She is an extraordinarily untalented singer, but the management favours her because of her beautiful appearance and because her father lent a good deal of money for the purchase of the Ankh-Morpork Opera House. He has attempted to aid in deposing Lord Vetinari from power several times, but only through serving other clients and not from an actual desire of his own to depose of Vetinari. The books can be read in any order but for ease we have . A significant character in Monstrous Regiment, he is Polly Perks' platoon commander. In Going Postal this is the Lady Sybil Free Hospital. Moist, for his part, regards the interviews with her as a guaranteed thrill requiring him to think quickly on his feet. One of the rare Discworld short stories, "Troll Bridge", tells of Cohen setting out to slay a troll, only to end up reminiscing with it about the good old days when things were black and white and everyone respected the traditions. He is apparently unaware of the fact that he has a duck on his head, and has little memory of his life previous to joining the Canting Crew, referring to it only as "when I was someone else". It is possible that Mr Pin and Mr Tulip are taken as analogues of the Marvel Comics characters, the Kingpin and the Rose, organised crime figures. However, given how well the Queen got on with the elder Fool, there is another interpretation. When Tiffany went to Lancre to study witchcraft in A Hat Full of Sky, Roland gave her a silver necklace in the image of the giant white horse that is carved into the Chalk; Tiffany uses the necklace as a symbol to draw on the power of her homeland in times of crisis. However, this was merely the echoes of his own voice bouncing inside his own head, the Great God Om having become so weak from a lack of belief (in no small part because of the efforts of the Quisition) that only the truly faithful novice Brutha could hear him. A chorus singer at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House, Christine is a pretty, thin blonde with a tendency to wear white and use exclamation marks at the end of every sentence. His name is a play on Johann Gutenberg, with his first initials apparently derived from a phrase referring to Jesus Christ. He and Laddie blow up the Odium picture-throwing pit during the disrupted premiere of Blown Away to kill a creature from the Dungeon Dimensions and the destroy the portal created by the "click"; being left for dead, he climbs out of the wreckage and reverts to being a normal dog when the Holy Wood Dream ends. Initially a rather dull-witted individual, he gained something of a conscience upon being rescued from the Queen of the Elves by Tiffany. A group of misfit cops rise up from decades of helplessness to save their corrupt city from catastrophe. In the miniseries, rather than vanishing, Bethan and Cohen show up at the docks, already married, to bid Twoflower goodbye as he heads back home. Formerly a street performing animal, he was named after the 'famous' Gaspode, a dog who faithfully stayed by his master's grave and whined (as, according to Gaspode, he had his tail trapped). Immediately upon becoming a Genuan citizen, he evaluated the question of the greatest military threat posed by any single other nation. However, it does mean a lot of men are happy to tell her things. He first appeared in Moving Pictures. Having proved himself unworthy as a scarecrow he is chosen by Death to be his apprentice. . He is known, either personally or by reputation, by practically every soldier in the Borogravian Army, and boasts that he is probably quite well known by the soldiers of the enemy armies too. Watch on. Stanley Howler is another example of parallel Discworld-Terrestrial history: on Earth, Stanley Gibbons is a company which publishes catalogues of stamps for collectors; the howler is a type of monkey, and the gibbon, like Unseen University's Librarian, is an ape. An Ankh-Morpork tradesman, owner of Sonky's Rubber Goods, and maker of Sonky's Preventatives. He spent countless days drinking and drinking. Adora wears what she claims are "the pointiest heels in the world" which she uses to deal with unwelcome advances. His debut novel, A Man With One of Those Face s - a comic crime novel - was published in 2016 and spawned The Dublin Trilogy books and the spin-off McGarry Stateside series. His name is most likely a mistranslation by Rincewind; his real name is Billy (Bi-Lily = two flower). In Thief of Time it turns out that this was started by Lu-Tze, who spent some time lodging with her, and has a much better understanding of the Way of Mrs Cosmopilite than the monks who followed; he wrote down many of her sayings as guides by which to live his life. Having kidnapped Hrun and Twoflower (for whom she expresses no interest and has locked away), she tests Hrun by trying to stab him in his sleep. He is possibly inspired in part by John Major who was born the son of a music hall performer, but left to join a bank, eventually becoming Prime Minister of the UK 1990-1997. His trousers and socks are confirmed as being highly explosive, as a result of the gunpowder-like solution they are treated with. In Snuff, he is portrayed as an elderly man in a wheelchair, with a sunken look. Due to his