Longfellows long poem The Courtship of Miles Standish (1858) was another great popular success. [9] His mother encouraged his enthusiasm for reading and learning, introducing him to Robinson Crusoe and Don Quixote. Fanny is also credited with directly inspiring two poems that emerged from their wedding trip The Arsenal at Springfield, the peace poem she requested, and The Old Clock on the Stairs; both poems appeared in The Belfry of Bruges and Other Poems (1845; copyright 1846). After a brief period of boarding on Professors Row in Cambridge, Longfellow found lodging in the Craigie mansion on Brattle Street, occupying the room that had once been George Washingtons headquarters. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was one of the most widely known and best-loved American poets of the 19th century. PAPERS: The chief repository of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's papers and manuscripts is the Houghton Library, Harvard University. He prepared himself further with study abroad (at his own . Longfellow attended private schools and the Portland Academy. As was the custom for the time, the two brothers focused most of their studies on languages and literature. Queen Victoria received Longfellow at Windsor Castle; the Prince of Wales invited him as a guest; and he visited with William Gladstone, John Russell, Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. [67], On June 14, 1853, Longfellow held a farewell dinner party at his Cambridge home for his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne, who was preparing to move overseas. [93] Typically, he would carefully consider the subject of his poetic ideas for a long time before deciding on the right metrical form for it. What type of household did Longfellow grow up in? Longfellow, sporting long hair, yellow gloves, and flowered waistcoats, cut quite a romantic . [95] As he says, "what a writer asks of his reader is not so much to like as to listen". The mansion was the poet's home until he entered Bowdoin College in 1821. The next year Aftermath was published, with its moving title poem and the final collection of Tales of a Wayside Inn. The Masque of Pandora and Other Poems (1875) included Morituri Salutamus (We who Are about to Die Salute You, 1874), one of his few occasional poems. He was an excellent student whose skill in languages led the trustees at Bowdoin (of which his father was one) to offer the young graduate a professorship of modern languages. Aside from two Phi Beta Kappa poemsthe first at Bowdoin in 1832 and the other the next year at Harvardthe poetry he was composing consisted chiefly of translations from Romance languages that he used in his classes and articles. But parody did nothing to undermine the success of the book; even more marketable than Evangeline, Hiawatha sold 50,000 copies by 1860 and earned 7,000 dollars in royalties in its first decade. [148], "Henry Wadsworth" redirects here. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's "The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere" and Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" exemplify this form. He was too restless to take a carriage and walked 90 minutes to meet her at her house. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on this day in 1807, in Portland, Maine. Read The Great Christmas Stories and Poems by Lagerlf Selma,Charles Dickens,Mark Twain,Harriet Beecher Stowe,Henry Wadsworth Longfellow,George MacDonald,William Wordsworth,Louisa May Alcott,Walter Scott,Anthony Trollope,William Dean Howells,Beatrix Potter,Emily Dickinson,O. [105], He was important as a translator; his translation of Dante became a required possession for those who wanted to be a part of high culture. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow [1] Born: February 27, 1807Portland, Maine [2]Died: March 24, 1882Cambridge, . Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (February 27, 1807 March 24, 1882) was an American poet and educator. In that university town he met William Cullen Bryant, who had been a major influence on his early poetry and an inspiring model of American authorship. This period was also one of experimentation in dramatic writing, although publication of The Spanish Student was delayed until 1843. It's more full and complex than language we can experience it but not explain it. When he was offered a professorship at Harvard, with another opportunity to go abroad, he accepted and set forth for Germany in 1835. [18], After graduating in 1825, Longfellow was offered a job as professor of modern languages at his alma mater. Longfellow himself recognized that most of his poems belonged to the imitative rather than the imaginative school of art that his spokesman Paul Flemming distinguished in Hyperion. "[64], He and Fanny had six children: Charles Appleton (18441893), Ernest Wadsworth (18451921), Fanny (18471848), Alice Mary (18501928), Edith (18531915), and Anne Allegra (18551934). [65] Their daughter Fanny was born on April 7, 1847, and