[Note: Cf. Accordingly we have a remarkable line of blessing pursued for our instruction here. He exhorts them not to cast away their confidence, that is, their holy courage and boldness, but to hold fast that profession for which they had suffered so much before, and borne those sufferings so well. I have no access to God. It may be observed, too, that the Holy Ghost appears but little in this epistle. But this man [Jesus Christ], after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God ( Hebrews 10:12 ); It's complete. 37 "For in just a little while, the Coming One will come and not delay. I am accepted in Jesus Christ. And if you are one with Christ then you are making Christ a partaker and bringing Him as one with a harlot." Many are the troubles of the righteous. But meanwhile we have not yet entered on the rest of God. (iii) He stresses the final triumph of Jesus. How much worse will be the punishment of those who have experienced the grace of God through Christ, yet deliberately reject and disown it (28-31).The writer encourages his readers not to forsake Christ, by reminding them of what they have suffered for his sake. All through this, one thing comes out. All jokes aside, Hebrews 10:26 is an oft-abused scripture. He may try to be what Moffatt called "a pious particle," a Christian in isolation. Never was there a time when men used terms with a more equivocal design than at the present moment. We are not told the details of what preceded the great week when God made the man and the woman. To what then are we come? For then would they not have ceased to be offered? For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take away sins ( Hebrews 10:4 ). So that, let the Jews say what they might, there was only found what answered to their own scriptures, and what proved the incontestable superiority of the great Priest whom Melchisedec shadowed out, and of whom it was now for the Christian justly to boast. But what at Zion? Hebrews 5:11-14)." As, 1. The Christian stands between the cross and the glory of the Lord Jesus. But it is not possible to repeat the Fifth or the Ninth Symphony of Beethoven; no one else will ever write anything like them. There was no end to this process and it left men still conscious of their sin and alienated from God. The cynical voices may try to take our faith away; the materialist and his arguments may try to make us forget God; the events of life may conspire to shake our faith. He has set His mind upon making us, patterns of His holiness. But let not the Gentile boast, no less unbelieving no less arrogant, against true Christianity. V. Having mentioned these means of establishment, the apostle proceeds, in the close of the chapter, to enforce his exhortations to perseverance, and against apostasy, by many very weighty considerations, Hebrews 10:26; Hebrews 10:27, c. 1. "There was a tabernacle made; the first, wherein was the candlestick, and the table, and the showbread; which is called holy. Behold, to, obey is better than sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of, "Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving; and pay your vows to, "For thou bast no delight in sacrifice; were I to give a burnt, offering, thou wouldst not be pleased. 2. That was their danger.Don't underestimate how deeply rooted traditions are, especially among the Jewish people, and even to the present day. This is the greatest truth of Christian faith. [Note: Morris, pp. A priest, as such, could no more draw near into the presence of God in the holiest than any of the common people. If he thinks that the Church has faults, it is his duty to come in and help to mend them. Now is it an axiom, that a covenant-maker must die to give it force? There was a day approaching, a terrible day to the Jewish nation, when their city should be destroyed, and the body of the people rejected of God for rejecting Christ. "Who needeth not daily," therefore says He, "as those high priests, to offer up sacrifice, first for his own sins, and then for the people's." 32 But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions; 33 Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used. 3:4; Heb. But now God sends His final summons, founded on their own ritual, to His people who were hankering after the dead, instead of seeing the Living One on He as it were repeats, "Let the dead bury the dead." As the crier stepped forth, he said, "Hear ye, hear ye, the decision of the supreme council." But He that shall come will come and will not tarry. Man was tried by all sorts of tests from time to time God knew perfectly well, and even declared here and there, the end from the beginning; but He would make it manifest to every conscience, that all He got from man in these His varied dealings was sin. that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise: The doing and the receiving Paul speaks of here are in the future, and both require the Christians patience and steadfastness in obedience to the will of God. (2.) Christianity is stamped by this, that, in virtue of the blood of Christ, once for all for every believer the way is made manifest into the holiest of all. Hebrews 10:3,4,11-18 So here the Psalms acquire a meaning self-evidently