only to captives to give orders. NO. Section and squad leaders select the exact positions for each OP/LP on the ground. Establish local security to sustain survivability. 4-109. more information about UR. Requirement to secure the objective rally point (ORP) and other points. FORCE PROTECTION (FP) MEASURES DODDOA-009767 Massed crossing forces could slow momentum or exceed bridge classification limits. The collecting point should be situated close to an MSR. UNCLASSIFIED Operational Environment - Military Consist of the Afghan National Army and Afghan Air Force No Navy because the country is landlocked Main service rifle: AK- 47 Manpower of 14,000,000 . Maintaining camouflage discipline continuously. Description. Minimal lighting reduces visibility from the air while it permits drivers to- MP elements, normally no smaller than a platoon, use an ambush along suspected enemy routes and elsewhere against Level II threats in the rear area. http://atiam.train.armv.miltbortal/atia/adlsc/viewtoublic/297074-1 /fm/1-19 4/ehar4 biro,.11/171101i4 The commander uses control measures to delineate areas of responsibility for subordinates and to ease traffic control. He reports the location coordinates for both the CP and the alternate CP by messenger or other secure means. -Concertina - Barbed wire 4-21. Uses camouflage screens and man-made cover and concealment where needed. Converging-Routes Method reconnaissance force after it has penetrated the initial screen line. control of the platoon. 3. command . preconfigured, ready-to-fight, combined-arms package. The preparatory fire is initiated when the assaulting element is as close to the objective as it can get without being injured by the enemy. The platoon leader organizes the platoon into assault, support, and security elements. Vehicles in a column of any length may simultaneously encounter different types of routes and obstacles. By Order of the Secretary of the Army: element is determined by MET"T-TC. Provide time for rest, mess activities, and personal comfort and relief. Each Use trip flares to provide warning and give some illumination. What military condition must be produced to achieve the goal? MP prepare a receipt when taking property from a detainee. Fit the operational concept and planning to that environment. When the 6-42. Requests may include fire support, refueling, vehicle recovery operations, and other support needed to complete the march. FM 3-19.4 4-86. Speak complacency, terrorism, morale, safety, and other considerations. Set up defensive positions on likely enemy avenues of approach. The leader of the main body informs the higher HQ that the move has been completed. 1-47. Team 1 When collocated, the platoon leader coordinates with the base 5-13. 4-85. If the company is deploying a platoon-size force to conduct a number of coordinated, related ambushes (an area ambush), the principles are the same. The principles of combat loading are standard. It can be anything Ensure that items taken from detainees for security or intelligence reasons are signed over to the guards taking the detainees to the rear. The OPs/LPs, the primary means of maintaining surveillance of an assigned avenue or a named area of interest (NAI), are positions from which MP observe the enemy and direct and adjust indirect fires against him. When time and road space allow. logistics and supply operations are kept on time and arrive at the right place. Chain considerations Conduct a reconnaissance before selecting an exact location for the collecting point. At no time will forces be deployed without the ability to defend themselves against a lethal threat, nor will they forego normal training, arming, and equipping for combat. Support the fire and movement of the response force operating outside the base. Through this training, the commander gets to know the soldiers. Outside the hand grenade range, but within the range of small-arms weapons. 4-9. when the company moves at night. 1. However, collecting points and holding areas should be established wherever they are needed. enemy's location is "on the Hahn Road, 300 meters south of the Search and inspect every EPW and CI and their possessions. and suppressive fire. The commander sets the conditions under which military traffic moves at night. DODDOA-009816 Additionally, this manual identifies the fact that the Army will not conduct operations alone and defines the role of the MP in support of joint, multinational, and interagency operations. . Multiple Lanes (Two-Way Traffic) PLAN A TACTICAL ROAD MARCH However, US commanders are always responsible for the defense and security of US forces and bases regardless of FIN support. Enhances movement through congested areas or over poorly marked routes. 4-25. The gunner records all the dead space data on the range card (Egure 4-3). 7-3. Establishing initial base security. 2-10. 12/27/2004 Special circumstances of capture (how the EPW was captured, for example, did he resist, did he give up, and so forth). program, situational awareness, and battlefield visualization by portraying relevant threat 5-6. Unobstructed observation of the assigned area or sector. There are three types of ambushes. *FM 3-19.4 Breaching operations end when the battle handover has occurred between the DODDOA-009777 5-24. 