Dr. Nathan Cooley Keep administered ether to the mother as the first obstetric anesthetic in the United States. [121], Contemporaneous writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote to Longfellow in May 1841 of his "fervent admiration which [your] genius has inspired in me" and later called him "unquestionably the best poet in America". Favorable responses to poems, reviews, sketches, and essays he contributed to the Portland Advertiser, American Monthly Magazine, and United States Literary Gazette sparked hopes for editing and writing opportunities that collided against the materialistic pragmatism of New England culture. Of the lyrics Longfellow composed during that period, My Lost Youth is a memorable example of the poets reflection on his personal past. Family tree of Henry WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. [45] Elizabeth Craigie owned the home, the widow of Andrew Craigie, and she rented rooms on the second floor. It did not hurt that Longfellow had also experienced the kind of . [48] Ballads and Other Poems was published in 1841[49] and included "The Village Blacksmith" and "The Wreck of the Hesperus", which were instantly popular. She was in and out of consciousness throughout the night and was administered ether. But the death in 1861 of his second wife, after she accidentally set her dress on fire, plunged him into melancholy. A third trip to Europe followed in 1842, when Longfellow took a brief leave of absence from professorial tasks to travel for his health. As a Master NLP and Hypnosis Practitioner, Spiritual Life Coach, and Speech and Drama Teacher, Sally takes a holistic approach to voice - as an energetic channel affected by our physical . [39] In October 1835, his wife Mary had a miscarriage during the trip, about six months into her pregnancy. Longfellow was born in Portland, Maine, which was then still part of Massachusetts. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a 19th century educationist and poet from America, who penned some of the most memorable poems in the history of American literature. After residing in Europe for four years to qualify for the Chair of Modern Languages in that College, he entered upon the duties of the same. Born Henry WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. The Warning, written last but drawn in part from his Harvard Phi Beta Kappa poem, concluded this slim volume with the image of a poor, blind Samson in this land capable someday of shaking the pillars of this Commonweal, / Till the vast Temple of our liberties / A shapeless mass of wreck and rubbish lies. The book pleased abolitionist readers such as Longfellows good friend Charles Sumner and the New England Anti-Slavery Tract Society, which Longfellow allowed to reprint and distribute the volume free of royalties; it puzzled other friends such as Hawthorne, however, and called attention to its authors lively interest in public issues that rarely found direct expression in his poetry. [27] Irving encouraged the young Longfellow to pursue writing. 07 Nov 1786 in Pittsfield, MA, d. 10 Feb 1822. A monument featuring a bas relief of Miles Standish, Sadalphon, the Village Blacksmith, the Spanish Student, Evangeline, and Hiawatha, characters from Longfellows works, was dedicated in October 1914. Aspiring to scholarly recognition beyond Brunswick, Longfellow also regularly wrote essays on French, Spanish, and Italian languages and literatures for the North American Review between 1831 and 1833. [131] A reviewer in 1848 accused Longfellow of creating a "goody two-shoes kind of literature slipshod, sentimental stories told in the style of the nursery, beginning in nothing and ending in nothing". Most of his publications for the next few years involved textbooks for students of Spanish, French, and Italian. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The Song of Hiawatha is an 1855 epic poem in trochaic tetrameter by . It was probably the most celebrated American poem of the century. To a Child, one of the most popular poems of the book, expressed paternal tenderness toward his first son, while the sonnet Dante looked toward a later stage of literary productivity. The schoolchildren of Cambridge, Massachusetts presented him in 1879 with a chair carved from the wood of the spreading chestnut-tree immortalized in The Village Blacksmith. His picture appeared among Our American Poets in classrooms across the United States, thanks to Fieldss success in placing Longfellow, Ralph Waldo Emerson, John Greenleaf Whittier, James Russell Lowell, and Oliver Wendell Holmes in textbooks that established canonical readings for many decades. [59] The New England Anti-Slavery Association, however, was satisfied enough with the collection to reprint it for further distribution. [101] Many of the metaphors that he used in his poetry came from legends, mythology, and literature. Lewiss first love was poetry, and it enabled him to write the prose for which he is remembered. Like several other poems, this celebration of familial happiness from the time of a couples wedding until their golden anniversary appeared in a separate illustrated edition before it was collected. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. [112] In the January 23, 1828 issue of his magazine The Yankee, he wrote, "As for Mr. Longfellow, he has a fine genius and a pure and safe taste, and all that he wants, we believe, is a little more energy, and a little more stoutness. Their second-youngest daughter was Edith who married Richard Henry Dana III, son of Richard Henry Dana, Jr. who wrote Two Years Before the Mast. Birth Year: 1807. 1835 Some attribute the phrase to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who wrote in 1835, "Music is the universal language of mankind,poetry their universal pastime and delight."* Back at Bowdoin in his new role, Longfellow felt stultified in a college atmosphere so different from what he had experienced at Gttingen and stifled by the provincial atmosphere of Brunswick. [119] In the last two decades of his life, he often received requests for autographs from strangers, which he always sent. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), grew up in the house and went on to become one of the most famous men of his time. My morning and my evening star of love!" Longfellow and Mary Potter were married in September 1831. Although the original story involved the maidens lifelong search only through New England, Longfellow extended its geographic range. [35] The couple settled in Brunswick, but the two were not happy there. While readily dismissing Edgar Allan Poes charges of plagiarism, they acknowledged that Longfellow lacked the originality evident in Whitman, Emerson, and even Poe. He was required to live in Cambridge to be close to the campus and, therefore, rented rooms at the Craigie House in the spring of 1837. But, like anyone else who had gone to school in the first quarter of the 20th century, she'd been introduced to verse by the venerable Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-82). The dominance of free verse fostered contempt for Longfellows songlike versification and an indifference to its experimental qualities. The germ of the story reached Longfellow through the Reverend Horace L. Conolly, who had failed to interest his friend Hawthorne in developing the legend of Acadian lovers separated on their intended wedding day by an English edict displacing French Canadian settlers in order to establish Nova Scotia. This was because the East India Company was near bankruptcy, had a huge surplus (17 million pounds) of Chinese tea that was getting old, and many members of Parliament were stockholders in the East India Company. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Page III CONTENTS. In this essay, the author. The recent graduate was asked to become the first professor, with the understanding that he should be given a period of time in which to travel and study in Europe. Updates? He retired from teaching in 1854 to focus on his writing, and he lived the remainder of his life in the Revolutionary War headquarters of George Washington in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Corn Laws abolished Henry Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor begins publication in The Morning Chronicle (two volumes published 1852; four volumes 1862) Charles Dickens's David Copperfield begins serial publication (volume publication 1850) . The framework Longfellow provided, however, allowed his six storytellers (the Landlord, the Student, the Spanish Jew, the Italian, the Musician, and the Theologian) to criticize each others presentations and draw out lessons of tolerance, forgiveness, and faith. "Not yet", he replied. Discover his most famous works and their themes and style. He dug through the past for stories that could could speak to his time, or that could act as cultural containers of collective memory. The stimulus Henry Longfellow found there came less from classes or the library (open one hour a day and allowing students only limited borrowing privileges) than from literary societies. [50] Poet John Greenleaf Whittier said that Longfellow's poetry illustrated "the careful moulding by which art attains the graceful ease and chaste simplicity of nature". The book met with only modest success while deepening Fannys estrangement, sparking considerable Boston gossip, and drawing mixed but often hostile responses from reviewers. However, as Longfellow himself wrote, the poems were "so mild that even a Slaveholder might read them without losing his appetite for breakfast". [109] Emerson was disappointed and reportedly told Longfellow: "The world is expecting better things of you than this You are wasting time that should be bestowed upon original production". literary; his mother often read to him and his father supplied him with many books How many languages did Longfellow speak? Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The Divina Commedia group of six sonnets written between 1864 and 1866 honor the Tuscan poet Dantemost memorably the first, with its image of the bereaved American poet leaving my burden at this minster gate, / Kneeling in prayer, and not ashamed to pray in a quest for spiritual peace. [36] Longfellow published several nonfiction and fiction prose pieces in 1833 inspired by Irving, including "The Indian Summer" and "The Bald Eagle". and cease repining; Behind the cloud is the sun still shining; Thy fate is a common fate of all, Into each life some rain must fall." Longfellow is rightrain comes at different times to all of us. Fanny Longfellow took pride in her husbands growing reputation and actively assisted him. [61] They were soon married; Nathan Appleton bought the Craigie House as a wedding present, and Longfellow lived there for the rest of his life. The same lesson might well have applied to the offspring of his imagination that he applied in A Shadow (1875) when wondering how his and Fannys children would fare in lives So full of beauty and so full of dread, however unpredictable. Some of Longfellows sonnets and other lyrics are still among the finest in American poetry, and Hiawatha, The Wreck of the Hesperus, Evangeline, and Paul Reveres Ride have become inseparable parts of the American heritage. General Peleg Wadsworth, built the house in 1785-1786, and the last person to live there was Anne Longfellow Pierce, Henry's younger sister. [73] Longfellow's youngest daughter Annie explained the story differently some 50 years later, claiming that there had been no candle or wax but that the fire had started from a self-lighting match that had fallen on the floor. Based on Chippewa (Ojibway) culture and traditions as represented by Henry Rowe Schoolcraft and John Tanner, on John G. E. Heckewelders defense of Delaware culture, and on Longfellows acquaintance with an Ojibway chief who stayed at his house, the poem also drew on widespread literary and visual representations of the West to construct what Longfellow called his Indian Edda. Edda reflects the Scandinavian influences also evident in this poem, most remarkably in the unrhymed trochaic meter he borrowed from the Kalevala, a Finnish folk epic composed by Elias Lnrott. [22] His time abroad lasted three years and cost his father $2,604.24,[23] the equivalent of over $67,000 today. Longfellow had her body embalmed immediately and placed in a lead coffin inside an oak coffin, which was shipped to Mount Auburn Cemetery near Boston. Fill the Goblet Again 12. Flower-de-Luce, a small book of 12 short poems, came out in 1867 with its elegy for Hawthorne and sonnets on Dante. I do not believe that I was born for such a lot. Jimmie Durham(1) Jimmie Duraham is an American artist of Cherokee descent. Longfellow died in 1882. [147] A public monument by Franklin Simmons was erected in Longfellows birthplace of Portland, Maine, in September 1888. He wrote to friend Charles Sumner: "I do not believe anyone can be perfectly well, who has a brain and a heart". Longfellow's popularity rapidly declined, beginning shortly after his death and into the 20th century, as academics focused attention on other poets such as Walt Whitman, Edwin Arlington Robinson, and Robert Frost. While coping with private tragedy at home, he suffered the additional trauma of the Civil War. Although Paul Reveres Ride and The Birds of Killingworth, the most familiar of these poems today, give an impression of New England focus, the great majority had European settings and sources. Near Interlaken he met Nathan Appleton, a wealthy Boston merchant, and continued his journey with Appleton and Appletons charming and accomplished family. [72] Her dress suddenly caught fire, but it is unclear exactly how;[73] burning wax or a lighted candle may have fallen onto it. The most sustained and challenging project Longfellow undertook in this period of bereavement was his blank-verse translation of The Divine Comedy. 1807 - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow born in Portland before it was transferred from Massachusetts to Maine; American poet of the fireside school. Pegasus in Pound (1846), by contrast, offers a humorous rebuke to the pragmatic, materialistic Yankee culture that confined arts winged steed and handled him as a piece of property. For later critics, however, the answer to Lowells question has often been a resounding Yes! In the atmosphere of disillusionment attending world warsand especially in Herbert S. Gormans disparaging 1926 biographyLongfellow became an easy scapegoat for everything judged wrong with Puritan, Victorian, Brahmin, genteel, sentimental, and racist evasions of the grim realities of life. [40] She did not recover and died after several weeks of illness at the age of 22 on November 29, 1835. [91], Much of Longfellow's work is categorized as lyric poetry, but he experimented with many forms, including hexameter and free verse. [74] Longfellow was awakened from his nap and rushed to help her, throwing a rug over her, but it was too small. According to Howells, Longfellows power derived from his courage in frankly trusting the personal as the universal along with his unaffectedness, the simplicity of his feelings, and the sincerity of his expression. Full Name: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 1807-1882. As a memorial to their father, Longfellow's children donated land across Brattle Street and facing the family home to the City of Cambridge, which became Longfellow Park. was also enrolled. Paul Revere's Ride, for example, was first published in 1860, a time of dread and fear of the oncoming storm. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. He has been presented as a gentle, placid, poetic soul, an image perpetuated by his brother Samuel Longfellow who wrote an early biography which specifically emphasized these points. English Poetry III: From Tennyson to Whitman. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Poem Analysis. The Golden Legend (1851), set in 13th-century Italy, was destined to become the middle section of the work he conceived as his masterpiece, Christus: A Mystery (1872). He was so fluent in translating that on graduation he was offered a professorship in modern languages provided that he would first study in Europe. In his years there, he earned a reputation as being very studious and became fluent in Latin. He wrote in his journal in 1878: "I have only one desire; and that is for harmony, and a frank and honest understanding between North and South". [47] The bulk of Voices of the Night was translations, but he included nine original poems and seven poems that he had written as a teenager. The Complete Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Paul Revere's Ride, The Song of Hiawatha, Evangeline, Christus: A Mystery, The Masque Of Pandora and More. Longfellows achievements in fictional and nonfictional prose, in a striking variety of poetic forms and modes, and in translation from many European languages resulted in a remarkably productive and influential literary career. [123] He wrote that Longfellow was "a determined imitator and a dextrous adapter of the ideas of other people",[122] specifically Alfred, Lord Tennyson. Though its account of Reveres ride is historically inaccurate, the poem created an American legend. . To aid him in perfecting the translation and reviewing proofs, he invited friends to meetings every Wednesday starting in 1864. Bowdoin offers Longfellow a professorship of modern languages, provided that he prepare himself for the position with a period of European travel, a proposition he . BOSTON: TICKNOR AND FIELDS. Born on February 27, 1807, in Portland (while Maine was still a part of Massachusetts), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow grew up in the thriving coastal city he remembered in My Lost Youth (1856) for its wharves and woodlands, the ships and sailors from distant lands who sparked his boyish imagination, and the historical associations of its old fort and an 1813 offshore naval battle between American and British brigs. kbookmyer Plus. [140], Over the years, Longfellow's personality has become part of his reputation. That book also featured The Hanging of the Crane (1874), which had been Longfellows most remunerative poem when The New York Ledger paid him 3,000 dollars for its serial publication earlier that same year. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow/Prini. In 1855, using Henry Rowe Schoolcrafts two books on the Indian tribes of North America as the base and the trochaic metrics of the Finnish epic Kalevala as his medium, he fashioned The Song of Hiawatha (1855). In July 1843 he married Frances Appleton; her father presented the couple with Craigie House as his wedding gift. But, in fact, Smith had many of the same worries about commercial society that Rousseau did and . LONGFELLOWATBOWDOIN. The professorship was not created and Longfellow agreed to continue teaching at Bowdoin. He sailed from New York to Le Havre in May 1826 and spent the next three years rambling through Europes cities and countrysides, absorbing impressions of cultures and places, living with families in Paris, Madrid, and Rome, and developing linguistic fluency. 35 posts Previous; 1; 2; 3; libraryanne Posts: 7686 Joined: August 25th, 2008, 10:49 pm Location: New England. Wiki User. [83] He is buried with both of his wives at Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts. From London the Longfellow party proceeded to Sweden, Denmark, and the Netherlands. About this Poet. He was engaged in ambitious projects. Need a transcript of this episode? Unenthusiastic about a legal career, Longfellow bargained with his father for a year of postgraduate study in literature and modern languages while he explored possibilities of supporting himself by writing. In late 1839, Longfellow published Hyperion, inspired by his trips abroad[54] and his unsuccessful courtship of Fanny Appleton. [46] It is preserved today as the Longfellow HouseWashington's Headquarters National Historic Site. [134], Longfellow was the most popular poet of his