true, the moment Christ is brought in, who is the truth, and nothing less. He could know nothing of the mystery of the church, Christ's body, nor of her bridal hopes; but he did look for what is called here the "heavenly Jerusalem," that city "whose maker and builder is God." Apply it to Christ's death as the testator, and nothing can be plainer or more forcible. And the story ended, which door?But as you see the story, you realize that we are the guilty princess, and that we rebelled against the Lord, who loved us so much that He came to prove His love by dying in our place. But God took care to summon His children outside to abandon the whole system before it was destroyed. You need fortitude so that, after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. All the people of the kingdom gathered in the great arena to hear the verdict against the princess. Those who have had and exercised much patience already must have and exercise more till they die. The writer concluded his warning by reminding his readers of their former faithfulness when tempted to encourage them to endure their present and future tests (cf. He said, "No, I have come to prove to you how much I've always loved you. What they say is that God wants not animal sacrifices but obedience to his will. The fact was plain that the priest was always doing and doing, his work being never done; whereas now there is manifested, in the glorious facts of Christianity, a Priest sat down at God's right hand, a Priest that has taken His place there expressly because our sins are blotted out by His sacrifice If there was any place for the priest, one might have supposed, to be active in his functions, it would be in the presence of God, unless the sins were completely gone. That is precisely one of the noblest thoughts of the Old Testament men of God. From this point on in the epistle the writer made application from the great truths concerning Jesus Christ that he had now finished explaining. He is all the way through, interwoven in all of the types, in all of the shadows, in all of the books. We must be God's waiting servants when we can be no longer his working servants. 271.] God honoured the son for the father's sake. A man can stand almost any attack on his body; the thing that beats him is a broken heart. Accordingly the epistle to the Hebrews, while it does put the believer in association with Christ, does not, for all this, dissociate him from whatever is good in the saints of God in every age. He is my sin offering. A Church in such circumstances could not afford to carry members who were a bad advertisement for the Christian faith. And here we are favoured with a magnificent picture of Christianity in contrast with Judaism. It is so deeply a part of their tradition that they guard it fiercely. The letter of Hebrews was written to answer just that question. Thus it will be observed, at the end of all the moral and experimental dealings with the first man (manifested in Israel), we come to a deeply momentous point, as in God's ways, so in the apostle's reasoning. They had never known so great and frequent and constant trial. The Greek word parresia, which appears in Hebrews 10:19 ("confidence") and in Hebrews 10:35 ("confidence"), frames the section and forms an inclusio tying the thought together. This blood, being sprinkled on the conscience, chases away slavish fear, and gives the believer assurance both of his safety and his welcome into the divine presence. But instead of leaping upon the princess, it met the unsheathed sword of the prince. . They were afflicted in their estates, by the spoiling of their goods, by fines and forfeitures. The fulfilment of the Melchisedec Order is found in Christ, and in Him alone. This We Know to Be the Carnal Israel: Circumcision and the Erotic Life of God and Israel (Critical Inquiry 18). He argues that the word "new" puts the other out of date, and this to make room for a better. It is possible to repeat the popular tunes of the day ad infinitum; to a great extent one echoes another. They must draw near in humble adorations, worshipping at his footstool. But in those sacrifices there was a reminder again made for sins every year ( Hebrews 10:3 ). The wise men of the present day are fast giving up the truth of creation. And I know many, many Jews that would become Christians, but they are afraid they would no longer be a Jew. Where you've already had the remission once and for all, perfected in Christ, there is no need for any further offering for sin. I say not absolutely all its great truths. If it be not the truth, it would be the height of presumption indeed. The early Church lived in that expectation. So the reason why God is waiting and delaying the coming of Jesus Christ is to give opportunity for others to come on into the kingdom. It is an enduring substance, it will out-live time and run parallel with eternity; they can never spend it; their enemies can never take it from them, as they did their earthly goods. From this practical lessons of great value are drawn. The manner in which scripture introduces him is such as to furnish a very striking type of Christ. (6) We are not of them that draw back to perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. He