141. Coordination with the BCOC or rear-area operation center (RAOC), as required. Each base has a BDOC that plans, coordinates, and supervises base defense operations. Therefore, perform mixed gender searches in a respectful manner 1-26. Man-made obstacles can include mines, booby traps, and roadblocks. In identifying COAs, do not overlook a check of the "basics" that Ensure that captives do not remain at the division forward collecting point more than 12 hours before being escorted to the division central collecting point. and is based on his analysis of the existing set of METT-TC conditions. Each member in the element is assigned a portion of the target. Figure 7-1. Digs the hole deep enough to protect itself and still allow the gunner to shoot in comfort (usually about armpit deep). Before crossing- Operating in urban terrain can be challenging, so consider the following: The commander sets the priority of movement based on the situation. Covered and concealed routes to and from the OP/LP. The gunner assumes he has a stable platform unless the driver informs him otherwise. 1-45. Vary the size of the defensive sectors. For example, he may say, "From the burning scout 4-5. organizes the platoon and any assigned assets to achieve the most effective surveillance of Key facilities, such as traffic choke points, critical tunnels and bridges, and ammunition and fuel storage points may require special protection. Understand the organization, capabilities, and limitations of the IBCT. 1-46. DODDOA-009833 The commander's selected COA will become the actual plan for accomplishing the Responsible for supervising and managing the first-line supervisors as well as the soldiers within the squad with the reception, storage, and shipping of bulk or packaged petroleum-based products when needed. DODDOA-009835 Long and short pickets Staples and anchors Water cans Title Proponent Echelon 19-1-3507 Coordinate for the Employment of Military Working Dogs 19 - Military Police (Collective) Battalion 19-1- Positioning crew-served weapons and troops on assigned sectors of fire. 2-28. This is the least desirable means for a platoon to set up. DODDOA-009853 5-22. secure communications. The third MP rests or provides backup security. Detainees may have been without food or water for a long time before capture. Main Supply Route Signs To use the successive-sector method (Figure 6-4), build on the converging-routes method. On likely dismounted avenues of approach. The assault element follows the preparatory fire (fragmentation or concussion grenade) onto the objective as closely as possible. The MP platoon in direct support of a crossing maneuver brigade, may be required to support the crossing without additional support. Overview The USAREUR METL is as follows: (1) Train tailored forces and headquarters for joint and combined operations. This enables anyone to recover them. A target/safe direction for the Candidate to point the weapon. Most units in the U.S. Army have a Standard Mission-Essential Task List (METL) that assists commanders as they prioritize training. Requests may include fire support, refueling, vehicle recovery operations, and other support needed to complete the march. Easily defendable positions are preferred over those that are more difficult to defend. This includes basic information, such as name, rank, service number, and date of birth, which they are required to provide under the Geneva Conventions. Prisoners may dig or build cover to protect themselves from artillery, equipment and supplies were available and. Units move into these areas when directed by TCP personnel and disperse rather than stay on the roads. DODDOA-009855 enemy reconnaissance units. At collecting points and holding areas, MP work closely with MI determining if captives, their equipment, or their weapons have intelligence value. Notify the BSA TOC and the PM operations section of the selected location. train. Refer to FM 7-8 and FM 17-98 . Delays the start of the move to pass a restriction after it has ended. DODDOA-009809 4-38. These areas are company-size waiting areas located within the crossing area. mil/portal/atia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fm13-19.41chap2.htm 12/27/2004 The Mission Essential Task List (METL) Development Process . additional resources are needed. compound. on the load diagram in the vehicle. 7-21. Elements of the company reconnoiters the route to the SP to determine the times needed for the serial to arrive at and clear the SP before starting the march. You'll conduct force protection, anti-terrorism, area security, and police intelligence operations. Zone reconnaissance techniques include the use of moving elements, stationary teams, or a series of area reconnaissance actions. TCPs are collocated with the ERP to ensure that all vehicles clear the call-forward areas. - A database can be used to output tables that link tasks to CDD attributes as well as other references. The CATS Doctrinal METL window shows the proponent-defined METL-focused collective tasks and task selections. There is a relationship between METs and their associated SCTs. Other considerations to determine the size of the patrol include- MCO 3500.110 15 Jul 2011 responsibilities to organize, train and equip combat-ready forces for the various type Combatant Commands. environment. possible. immediate voice communication. 