident witnesses, as long as they are credible. So, when the physical evidence favors the plaintiff, the defense attorney will likely advise the defendant to make a generous settlement offer. We also found out that HIS insurance company also denied his claim with them directly because he only had liability insurance. Here, you can find a state-by-state list of reporting requirements. At Berger and Green, our car accident lawyers can order a copy of your police report, determine liability, and explore your options for compensation with you. The thing is my brother was with me he had applied for a job at that place that was the reason we were there. Keep in mind that proving the other driver was at fault (particularly that he was intoxicated) may be challenging if the police report didnt indicate any problems. She went and filed a police report, so it was documented since she wasnt parked close enough to the cameras, the cops said its going to be tough since its a hospital parking lot and so many people arent even from around here that come and go so the chances of finding the person that hit her is pretty much slim to none. The $1,000 will simply be deducted from the total amount of damage. Dont worry, the lack of a police report doesnt hinder you from seeking damages. I hit a Ford with my Jeep Cherokee at probably 2mph after he slammed on the brakes. Where do we go from here? So the registration was expired and far as insurance goes I have a non owners policy which covers me driving the motorcycle but the police dont want to take my report or give me any information about the other patty since I dont have a current registration with the current owners name and its been in the impound over 30 days so its gone what can I do to get the other parties information I suffered broken ribs and foot. Its always a good idea to call the police after an accident to avoid situations like this. She may not choose to appear in court, granting me the settlement without contest. Thanks! I gave him my bosses insurance and he took off without giving me his. Be sure to keep copies of all the repair documents so you can show them to the insurance company. What do I do now? If youre concerned that the vehicle owner is going to sue you for damages, your best bet is to contact a lawyer who can advise you based on the specific facts of the incident. $30,000 for injuries to two (2) or more persons in one (1) accident. Would it protect me if I filed a report so that I could prove I didnt leave the scene or any future claims? You may be able to work out some sort of payment plan with the judge. I was close, but Im very certain I didnt hit them. Hello, Niyah. Didnt know if he stop before hitter or were hitter, the cyclist just rode away and I stopped at the parking lot next to where it happened for few minutes to see if he would be back. Learn more about how an attorney can help with your car accident claim. We feel that he was in the wrong riding on a county road with his minor child driving a motorcycle and the father had no helmet on,driving his. It sounds like you did everything you could under the circumstances. Pm. It sounds as though theres a lot of good evidence between the several witnesses and camera footage. Hello Felicia. Then he took off. However, individuals who feel threatened or cannot move their vehicle may still call 911 for assistance. She keeps asking for me to pay her. Thank you for taking the time to review my incident and is there anything I can now legally? Your insurance should cover most of the damage. She gave her insurance information. There was no police report and I did give the other driver my information as it was a minor merging incident. However, if you were at fault (or partially at fault) for the accident, then the taxi passenger would certainly be within his rights to make a claim against your insurance for any injuries he may have suffered. Determining who's right in a passenger-commercial vehicle accident. I was recently involved in a merging accident that was my fault. I got out and took pictures and the guy jump in his car and moved his vehicle where he was to where it looks like he was on the correct side of the rode. Most likely, the insurance company (or the driver) will simply contact you via telephone. (There is no evidence of it) If the offending driver hasnt fled the scene, a report sometimes isnt necessary (if a driver has been injured, however, a report is required). Call the cops and I will give it to them so he did . If a vehicle cannot move on its own and must be towed away from the scene. This article provides additional guidance: https://www.enjuris.com/blog/questions/hit-parked-car/. There was a camera but I cant find access to it anywhere on line. You dont want to fall prey to any sort of scam. She agreed to not call the police if I paid for the dent on her door. My car got hit from behind in the parking lot last month. the officer may even be upset that he or she has to do the paperwork associated . If i have to go to small claims court will i have enough to establish liabilty? What should I do ? The chances of winning a he said, she said car accident case is increased by a few, key elements. Since one second i was clear to turn and the next they were just there. They even are getting people that where not involved in the accident by goin to their job. My biggest issue is this: My insurance went up claiming I was at fault! The statute of limitations determines how long he can wait to file a lawsuit (usually 2 or 3 years depending on the state). Most states have laws about when a police or Department of Motor Vehicles report is required. Im sorry this happened to you. He says I ran the red light. Unfortunately, in such situations its highly important to talk to a personal injury lawyer. Shutterstock. His truck seemed fine, maybe a dent in the back of course but he drove the thing away with no problem. If you are being blamed for a car accident, your lawyer can inform you of your rights and legal options. Is it because she was able to sue my insurance claiming she was injured? He explained he maybe jumbled some numbers, (completely understandable), but that I needed to call the primary officer when he when on duty at 6 pm. And the officer was off , no report. In most rear-end cases, the person who strikes the car in front of them is found at fault. I paid him for 2 months straight then I stopped. I called him back, he stated that he didnt have pictures of his vehicle, only took of mine, and that he computed the amount at $1800, considering damages, now all of a sudden a doctors visit, the amount for repairs and lastly lost time from work. Please advise me what happened at the end because my daughter is havi g the same isue Unfortunately, car accident reports may provide some clarity on what happened. Most states require both drivers to stop, exchange information, and render reasonable aid. If you find out the address isnt valid, you can still sue. While this letter isnt definitive proof of what happened, it will be taken seriously by the court (should there be a future lawsuit), as it was drafted soon after the accident. Its not my fault I was parking wait for my son come in he come in OK then I looked back and front k I turn mean to go but sudden I saw her coming so I stopped and she fast coming and sametime stopped both of us she hit my truck left side its not bad just scratch so she not report the police me eighther not report police so yea I took picture in case she too took pictures so then after that since a month the police stopped by and givee a ticket I shock why its was happen not now one a month ago Is that law correct to give me a ticket? We did not exchange info or file a police report. An accident had occurred that shut down the road miles ahead of him. In most states, the statute of limitations for a personal injury/negligence claim is 3 years, so if thats true in your state, hes still within the time frame to file a lawsuit. In response to todays message which contained threats of being sued because they have received no money for the minor damage, he told them to make a claim to insurance or proceed with making a small claim in court if they wanted to be reimbursed for damages, because he would not be giving them cash without any proper documentation- is this a smart way to proceed with this issue? They said they wanted money. It sounds like you were likely at fault for the accident. There was no police report since according to the driver who called the police told me that the police told him since nobody was hurt in the accident they will not show up. Very small and no chipped/scratched paintthey looked like factory sensors or something. 2. We will return to the scene of the accident and see if there's any evidence we can find . The police were called and no report was completed due to the damages being less than $500. Be prepared that they might not many policies have strict time limits for when you need to report a claim and if its past that time, they might not cover it. I didnt make a police report because my daughter wasnt crying or anything. Unless your husband was driving a Hummer H1 there is no way he could wreck another car that badly without totaling his own car. In some states, it is even required. She said the driver that hit her was impaired and uninsured but when I called to get the report with the number she gave me the number was false and theres no record of my car being in an accident. Tje driver offered to pay oit of pocket, but I got his phone number and insurance info. At this point, my suggestion would be to hang tight and see if they contact you or make a claim with your insurance company. Your insurance company should also be able to investigate the accident. I commit to nothing and tell the officer I will get back with him. How can I be sure that he didnt damage the car even more? They didnt want to call the police I asked several times. Police auto accident reports record essential information about an accident. Even though they originally said with my payment that I was good to go I am now left with this problem. About 8 seconds later a car smashed into the back of me. A lot of the aspects to this accident should have a paper trail that could either support or disprove whats written in the police report. apparently all they got was a tag number. I will very soon. Let us know! 3 creditable witnesse. No injuries, no report required. Hes worried sick about it. Unfortunately, I did not. A hit and run could be a criminal offense, and how its handled depends on what state youre in. The officer expressed that shes an older white woman that was scared and that was why she refused to stop. 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