nature, even before this, Death could not see him, as he lies outside of Death's influence. Daughter of King Olerve the Bastard of the Sto Plains kingdom of Sto Lat, and the last person between the Duke of Sto Helit and the throne, she was saved from assassination by Mort, who found himself unable to allow her would-be assassin to kill her. He assists newly-recruited werewolf Watchwoman Angua in the Night Watch's investigation of a plot involving a 'gonne', the Discworld's only firearm, and avoids run-ins with the Dogs' Guild, a pack of feral dogs led by Big Fido. Mort is included in Wayne Barlowe's Barlowe's Guide to Fantasy. People send him small sums so that he will not turn up at their parties and ask them to look at his interesting collection of skin diseases. His name originates from his catchphrase ' and at that price, I'm cutting me own throat.' Bel-Shamharoth Betty 'Shufti" Manickle Big Yan Bilious Bill Rincewind Bjorn Hammerhock Black Zenell Blind Hugh Blind Io Bloody Stupid Johnson Boddony Ransak Boggett Bouffant Bowell Bravd Brick Broadman Brutha Buckleby Buggy Swires Bundo Prong C Canting Crew Captain "Mayonnaise" Quirke Captain John Keel (The Watch) Captain Swing Captain Tilden His first name is also a Latin word meaning "prison". He is a clerk who wants to be a Barbarian Hero and is currently half-way through a book on the subject, which includes a table of wandering monsters and tends to resemble a Dungeons & Dragons manual. He is obsessed with making money from the Opera and is horrified to learn how expensive seemingly trivial items (such as ballet shoes and musical instruments) can be. He appears in Going Postal, although the stable had previously appeared in The Truth. Another example given in the text is "cup-and-plate"no definition is given, but "He's a bit cup-and-plate in the head" implies it means "not quite right.". This page was last edited on 13 February 2023, at 15:11. As Patrician, he used his power to enforce laws against creative exaggeration in writing. He was sadistic, and extremely fond of torture, much like his predecessor. 4. The "Phantom" in the story accidentally tutors Agnes instead of Christine when Christine runs away from the ghostly voice coming from her mirror. The two authors have collaborated before in Good Omens, and sometimes make reference to each other's works. Sergeant Jackrum suspects all along that Corporal Strappi is not what he seems, and is right, because at the end of Monstrous Regiment, Corporal Strappi actually turns out to be a political through and through, promoted to the rank of Captain. These traits rather get in the way of the profession she really wants to have: hairdressing. From her father, she inherited sinews as strong as a mooring line, muscles as solid as a plank, and reflexes like a snake on a hot tin roof (from relevant pieces of description in Sourcery). Ysabell first appeared in The Light Fantastic, where she met Rincewind, and was surprised to learn that he was not actually dead. The Director of Music at the Ankh-Morpork Opera House in Maskerade, most notable for an absolute hatred of opera. In total, there are 41 Discworld novels published over 32 years. The few times he's actually acquired real narcotics, they have been suitable only for trolls. The man who introduced the world to the concept of "wholesale" destruction, Cohen is the Discworld's greatest warrior hero, renowned across the Disc for his exploits rescuing maidens, destroying the mad high priests of dark cults, looting ancient ruins, and so on. [5] The wizards could then use punched cards to control which tubes the ants could crawl through, enabling it to perform simple mathematical functions. In their language, the word for "stranger" is the same as their word for "target". Miss Dearheart can see through most of Lipwig's conman tricks, amazing him; he names her "Spike" out of fondness. List of Discworld characters - Wikipedia Create account Contents hide (Top) 71-Hour Ahmed Adora Belle Dearheart Bloody Stupid Johnson Brutha Canting Crew Carcer Christine Cohen the Barbarian Conina Corporal Strappi Cut-Me-Own-Throat Dibbler Daniel "One Drop" Trooper Didactylos Doctor Cruces Doughnut Jimmy D'regs Drum Billet Edward d'Eath As of Making Money, she seems to have become the Times' chief liaison to Moist von Lipwig, and she has developed a talent for asking devious questions that, if answered thoughtlessly, would make for interesting and embarrassing news headlines. He appears in Maskerade, where he makes a great deal of money out of Nanny's book, and is surprised she wants some of it. Bruth carries Vorbis through the desert back to Omnia so that everyone can learn about what he did, despite Om saying that he is a burden or that he does not deserve being saved. He appears to be an homage to the famous cynic, Diogenes, who was similarly disliked by his contemporaries for focusing on the 'wrong questions'. Aaronovitch has confirmed that C!Mot is intended as a parallel Dibbler, although how similar he is to the original (since the People have an entirely non-capitalist society) is unknown. (Gollancz, 1989) As Nobby Nobbs put it after being told of the 'Soggy Mountain Dew' claim of '150% proof', "It ain't got no proofjust circumstantial