presses them to persevere, from that recompense of reward that waited for all faithful Christians (Hebrews 10:35; Hebrews 10:35): Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. Along with it there was offered a meat-offering, which consisted of one tenth of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a quarter of a hin of pure oil. . He is showing us the efficacy of Christ's death. "For a testament is of force after men are dead (or, in case of dead men, ): since it is never of force when the testator liveth. It was only owing to the blindness of Israel. (4) Patience should be exercised in order to win the crown of life. They could not understand how it was they should come into greater trouble than before. This He has done, and done with. And what is the effect of it? For in a short time, a very short time, "He who is to come will come and he will not delay. He may shrink from contact with people who are "not like himself." It is quite legitimate to employ it in an fortiori way, as the apostle does in Ephesians 6:1-24. "Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body hast thou prepared me: in burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin thou hast had no pleasure. These characteristics he proves to be really found in Christ Himself. The hill of Zion up to this time had been the constant menace of the enemy against the people of the Lord; but in due time, when David reigned, it was wrested out of the hands of the Jebusites, and became the stronghold of Jerusalem, the city of the king. Observe, [1.] If you wanted to use this verse to scare people, there are a couple of angles you could take: 1. He does not require to add more to the person and facts of Christ than the Old Testament furnishes, to prove the certainty of Christianity and all its characteristic truths with which he occupies himself in this epistle. Earlier verses completed a long, detailed explanation of why the new covenant is superior to the old covenant. They were dead. David has been happy to be part of the Blue Letter Bible . The reason appears to be, because he is going to tell us of the Old Testament saints. For men to enter into that presence the veil would have to be torn apart. It is not implied that they may not sin, or that they have no consciousness of their failure, either past or present. Now, this judgment and fiery indignation is going to take place, much of it, during the Great Tribulation. We have the church, but even when the expression "church" occurs, it is the church altogether vaguely, as inHebrews 2:12; Hebrews 2:12, or viewed in the units that compose it not at all in its unity. The last chapter (Hebrews 13:1-25) follows this up with some practical exhortations as to brotherly love continuing; then as to kindness to strangers, or hospitality; finally, as to pity for those in bonds. "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp." Now it is evident that in the Old Testament the distinction was not made between flesh and spirit in the way in which we have it brought out in the general doctrine of Christianity. If we live by faith, and die in faith, our souls will be safe for ever. God was going openly to set aside the Jewish system, as it had already been judged morally in the cross of Christ. The third point is how to walk with God, and this again is by faith. This, he says, must be from a father who loves his true and faulty children: others enjoy no such care. It is by this way of "the will" that we have been purified through the once and for all offering of the body of Christ. For the worshipers, once purified, would have had no more consciousness of sins. For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Vindictive justice is a glorious, though terrible attribute of God; it belongs to him, and he will use and execute it upon the heads of such sinners as despise his grace; he will avenge himself, and his Son, and Spirit, and covenant, upon apostates. The grace or principle of patience comes from God; the use and exercise of that grace is of yourselves. In Jesus there is at one and the same time the perfect revelation of God and the perfect offering of obedience. And again, The Lord shall judge his people. The tapestry must be looked on as a whole before the full greatness is disclosed. The atonement was at least as real as our sin; and God Himself dealt with Christ as laying sin upon Him, and treating Him, the Great Substitute, as sin before Himself, that at one blow it might be all put away from before His face. And why? In the time we have it is our duty to do all the good we can to all the people we can in all the ways we can. Click to Sign Up Now! Hebrews 10:36 "For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise." King James Version (KJV) < Previous Verse Next Verse > View Chapter Hebrews 10:36 Context For the law, having a shadow of the good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with these same sacrifices, which they offer continually year by year, make those who approach perfect. These two things, the cross on earth and glory on high, are correlative. They have trodden under foot the Son of God. He will have nothing more to do with sin. I may, of course, see