Catherine upped her feminist game even more by serving an instrumental role in peace brokering between Italian city states to move the papacy back to Rome and starting an exclusively female monastery. The Catholic Church is heavily criticized by the secular millennial generation for being sexist and oppressive to women, and if I didnt know the stories of so many empowering, inspiring female saints, I mightve come to agree with that opinion. She was exposed to Christianity while on a trip to Constantinople and brought back priests and deacons to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and help her convert her people. Who else is a better representation of Gods adoration of women and the Churchs regard for femininity other than Mary, the mother of Jesus? Katharines heart was so full of charity that she renounced everything in order to give her all to others. Because her parents refused to permit to her to become a full-fledged religious sister, she became a perpetual virgin as a lay Dominican instead, experiencing spiritual ecstasies throughout her life. Patron Saints. And yes, I will admit - it is a struggle to parent my son. ~ Saint Appolonia the Patron of Dentists. The Jesuit missionaries in her new community observed that Kateri was very devout, firmly practicing sacrifice and suffering by purposefully making her meals taste bland, sleeping on thorns, and even burning herself. She is one of the most well-known saints today and is invoked for a variety of intentions. If that doesnt rock, I dont know what does. A true pro-life pioneer, St. Gianna was a pediatrician in Italy when she became pregnant with her fourth child. Female Patron Saints. Although she only lived for less than a year after his conversion, her love and tireless devotion helped him to not only be a great Christian, but a great saint as well. In no. Her rite of passage was her choice to cut her hair and exchange her extravagant clothes for a plain robe and veil. Both a pediatrician and a hardworking momas well as a loving wifethis Italian queen is an all-star example of how a woman can be married, raising children, and working a mainstream job, and still be canonized. Patrons of trades and professions There are patron saints who reflect and protect ordinary walks of life such as family, sickness, death and trades and professions. Read health related articles, quotes & topics! When that didnt work, she was put in chains. When she was 21, Catherine started receiving mystical visions from God, in which He told her to go out into the public and serve the poor and sick. The choice is often made on the basis of some real or presumed relationship with the persons or places involved. She was born in France in 1412 and was killed May 30, 1431. By Chloe Langr. Saints & Angels. Many were also honored for their contributions to the Church and their community. Total goals for the modern gal. Her estate would have been worth about $400 million in todays standards, but after a surprise suggestion that she become a sister from the Pope, Katharine reconsidered her marriage proposals and discerned that the religious life was, indeed, for her. 9. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The options were grave: have an abortion, hysterectomy, or remove the fibroma with no guarantee of recovery. Though she lived in the 13th century, her astounding and radical transformation from riches to rags still serves as a role model for those of us living in a consumerist society today. As a young woman, Cecilia was forced to marry despite wanting to devote her life to God. Though she was sent to the hospital for surgery, the doctors could not save her. Recall that Paul was minding his own business, following his strategically mapped out second missionary trek in Asia Minor, when the Holy Spirit dramatically and abruptly changed Paul's GPS settings and diverted him to . Born a princess in Burgundy, Italy around 931, Saint Adelaide of Burgundys father passed away when she was only six-years-old, and she was married to Lothaire, the king of Italy when she was sixteen. On the contrary, she had to summon all the courage she could to continuously pray for God to turn things around. Feast Day: 19 March, 1 May. St. Joseph is the patron of the universal church and his life is recorded in the Gospels, particularly Matthew and Luke. (And be sure to take the poll at the end!) 3 Saints Perfect for Strong-Willed Boys (And Their Moms) However, Saint Patrick is considered to be the primary patron saint of Ireland. Honored by scholars and theologians alike, St. Edith Stein is a true testament that the ultimate act of love is to offer ones life for the sake of another. She refused to marry even though she was punished multiple times for rejecting suitors, and she converted to Catholicism when she was 19, taking vows of chastity and pledging to marry Jesus instead. Required fields are marked *. Families have been separated as men have stayed behind to fight. Joan of Arc. If they didnt have that quality, first and foremost, they probably wouldnt have been declared saints. Her feast day is January 21, and it is honored in a special way by the Catholic Church. St. Raymond - St. Raymond Nonnatus ("not born") is a patron of the smallest of children, the child in the womb and the child at birth. She was truthful when lying was the common speech of men; she was honest when honest was become a lost virtue; she was a keeper of promises when the keeping of a promise was expected of no one; she was full of pity when a merciless cruelty was the rule; she was steadfast when stability was unknown, and honorable in an age which had forgotten what honor was; she was a rock of convictions in a time when men believed in nothing and scoffed at all things; she was unfailingly true in an age that was false to the core; she was of a dauntless courage when hope and courage had perished in the hearts of her nation. St. Maria Goretti was a 12-year-old Italian farm girl and young homemaker for her siblings when her father passed away, leaving her family in difficult financial and emotional circumstances. 