evidence.". Lu-Tze also appears in Night Watch, Unseen Academicals, and Raising Steam in a smallbut significantrole. Lu-Tze first appeared in the novel Small Gods as a minor character described as follows. He is known to have had a brother in berwald. At the outset of the Discworld series, B.S. Unfortunately for Mort, his feelings for a teenage princess of Sto Lat get in the way of his job and he starts off a chain reaction of events by impulsively preventing her assassination. Walter is helped by Agnes Nitt into combining both aspects of his personality together so that he can become the director of music. It is not known if this is the result of Quimby's rule, or simply a natural trait that reached its peak in him. He films several movies with Ginger Withel (aka Delores De Syn), and eventually uses the magic of Holy Wood to defeat the Things from the Dungeon Dimensions with Ginger's help. Mort starts off at the bottom, learning to accept his position while mucking out the stables, and trying to ignore Ysabell, Death's adopted daughter. After the rather unsuccessful attempt, he and his friends escaped on the backs of horses belonging to the Valkyries and rode into the sky, seeking to explore the outside of space. Appears in The Truth, Going Postal and Making Money. This means that both he and you have exactly the same aim in mind."[10]. Killing unconscious people would have been damaging to his reputation. Discworld Standalones Younger Readers The Long Earth Short Stories Dramatisations Younger Readers Featuring trainee witches, educated rodents, a charismatic tosher and a race of tiny people from another world called Nomes, these books were written with younger readers in mind but can be read by anyone with a love of the fantastical. He lives in a barrel inside the wall of the palace of the Tyrant in Ephebe, crafting bespoke philosophies, axioms or aphorisms for scraps. His architecture and other inventions remain. Rincewind, of course, remains immovably convinced that Twoflower's IQ is comparable to that of a pigeon. First appears in Men at Arms. Since his campaigns were as expensive as they were effective, the rulers of Ankh-Morpork tried to get rid of Tacticus in a respectful and appropriate way. Harry keeps ferocious mongrel guard dogs on his property. The background of Mr Pin is much more vague than his partner, Mr Tulip. 1.1 Main continent; 1.2 Klatch (continent) 1.3 Counterweight Continent; 1.4 XXXX; 1.5 Sunken Continent of Ku; 1.6 Miscellaneous Islands; 2 Associated Dimensions; The Discworld Main continent. Nonetheless, in a tradition echoing the Afghan law of milmastia or the ancient Greek law of xenia, they will show a guest perfect hospitality for exactly 72 hours, whereupon killing him becomes an option. He is one of the History Monks and spends much of the novel in the background, disguised as a simple sweeper. The antagonist of Small Gods, Vorbis was the Head of the Omnian Quisition, holding the positions of Exquisitor and Subdeacon, the latter being the highest rank that could be held by an Exquisitor to prevent the institution from becoming "too big for its boots." The Discworld Mapp. Explanation reveals that in Dimwell slang, "syrup of prunes" means wig. It's a meditation on religion, personal morality . Queen Ptraci I of Djelibeybi. He also has a sort of appearance in Nanny Ogg's Cookbook, in the form of a series of memos drawn to appear pinned to some of the pages. score: 876 , and 9 people voted. Dr. (previous page) () The Colour of Magic. Swing always carries with him a large set of calipers and a steel ruler, with which he measures the facial characteristics of people he meets in order to determine their personal traits (phrenology). Dibbler appeared in the Cosgrove Hall animations of Soul Music and Wyrd Sisters, in which his appearance seemed to be modelled on Private Joe Walker, the spiv in Dad's Army. These form a discussion between him and the head printer, Thomas Cropper, about the book. From Discworld & Terry Pratchett Wiki. Reluctant to tell his master about his gaffe, Mort tries various unsuccessful methods to fix the situation. In Unseen Academicals, he reveals that he cannot understand the fuss that is being made about football, both old and new. She gave him the Mundy Case and although Lewton did not know it, she used him as a puppet in order to find Mundy (of whom she said was her lover but he was really an informant for her cult). In Men at Arms, he was mentioned as having a cruet set designed by "Bloody Stupid" Johnson (where, due to Johnson's ineptitude with geometry meant that they are used as storage silos), and in Feet of Clay, he was mentioned to have made his horse a city councillor. His Greatness the King Teppicymon XXVIII, Lord of the Heavens, Charioteer of the Wagon of the Sun, Steersman of the Barque of the Sun, Guardian of the Secret Knowledge, Lord of the Horizon, Keeper of the Way, the Flail of Mercy, the High-Born One, the Never-Dying King of Djelibeybi (lit. Guards!. When at one point the far-flung city of Genua, whose royal family had interbred itself into extinction (the last king having tried to continue the royal bloodline with himself), asked Ankh-Morpork for a Duke, Tacticus was promoted and