12/27/2004 DODDOA-009836 However, leaders determine MET proficiency based on the MET T&EO, not the aggregation of SCT proficiency levels. Not to scale Tent, water. http://ati am. MILITARY POLICE PLATOON MISSION, CAPABILITIES, AND LIMITATIONS 1-42. The chain of command controls the column. Units must train, practice, and rehearse precision roomclearing techniques until each fire team and squad operates smoothly. Natural obstacles include cliffs, steep embankments, swamps, steep grades, sharp curves in the road, narrow trails, streams, and heavily wooded areas. OINVOON/ http ://atiam. METL Mission essential task list MFO Multinational forces and observer MI Military intelligence MIA Missing in action MOS Military occupational specialty MP Military police MRE Meals ready to eat MSO Morale support officer MUSARC Major U.S. Army Reserve Command MUTA Multi-unit training assembly MWR Morale, Welfare, and Recreation . When leaders select a RP, avoid hills, .defiles, and sharp curves that may cause elements to slow or stop on the route. Impounded articles are items taken from the EPW or the CI during his internment because the articles make escape easier or compromise US security interests. sequential, and time-consuming process that helps the commander and his staff examine a Units that are not directly engaged in combat often find it necessary to travel in order to position themselves for combat operations. The captive is instructed not to remove or alter the tag. Compared to the deliberate attack represented by high-intensity room-clearing techniques, precision room-clearing techniques are more conceptually akin to a reconnaissance in force or perhaps an infiltration attack. Appendix G describes the MK19 qualification and familiarization tables and provides a The platoon bases are set up the same. Military Police T&R Review Virtual 6-10 Feb Comms . discussion of corps and division MP elements, it primarily focuses on the principles of platoon within the limits of the resources at hand. Therefore, perform mixed gender searches in a respectful manner environment. point near the breaching operation. Conventional threat reconnaissance efforts are concentrated on gaining .11 2/270004 Engineer Equipment Parks (EEPs) . This alone can reduce or eliminate many recognition factors. A SP gives the vehicles of a march column a common point for starting their movement. To plan a perimeter defense, evaluate the situation. 4-83. Strapped to boards (for detonation from around corners). 3-21. . | Veterans Curation Program. Leaders reduce the soldiers' exposure to hazards by strictly enforcing all the protective postures that may include- DISTRIBUTION RESTRICTION: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. 3-16. 4-2. Prepare and issue the WO as early as possible to allow maximum time for preparation. If the platoon does not receive an IPB product, the higher OPORD must specifically state where it must focus the screening operation. Leaders should use the appropriate MET training and evaluation outline (T&EO) to determine MET proficiency ratings without consideration of the SCTs. 6-8. In both cases, the leader must control the fire. 3-19. x x x x x x x x x Guides meet the vehicles as they arrive at the RP and lead them to their new positions, usually in an AA. other units. be used as a signal. Division Central Collecting Point It is the preferred river crossing method. httn:// /f-mn-194/rhan4 htm.1 '7/1-7nnnet. policy. All teams meet at a linkup point at the far side of the Jessica Scott), Paratroopers assigned to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division engage in a Culminating Training Event (CTE) on Fort Bragg, N.C., November 4, 2021. River Crossing Planning A An ambush may be a surprise attack from a concealed position on a moving or temporarily halted target or an attack by fire only. MILITARY POLICE LEADERS' HANDBOOK There is no set design for a forWard collecting point. In most environments this mission requires at least a Position A universal joint task (UJT) is an action or activity assigned to a unit or organization to perform a specific function and/or . 1-18. If the platoon leader determines that the platoon can not destroy the enemy, he- train. He engages the greatest threat They deploy early to areas devastated by natural or man-made disasters to assist disaster relief and damage assessment efforts. holding areas. during limited visibility or in restrictive terrain. When shortages of personnel demand it, 3-22. The security elements leave the ORP before the reconnaissance element. defense operations center (BDOC) and the base cluster operations center (BCOC) to integrate the platoon's efforts with the base's and base duster's efforts. The time and date the detainee was received. PASSAGE OF LINES SUPPORT 7-29. AS is conducted by MP across the full spectrum of army operations to protect the force, impose order, and ensure freedom of movement. Orders and Reports A zone reconnaissance is a directed effort to obtain detailed information concerning all routes; obstacles (to include chemical or radiological contamination), terrain, and enemy forces within a zone defined by boundaries. 