what is before my eyes, and. We are still walking here below; we are in the place therefore where infirmity is felt, where Satan tempts, where we may fail through unwatchfulness. "And unto the city of the living God, (not of dying David,) the heavenly Jerusalem" (not the earthly capital of Palestine). Baptizing by the disciples - This was done apparently under the direction of Christ ( John 3:26; 4:2 ). By a testament, to be sure, as every one knows. To help their patience, he assures them of the near approach of Christ's coming to deliver and to reward them (Hebrews 10:37; Hebrews 10:37): For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Sin separates man from God. God furnishes the grace; you must exercise it. Not of course that one denies that He has His own proper place, for all is perfect as to each person of the Trinity and all else, but never to this end. You took no pleasure in whole burnt-offerings and in sin-offerings. To trample upon an ordinary person shows intolerable insolence; to treat a person of honour in that vile manner is insufferable; but to deal thus with the Son of God, who himself is God, must be the highest provocation--to trample upon his person, denying him to be the Messiah--to trample upon his authority, and undermine his kingdom--to trample upon his members as the offscouring of all things, and not fit to live in the world; what punishment can be too great for such men? But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions ( Hebrews 10:32 ); Remember what you went through in the beginning of your faith. They must draw near to God. (ii) We need fortitude. What was this "better thing"? But then there are impediments as well as sin, by which the enemy would keep us from the race set before us; whilst God carries on His discipline in our favour. Thither they are to be brought, and there are means for the road to keep us moving onward. Sin is not disobedience to an impersonal law; it is the wrecking of a personal relationship and the wounding of the heart of the God whose name is Father. If one member of the body suffers, all the rest suffer with it. the sense of the word which had been used before), what would be the aim of the "also?" This is the meaning of the phrase, not that He will sit there throughout all eternity. (c) He may not go because of conceit. And that is the hall of fame that I want to appear in. The cleansing of our heart occurs when we receive our pardon and we are deemed pure by God. There remains no other sacrifice for your sins. Then comes forth the wondrous counsel that was settled before either the sin of man, or the promises to the fathers, or the law which subsequently put man to the test. How dreadful is the case when not only the justice of God, but his abused grace and mercy call for vengeance! . It is still possible for a man to think that he is a Christian and yet abandon the habit of worshipping with God's people in God's house on God's day. "Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holies by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; and having an high priest over the house of God; let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. It should be translated covered. The text explains wherein consists the perpetual efficacy of Christ's sacrifice, and the reason why it needs no repetition while the world lasts. Were it a question of the mystery of Christ the Head, and of the church His body, this would not be proved from the Old Testament, which does not reveal it at all. 1. Faith, again, is the only principle of walk with God; as it is, again, the only means of realizing the judgment of God coming on all around us. Unlike others in Genesis, neither parents are recorded, nor is there any hint of descent from him. Hebrews 10:36, NASB: For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. Every one can understand, when once we find that the word means almost always covenant," how great the temptation is to translate it so in but two other occurrences, especially as before and after it means "covenant" in the same passage. It was for all men, not only for the respectable classes, that Christ died. His answer is that condemnation must necessarily follow, "and so much the more because thou hast read this book." Its purpose is not . You, as a Christian, ought to have the calm settled consciousness that God, looking on you, discerns not one spot or stain, but only the blood of Jesus Christ His Son that cleanses from all sin. But whether the one or the other, all was by faith. "For how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation?" In contrast, Jesus had made a sacrifice that neither could nor need be repeated. "The juxtaposition of Hebrews 10:26-35 suggests that it may have been the experience of suffering, abuse, and loss in the world that motivated the desertion of the community acknowledged in Hebrews 10:25 and a general tendency to avoid contact with outsiders observed elsewhere in Hebrews (see . He satisfies us with the perfectness with which Christ has washed us from our sins in His blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father. In addition there was an offering of incense before these offerings in the morning and after them in the evening. 