sent there. As he said, "Def'nitely give the ol' Rule One a fillip.". The Discworld equivalent of Odysseus. The ruined fortress city of Tacticum, located in the Klatchian desert, is encountered in Jingo. (2001). Ironically, Jackrum turns out to be a woman as well, having joined the army in her youth along with her lover, who died in battle, leaving the young Jackrum pregnant, something that she covered up by taking her considerable accumulated leave. According to rumour, Hobson employs an Igor with a talent for taking body parts of different horses, and stitching them together into a "new" animal (see chop shop). Despite this, he respects and admires the women when he learns the truth, citing historic examples of female warriors throughout the Klatchian continent, and informing their captors that "[he] would not trade them for any six men [they] offered [him]". In Men at Arms, he made a brief venture at selling food for trolls and later dwarfs. After the events of Mort, Mort leaves Death's service and marries Ysabell. Nijel meets Rincewind in a snake pit and they escape together. In Jingo his name is given as Gen. A. Tacticus. The Witches Discworld's witches, based around the rural and mostly vertical kingdom of Lancre, deliver babies, treat warts and keep an eye on troublesome kings, vampires or incursions from other worlds, which they do not hold with. Another notable fact is that his catchphrase (minus "buggrit") is also used by Mrs Tachyon, a character in the Johnny Maxwell series, also by Pratchett. After discovering this they argued, and during this argument Carlotta kissed and bit Lewton, turning him into a werewolf (or some variant type, several of which are named/referenced in the books themselves). Tacticus therefore declared war on Ankh-Morpork, which (it is implied) was the reason why Ankh-Morpork lost its large empire. He meets Rincewind in Bel Shamharoth's lair, and aids his escape. He is the undisputed head of any legal action in the city and is one of the major members of the civil council. She was completely innocent about sex, and was completely unaware that her job could be considered "acting like a floozy"; in the end, Angua and Sally explain the facts of, well, everything. Harry ends up betraying the Horde (as a villain, it is his job), though when the horde confronts him about his betrayal they praise him for still being a reliable Dark Lord even at the end. People to whom Lu-Tze was a vaguely glimpsed figure behind a very slow broom would have been surprised at his turn of speed, especially in a man six thousand years old who ate nothing but brown rice and drank only green tea with a knob of rancid butter in it (p.317). In Carpe Jugulum they have a daughter; Princess Esmerelda Margaret Note Spelling of Lancre. Whenever anything physical is being sold, the claims made on his labels range from euphemisms to outright fabrications. . She is very respectable, meaning there is a lot of unrespectability waiting to come out. Contents. Eric was relatively unsuccessful as a demonologist until, with some unknown assistance, he managed to summon Rincewind from the Dungeon Dimensions, originally intending to summon a demon to grant him wishes, namely mastery of the kingdoms of the world, to meet the most beautiful woman ever to have lived, to live forever, and to have a large chest of gold. In Men at Arms, Gaspode has regained his sapience and ability to speak after spending too much time sleeping near the High Energy Magic Building at Unseen University. In the TV adaption of Going Postal, Gilt is portrayed by David Suchet. Cohen is described as a skinny old man, with a long white beard hanging down below his loincloth, and wearing a patch over one eye. It boasts an impressive cast including Sir David Jason as Rincewind, Sean Astin as Twoflower and David Bradley as Cohen, an octogenarian barbarian who has become " a lifetime in my own legend. When Duke Felmet murders King Verence and takes over the small country of Lancre on the Discworld, three witches are involuntarily tasked with protecting the king's baby son. One of the two remaining employees of the Ankh-Morpork Post Office prior to Moist von Lipwig being made Postmaster. Carcer is said to have a talent for unnerving people, an annoying laugh (written as 'haha' in the book) and a perpetual conviction of his own innocence despite his many crimes, which include at least two murders. In this novel he seems to have keen political instincts; it is stated that the Rusts have survived by not being romantic. In addition to social philosophy, Ly is also a proponent of natural philosophy. Lewton was once a member of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch (sometime before the books). Generally he relies on the fact that no-one notices a sweeper, a well-honed ability to talk his way out of anything, and "Rule One", which states "Do not act incautiously when confronting little bald wrinkly smiling men", since such a person is almost always a highly trained martial artist due to the Disc's law of narrative causality. Literally; a cart ran over his legs several years ago and he now gets around on a wheelbarrow, usually pushed by the Duck Man. The 'Canting Crew' is an informal name for a group