4-59. Refer to Chapter 6 for area and zone reconnaissance. http ://atiam. The move's success depends on the unit's discipline and ability to execute the plan. The TEM incorporates the combined-arms training methodology and adjusts it to meet the MP training requirements. Fire from an unexpected direction has a greater effect than fire from a known position. MP do not delay evacuation to obtain name, rank, service number, or date of birth. There are two basic MP platoon organizations, corps and division. The six principles of stress are search, tag, report, evacuate, segregate, and safeguard. DODDOA-009830 Platoons want to get the best security they can while tasking a minimum of soldiers to provide security. Sets up the wire communication net. MP conduct screening missions to provide early warning of enemy approach and to Plans are updated as often as possible. MP CS consists of all five MP functions. DODDOA-009857 Forces moving to the rear may retrograde to defensive positions beyond the water obstacle and may be slowed as they set up to defend the exit bank. The forward edge of the battle area. For the monitoring of likely enemy avenues of approach, drop zones (DZ), and landing zones (LZ). Each team member has a specific area of responsibility. This allows him to provide ammunition or replace one of the gunners. FM 3-19.4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 2 of 6, Situational Awareness Command Post Operations Use the MK19 or M203 to cover the dead space. activities of the platoon and ensures that the platoon has individual and team training and missions have been redefined into the following five functional areas: When facts are not available, the commander will need to develop assumptions. Select the RDL Services tab. responsible for mission control and unit training that supports the unit's Mission Essential Task List (METL); oversight of administrative actions and direct supervision of 4 subordniates, and indirect supervision of 45 soldiers, which includes 1 active reserve soldier (AGR) and 1 . MP leaders plan measures to counter enemy reconnaissance by coordinating with various staff sections and agencies that include- 000 4_____4. A small tent houses the platoon's HQ. Preparing studies and estimates to help formulate the COA and assess its feasibility. aware that it takes added effort to keep the M3 tripod from moving because of the recoil of It involves a soldier's mind-set of complete domination. infrared, radar, thermal, and other sensors. It is initiated from observations and reports gathered over time by MP patrols and information gained through coordination with HN police and other friendly forces. 12/27/2004 information requirements (CCIR). Chapter 1 MILITARY POLICE OVERVIEW, Introduction Lane training is externally supported, resourced, and evaluated. DODD0A-009760 set and conduct a point ambush. Are used as call-forward areas for return traffic from the far shore. Uses the rest of the dirt to build the flank and rear cover when the frontal cover is high enough and thick enough. When gunners change their fires The OP and LPs and squad leaders' positions. 6-40. Concertina MP conduct AS operations to protect critical functions, facilities, and forces. Breaching techniques vary based on the type of construction encountered and the types of munitions available to the breaching element. Restrictions are points along the march route where the movement may From there he can see and shoot into the MP may also provide guides to escort the passing unit en route to a release point or AA. information that may affect the operational and tactical environment. Successive Sector Method of Zone Reconnaissance Ensure that it includes the following five elements: Far-shore holding areas are used to organize return traffic., Attempt to anticipate the enemy's The patrol then returns to friendly lines or continues on to another mission. Select buildings that- A company conducts a tactical road march for relocating and facilitating rapid movement of the vehicles with a prescribed speed and interval between the vehicles. Base their plans on objective planning factors. A AA - anti-aircraft; AA - AEGIS Ashore; AAA - anti-aircraft artillery "Triple A" AAAV - Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle; AAD - Armoured amphibious dozer; AADC - A Using the IPB process can help the platoon predict threats to base security. DODDOA-009843 However, it is dependent on its parent unit for sustainment support. . operational standards in the execution of BiH military missions and operations. As a rule, do not fire until the targets are visible. including organization, planning, and execution. Designate reconnaissance routes, a linkup time, and the next rendezvous point when the patrol links up at the rendezvous point. carried too broad of a meaning. 1715-1745 Conduct the leaders' reconnaissance. Place OPs/LPs either in a linear configuration or in-depth. Assembly areas. 12/27/2004 4-8. 4-35. When doing reverse planning, consider the classic allotment of one-third time for planning and two-thirds time for execution (Table 2-2) . PLATOON SERGEANT (PSG) COMBAT PATROLS 3-1. MAINTAIN AND MOVE A COMBAT LOAD Do not neglect rear security. DODDOA-009822 Units that are not directly engaged in combat often find it necessary to travel in order to position themselves for combat operations. 7-32. Nonlethal options are a complement to, not a replacement for, lethal force and seek to expand a proactive response across the range of military operations. They will each Teams share their information, consolidate it, and report it, then return to the patrol HQ or continue to the next mission. High enough and thick enough platform unless the driver informs him otherwise the march often as.! Conduct as operations to protect itself and still allow the gunner records the..., practice, and other support needed to military police metl tasks the march between the DODDOA-009777.! By MET '' T-TC, a linkup time, and safeguard to support the crossing area and roadblocks specific. And holding areas should be established wherever they are needed reconnaissance techniques include the use of moving,! And is based on his analysis of the response force operating outside the hand range. Continues on to another Mission POLICE T & amp ; R Review 6-10. 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