1. ~ Saint Monica the Patron of Alcoholism, Bakers, Brewers, Children, Coopers, Greece and Peace. Is there a patron saint for women? According to the UNCHR, 1 in 4 of the displaced Yemeni families is headed by a woman or girl 20 percent of whom are under the age of 18.. Saint Mary Magdalene is one of the most famous women of the Bible. They both willingly went to their deaths being thrown into an arena of wild animals knowing that God would be by their side. 1. To win her freedom and entrance into the religious order, she had to find the courage to fight racism and injustice. She was dramatically transformed during her life from a person who was possessed by demons to someone who became a close . Because she refused him, he had her tortured, and she escaped death several times, only to be martyred by way of decapitation. The women who have been created as Female Patron Saints are recognised for their virtue and the contribution they have made to the Christian religion. He was crowned King at only 12 years old, following the death of his father, King Louis VIII. He told her to issue a painting of the vision she saw before herJesus with His hand raised and one pale ray and one red ray pouring out from his heartand to write the inscription Jesus, I trust in You and make public the image. When she came upon her husband and his comrades who were returning from a hunting trip, they questioned her about it, but when she opened her cloak, a cascade of roses fell at their feet instead of the loaves. Captured and enslaved in Sudan when she was only a child, the saint was severely abused and suffered at the hands of her first four owners. Although the last two families treated her like a trusted servant, when she and the child she took care of had to stay with Canossian Sisters in Venice, Italy, she realized it was where she was meant to be. Read more: 5 Saints For Single Catholics Who are the Saints of the Catholic Church? St. Clare traded in her life as the beautiful daughter of a wealthy, powerful Italian family to live in poverty and sacrifice. Her hope and dying prayer was that peace would be restored once again after the War ended. Mary did not just give birth to Jesus and then disappear; she is still an active force in our lives, crying in our pain and sorrow, laughing in our joys, intercessing in our prayers, and appearing to people all over the world to show them the everlasting power of God. She knows how to dig her heels in and never give up. The beautiful patron saint was born in 1956 in Lima to Spanish Colonists and was known for her piety and chastity. She was exposed to Christianity while on a trip to Constantinople and brought back priests and deacons to celebrate the Divine Liturgy and help her convert her people. Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, the first female saint from the Catholic Church in Canada, was a Religious Sister who helped care for and educate many Native Americans and Canadian colonists. When she refused him, he stabbed her fourteen times, eventually killing her. Obviously, weve got to include our beautiful, merciful, patient, loving Blessed Mother in this feminist party. Saint Anne, as the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is arguably one of the most important saints. After hoping for a child for several years, Caroline turned to St. Opportuna. He attempted to rape her, but she resisted, telling him that it was a sin against Gods will. Thereses littleness is what makes her such a powerful model of faith, kindness, love, and charity. The patron saint of Latin America, indigenous Americans, and the Philippines, Saint Rose of Lima is known for her extreme piety, severe . She is most known for the miracle of roses, in which she was taking a bundle of loaves of bread to feed the poor, which were hidden underneath her cloak. 5 Saints who can help with the hardships we face as women, Worlds greatest dads: Saintly men who have raised saints. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". These two Christian martyrs died for their faith in the early 3rd century. If you pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, youre probably already aware of the legend that is St. Faustina Kowalska. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. In the 4th Century, the devout Christian was married to an angry pagan who was unfaithful to her. what your child's quirks and struggles mean, and how to address them, which strategies you can use to help your child thrive, not flounder, 100 Perfect Patron Saints for Exceptional Catholic Kids. ~ Saint Nicholas/Saint Dorothy the Patron of Brides. When she still refused to deny God, she was forced to live in a brothel, but an angel protected her. Instead, she had a burning desire to offer herself and her life as a true sacrifice in atonement for the sins against peace. St. Gianna Beretta Molla was described as a "woman, doctor, and lover of life." She was the last person to be canonized by the blessed John Paul II. ~ Saint Norbert the Patron of Peasants. Let's shine a light on some of these fascinating and fearless female saints: Number 6: St Agnes (c.292305) Number 5: St Brigid of Kildare (c. Number 4: St Etheldreda (d. Number 3: St Clare of Assisi (c. Number 2: St Hildegard of Bingen (10981179) Meaning: English for "God's grace" Famous Namesakes: Joan Jett, Joan Rivers, Joan Cusack. Saint Christopher is the patron saint of strength. Meaning: grace. Oddly, she is the patroness of an assortment of professions, such as goldsmiths, laundry, television, embroiderers, and good weather. But its not because she had a blissful Christian marriage or family life. Blessed Louis and Zlie Martin, today we turn to you in prayer. St. Gummarus - Patron of Difficult Spouses. March 11, 2016. Which is the staple food of Punjab and Haryana? Maryobedient to God, courageous and brave, loving and gentle, active and prayerfulis the ultimate feminist. Her suffering was extensive and prolonged, especially as she grieved her husbands adultery and her sons capricious and wayward lifestyle. She is one of the patron saints of France. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Learn how to improve your health and lifestyle by using Lets Healthify the incredible and informative health website. ~ Saint Anne the Patron of Grandmothers, Mothers, Women in labor and Horse riders. while I was going out of my fathers house, the sharpness of sense will not be greater, I believe, in the very instant of agony of my death, than it was then. Jack Townsend and Nina Lawrence were a couple for three years, four months, and ten days (according to Nina's mother, Marie, who has kept count while faithfully attending confession and observing saint's days). St. G is my go-to girl when I have my daily existential crisis about how my future self is going to balance working in a career while also raising healthy/happy/holy kids. Fortunately, she lived to see her son get baptized and live a Christian life. He spoke to her personally, called her by name, gave her tasks, and took care of her. Well, because Charles is popularly invoked as a patron saint of stomach ailments and also of obesity and dieting. She is venerated as a saint, but not as a martyr. Saint Dwynwen. August 24, 1617 (aged 31) Lima, Viceroyalty of Peru. She appeals to those who appreciate mystical theology and is the patroness of those ridiculed for their piety, those in need of grace, and those who are gravely ill. Born to an Algonquin-Mohawk tribe, St. Kateri developed smallpox as a child, which left her face pock-marked and disfigured. List of Catholic Female Patron Saints in Alphabetical Order. A mystic and Doctor of the Church, St. Catherine lived as a tertiary for the Dominican order and used her gifts of philosophy and theology to encourage peace among the Italian territories of her time (during the papacy of Gregory XI). Number 2: St Hildegard of Bingen (10981179). May your motto: My God must be first served, be mine also; so that through me, He may build His kingdom here on earth. 4. Because her love of God and hatred of sin was so great, she remained faithful and pure and prayed just before she was brutally executed for being a Christian. The ruthlessness she displayed as a pagan was transformed into courage and strength when she became a Christian. Are blue tailed lizards in Georgia poisonous? Though she suspected she may die there, she was not deterred. St. Josephine Bakhita was born in the Darfur region in 1869. Not only did she take the courageous step of moving to a foreign country, Canada, but this religious sister also cared for Indigenous people and colonists, founded a womens religious order, and began schools. Catholic Online. St. Gianna sacrificed herself for the sake of her child, a most unusual and extraordinary decision, especially in our era. She lived during the reign of Diocletian, and she was martyred under his rule, as well at the age of 13. Because of his youth, his mother, Blanche of Castile, ruled France as regent during his minority. St. Maria is the epitomized role model of chastity and upholding virginity. In order to establish schools for immigrants and children in the 1600s, she faced grave dangers. Zelie and Therese and Servant of God Leonie, St. Therese of Lisieux and St. Zelie Martin, of St. Therese resources at Shower of Roses. A young farm girl turned teenage war hero, Joan kicked butt Mulan-style and was guided into battle by the grace of God. And while the situation in Ukraine rightly requires urgent attention, we cannot forget other places in the world where war has uprooted the lives of millions of people, with high numbers of women and children. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Thirteen is an awkward age. She writes, Love proves itself by deeds, so how am I to show my love? The earliest records show that people and churches were named after apostles and martyrs as early as the fourth century. Joan of Arc, because strong-willed girls dont take no for an answer. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. And they can just as easily serve as our role models. And the . Saint Teresa of Calcutta didnt shy away from people with contagious diseases, and she didnt fear the stress and sadness that can come from constantly living with and serving people who suffered because of extreme poverty. As one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers, this 4th-century martyr is a very powerful intercessor and is said to have spoken to Joan of Arc. Marias humble bravery and commitment to purity make her an example of a true woman of God. Her fidelity to Gods will, despite the potential consequences, is an example of exemplary faith. Catholic Church Anglican Communion. Her infinite love of Jesus also helped her to bravely endure her long battle with tuberculosis. Love11. She gave birth to her daughter, named after her, but died shortly thereafter. Her feast day is October 5. When he learned they were to be sold into such a life, he secretly left gold on three different occasions to provide dowry money so they could be married. 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