of Ankh-Morpork beggars who are too anarchic for the Beggars' Guild, which has a tendency to constrain them with rules. He is first mentioned in The Colour of Magic. Celyn is Welsh for Holly). There is not much mention of Didactylos' life before the events of Small Gods, apart from the facts that he traveled a lot and advised some very important people in his life. Lord Snapcase was succeeded by Lord Havelock Vetinari. Following his successful delivery of Young Sam, Samuel Vimes gave him a large area of land in the Goosegate area of the city. Dibbler, or simply Dibbler, is one of the numerous bit part characters in Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels. Liessa catches Hrun on her own dragon, and the couple share a passionate kiss. Swing is mainly remembered for his attempt to control crime by ordering all weapons confiscated, reasoning that this would result in a decline in crime figures, failing to acknowledge that criminals do not obey the law in the first place and would actually greatly enjoy the lack of weapons in society. He is at his best selling intangibles; physical merchandise tends to hamper his patter somewhat. Everyone knows Lu-Tze's name as one of the best monks on the field, but few realise who he actually is. The most notable is perhaps "I wasn't born yesterday" which, as Lu Tze points out, resembles one of the key revelations of Wen the Eternally Surprised, who, in reference to the continually destroyed and renewed nature of the universe, and the constancy of revelation, said "I was not born-yesterday!". When Vimes got a copy of Tacticus' autobiography from the Librarian, he formulated a characteristically cynical opinion as to why Tacticus, although respected, was not much liked by history: Tacticus did not get a huge number of his men killed by his own arrogance and incompetence. Their most noted member is 71-Hour Ahmed, who gained his name for violating the ancient 3-day custom by executing a criminal one hour before it expired, an act so unthinkable that other D'regs call him the most feared man in all of Klatch. For example, no bard was allowed to say of a hero that "all men spoke of his prowess" on pain of death; he should instead add that some people spoke ill of the hero and that still others did not know of him at all. At the last, even their own soldiers were killing farmers, desperate to find any food. Her name is a reference to Theda Bara. A ruthless businessman with a piratical appearance, including an eyepatch and a cockatoo that, instead of saying "pieces of eight", said "twelve and a half percent" (that is, one eighth), he was a shameless con-artist and fraudster whose business style was described as playing "find the lady with entire banks". In the TV adaptation of Going Postal, Drumknott is portrayed by Steve Pemberton. Death's Domain. The latest Tweets from Lego Ankh-Morpork (@LegoAnkhMorpork). Some character biographies are also listed in articles relating to the organisations they belong to. Adora Belle Dearheart mentioned that Gilt's long-term plans involved establishing himself as Havelock Vetinari's successor as Patrician. He also has a superstition that those who die while holding a potato will be reincarnated. Whilst being pursued by Commander Vimes along the roof tops at Unseen University during a magical thunderstorm, both Carcer and Vimes are transported thirty years into the past, about a week before the Glorious Revolution of the Twenty-Fifth of May. At one point, War refers to Death as "Mort" but we later learn that the only people in the room (other than Twoflower), were Death, Famine, Pestilence and War ("mort" is "death" in Quirmian/French). In The Light Fantastic, Rincewind overhears Twoflower teaching the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (Death, Famine, Pestilence and War), how to play bridge. When Dibbler's business plans fail, he falls back to selling (mostly) 'pies with personality' and 'pig' sausages-inna-bun on the streets of Ankh-Morpork. She is noted as having (appropriate to her name) what would be seen as a contemporary view of the world. Nijel the Destroyer, son of Harebut the Provision Merchant, is a would-be barbarian hero, appearing in Sourcery. He is also known for having undergone a long and perilous journey home after the war, much like his Roundworld equivalent. All Votes Add Books To This List. Sto Lat still had a queen by the time of Going Postal, though she is not mentioned by name. The Cretaceous conifer species Sulcatocladus dibbleri is named after CMOT Dibbler.[4]. Convinced of the fellow barbarian's agility, she tells him that he may marry her if he defeats her brothers. Official figurines, models & collectable figures from Terry Pratchett's Discworld! His name is an allusion to the Chinese legendary figure Lao-Tze, the sage to whom the Tao Te Ching is attributed. It is now believed that they are enjoying a relationship, as she was seen walking with him. Trooper is a specialist in the field of Death by Hanging, and it is his skill with a noose which allows him to simulate an actual execution but leave the victim alive which resulted in Moist von Lipwig's survival at the behest of Lord Vetinari. 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