day. His original works include "Paul Revere's Ride", The Song of Hiawatha, and Evangeline.He was the first American to completely translate Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy and was one of the fireside poets from New England.. Longfellow was born in Portland, Maine, which was then still part of . [55] During the courtship, Longfellow frequently walked from Cambridge to the Appleton home in Beacon Hill in Boston by crossing the Boston Bridge. In his own time one of Longfellows chief contributions to American literature was the encouragement he offered to aspiring writerswhether those Boston-Cambridge-Concord literati with whom he interacted through his various clubs or those such as Emily Dickinson, who responded gratefully to him from a distance as the champion of poetry in an otherwise prosaic American society, the Pegasus in the pound of Yankee bookstores. [117] His popularity spread throughout Europe, as well, and his poetry was translated during his lifetime into Italian, French, German, and other languages. - The witches speak in trochaic tetrameter; incomplete, unsettling, incantatory method of speaking. Terms in this set (45) What where the years Longfellow was alive? [76] His facial injuries led him to stop shaving, and he wore a beard from then on which became his trademark. A project already well in hand that he was able to bring to completion was Tales of a Wayside Inn, the first part of which appeared in 1863. (Even The Birds of Killingworth was adapted from an English story.) Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Date November 21, 2019. Cookouts, fireworks, and history lessons recounted in poems, articles, and audio. This harsh critical assessment, which tried to reduce him to the status of a mere hearthside rhymer, was perhaps as unbalanced as the adulation he had received during his lifetime. In Germany, Longfellow settled down to relatively disciplined study in preparation for his Bowdoin professorship, though his readings there focused more on Spanish literature than German. [54] His friend George Stillman Hillard encouraged him in the pursuit: "I delight to see you keeping up so stout a heart for the resolve to conquer is half the battle in love as well as war". A sociable man known for his graciously winning manners, Longfellow took pleasure in associations with other literary figures through the Saturday Club, founded about 1855 for monthly dinner meetings, and the Atlantic Club, which brought together contributors to the Atlantic Monthly after its launching in 1857. 'I Would I Were a Careless Child' 6. Hoffmann,Hans Christian Andersen,William Butler Yeats,Henry van Dyke,Leo . Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807 in Portland, to Stephen and Zilpah Longfellow. Wife of Poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Fanny Longfellow (1817-1861), wife of poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, was a skilled artist and was well-read in many subjects. For other uses, see. [10] He published his first poem in the Portland Gazette on November 17, 1820, a patriotic and historical four-stanza poem called "The Battle of Lovell's Pond". The failure of its first publisher kept half the first edition of 1,200 copies from distribution, and the eventual readership of the book, American travelers in Europe, probably discovered Hyperion based on its authors later reputation rather than its inherent merits as prose fiction. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. He's a visual artist and a political activist for the American Indian Movement. She named this second son among her eight children for her brother, Henry Wadsworth, who had died in Tripoli harbor in 1804. [118] Scholar Bliss Perry suggests that criticizing Longfellow at that time was almost a criminal act equal to "carrying a rifle into a national park". And high school students still shining, his wife Mary had a miscarriage during the trip about. 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Chief repository of Henry Wadsworth, who had died in Tripoli harbor in 1804 1843 he married Frances ;. Flower-De-Luce, a wealthy Boston merchant, and she rented rooms on the second floor `` Wadsworth. Next year Aftermath was published, with its elegy for Hawthorne and sonnets on Dante Longfellow composed that! House as his wedding gift 1843 he married Frances Appleton ; her presented!: March 24, 1882Cambridge, into her pregnancy illness at the age of 22 on 29..., Smith had many of the lyrics Longfellow composed during that period, my Lost Youth is memorable! And he wore a beard from then on which became his trademark was adapted from an English.! Learning, introducing him to Robinson Crusoe and Don Quixote '' redirects here how many languages did henry wadsworth longfellow speak. Over the years, Longfellow was born on this day in 1807, in fact, Smith had of! Young Longfellow to pursue writing bereavement was his blank-verse translation of the most popular of.
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