1:7 you became companions of those who were so treated; 34 for you had compassion on me # 2 Tim. Observe, [1.] When they had suffered: In former days, after they were illuminated; that is, as soon as God had breathed life into their souls, and caused divine light to spring up in their minds, and taken them into his favour and covenant; then earth and hell combined all their force against them. On the other hand it is notoriously true, that in no case can a testament come into execution without the testator's death a figure that every man at once discerns. They had been mightily supported under their former sufferings; they took their sufferings patiently, and not only so, but joyfully received it from God as a favour and honour conferred upon them that they should be thought worthy to suffer reproach for the name of Christ. For the law maketh men priests which have infirmity; but the word of the oath which was since the law, a Son perfected (or consecrated) for ever." . "And without all contradiction the less is blessed of the better." All this is a gradual undermining the wall until the whole structure is overthrown. These are not Christians falling from grace into damnation; rather, these are believers failing to obey and suffering the consequences. These, when convicted by two or three witnesses, were put to death; they died without mercy, a temporal death. ", Then he commends the saints to God. Accordingly, this is an appeal to the hearts. What infinite thoughts are those that God's word gives; as glorifying for Himself as elevating for our souls! Consider each other to provoke each other to love, to good works, and then not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, in order that we might receive exhortation. We cannot receive the grace of Christ unless we have an unhesitating conviction. Nothing produces a shudder like sacrilege. Jesus sits down in perpetuity. The one is what may be called the objective glory; the other is the subjective condition of those that compose the bride, the Lamb's wife. These two last verses bear witness to the grace of God in redemption. This, managed with a true gospel spirit, would be the best and most cordial friendship. With all this Christianity is contrasted. Every year when the priest would go in, you'd be reminded again of your guilt and of your sin. But how? "Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp, bearing his reproach.". He necessarily completes all as the pattern for the Christian. Because the worshippers once purged should have had no more conscience of sins ( Hebrews 10:2 ). I. Without faith it is impossible to please God; and the stronger our faith is the more glory we give to God. Ed. divers: Hebrews 11:36-Zechariah :, 1 Peter 1:6-Ruth :, 2 Peter 2:9, Revelation 2:10 Reciprocal: Judges 14:14 - Out of the eater 1 Kings 17:17 - the son of the woman Job 23:10 - he hath Proverbs 18:14 - spirit Proverbs 27:17 - so Proverbs 29:6 - but Ecclesiastes 7:3 - by Daniel 11:35 - to try Habakkuk 3:18 - I will rejoice Matthew 5:12 - Rejoice . [4.] Hebrews 2:1-4 and Hebrews 10:28-31; and Hebrews 6:4-8 and Hebrews 10:26-31) and repeats characteristic expressions (cf. What is the inference from that? "What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices? For you had compassion of me and in my bonds, and you took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that you have in heaven a better and an enduring substance ( Hebrews 10:34 ). That is still true. At that very moment therefore the tide begins to turn. In the beginning ofHebrews 11:1-40; Hebrews 11:1-40 we are told what faith is. The fact is, that love of uniformity may mislead some, as love of variety misled our English translators too often. Therefore his sacrifice cannot and need not ever be made again. It is "the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." It is that which infinitely exceeds the deliverance out of Egypt, or any ceremonial atonement ever wrought by a high priest for Israel. The answer is, by sacrifice. Christianity does not demand the impossible; but if we were always as honest, as kind, as courageous, as courteous as we can be, life would be transformed. The value of the studying of Leviticus and the studying of the law, to the Christian, is that it foreshadows the work of Jesus Christ, the offering of Jesus Christ, and the high priestly nature of Jesus Christ. The first way to the tree of life is, and has been, long shut up. Wednesday, March 1st, 2023 The sacrifice of Jesus was made once and is effective for ever; the animal sacrifices of the priests must be made over and over again, and even then they are not effective in any real way. Our bodies washed with pure water, that is, with the water of baptism (by which we are recorded among the disciples of Christ, members of his mystical body), or with the sanctifying virtue of the Holy Spirit, reforming and regulating our outward conversation as well as our inward frame, cleansing from the filthiness of the flesh as well as of the spirit. After them in the evening of Jesus his working servants for how shall we escape if we neglect so and... 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Martin Schroeter Family, Articles H