Top 10 Marriage Pros & Cons Summary List, Personal Brand vs. Corporate Brand: 24 Key Pros & Cons, 24 Key Pros & Cons Of Investing In (Retro) Video Games, 34 Major Pros & Cons Of Investing In Comic Books, Gold Bars vs. Gold Coins: 23 Precious Pros & Cons, 31 Cool Pros & Cons Of Owning A Classic Car, 24 Key Pros & Cons Of Unemployment Benefits, 32 Key Pros & Cons Of Investing In Trading Cards, 30 Precious Pros & Cons Of Investing In Art. More difficult to obtain: Confidential marriage licenses may be more difficult to obtain than traditional marriage licenses, as the couple may need to meet specific eligibility requirements, such as both partners being over 18 years old and not being currently married to someone else. No one else can go down to the county or do a record search and find that document.Yaaaa!! Another downside of getting married is that you will have no access to other partners anymore. I'm married *for real* now and it's an entirely different experience. What are some pros and cons? In regards to the legal photo I.D., a photograph, full legal name, birth date, date of issue, and expiration date must be featured. Pros of divorce. Especially if you love your freedom and do not want to make any compromises, marriage will definitely not be the way to go for you since you will never be happy if you are a freedom-loving person who wants to stay flexible and experience new things all the time. 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. We're here for you 24/7. Difference between religious and legal . Until the 1970s, confidential marriage was still an option, but it wasnt widely taken advantage of as social mores shifted and it became less scandalous for unmarried couples to live together. The difference in opinions is often the cause of disagreements at weddings. If your partner and you really like each other, you may want to stay together as a couple without marrying each other. When shes not writing or illustrating for AMM, she enjoys easy hikes, fantasy novels, comics, and traveling. For instance, if you marry a partner whose family has good connections into the business world, chances are that you can also profit from those connections since it will be much easier for you to get a good job or to get leading roles in a company. Types of Marriage Licenses. One important advantage of marriage is that it provides partners with an increased level of security. Once its recorded ANYONE can get a copy; You, your friends, your family, your employers, every telemarketer, and Chester the Identity Thief can get a copy. A public marriage license requires one or two witnesses to sign the marriage license. DEFINTION: A commitment ceremony is a marriage ceremony in which two people commit their lives to each other, but it isn't legally binding. Whether you should get married or not is a question that you have to answer yourself, depending on your individual preferences. What are the pros and cons of each? Facing the pros and cons of an open relationship doesn't remove mental issues but it can mean better communication and connection. A Simple Buddhist Wedding Ceremony Script. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-leader-2','ezslot_20',190,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-leader-2-0');This is especially true in countries where living together with a partner without marriage is considered to be dodgy and not acceptable. Among others, articles have been cited by NPOs, Wikipedia, as well as on several college websites and lifestyle blogs. Moreover, marriage often also implies the obligation to pay alimony in case of divorce. If you want to have kids, marriage may be a good tool since your kids may be better treated by society than without marriage. This is the case for both confidential marriage licenses and public marriage licenses in the State of California. Over time, people develop their character in different directions. Both parties must be present in order to file the application and then be issued a marriage license. Section 501 of Californias Family Code allows for the county clerk to issue a confidential license, and Section 511 states that these licenses are not open to public inspection, except by acourt order. Shes an advocate for marriage equality and individuality. Quite often, one partner works in a job to provide for the family while the other partner stays at home and takes care of the kids. Weddings Are Crazy-Expensive. A marriage license is a legally binding document that is required in order to get married. Those who participate in a covenant marriage agree to attend counseling both before the marriage, and before the possibility of divorce. The options for last names include 1) the contemporary last name of the other spouse, 2) the last name of either spouse supplied at birth, 3) a name that combines all or a segment of the current last name or last name of either spouse given at birth into a single last name, and 4) a hyphenated merger of the last names. Cons.. it won't be as easy to walk away. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Hence, if you grow up in a region where fundamentalists are quite common, chances are that you will be forced into marriage due to irrational religious claims and arguments. For instance, you might have to pay large amounts of money for alimony. These documents include a valid and authentic legal photo identification and the completed confidential marriage license application form. Confidential marriage licenses require the signature of both parties getting married. Yet, this is a quite controversial topic since many people are not too afraid to end a marriage and to leave a partner if someone better is waiting for them, especially in our Western world where people seem to be quite flexible regarding leaving a marriage and going for a better partner instead. Yet, although marriage has some advantages, it also implies many serious problems. Persons under 18 with written consent from at least one parent (or legal guardian) AND permission from a California Superior Court Judge may marry. It depends on what works best for you. Press J to jump to the feed. Another big problem of marriage is that people are often quite naive and do not know what it actually means to get married. RayAnswers : It costs less. The couple may be married in any county in the state. A confidential marriage license must be signed either during or after the ceremony and then returned by an officiant to the county for a marriage certificate to be issued. Otherwise, it's not really different than a regular marriage license. Here are some to consider: Pros It is romantic and void of external opinions. You're Subject to Others' Expectations and Rules. Many people also become quite jealous over time and want to control what their partner is doing since they fear to get replaced. Both parties must be over 18. I'm married *for real* now and it's an entirely different experience. All rights reserved. Only the Officiant and the couple will be signing the document. A public marriage license differs from a confidential marriage license in that it is a public record and requires at least one witness to be present during the ceremony. There is no better choice than to divorce. A birth certificate is not necessarily needed in the process of getting a confidential marriage license. Marriage can also be quite problematic in case of divorce. Many people think that they miss out on something if they dont get married. There are two types of marriage licenses that can be issued in the state of California. My fiancee and I are getting married. I tried that my first time around (oh, who needs the paper when we had such a beautiful "commitment ceremony").. it doesn't work. Public marriage licenses require at least one witness to be present during the marriage ceremony. If you plan to buy property together then being legally married has major major major advantages. In many cases, only one party gets custody while the other person will only be able to see his or her kids a few times a month. Equifax Credit Report is a trademark of Equifax, Inc. and its affiliated companies. Hi Kristine! presented did not contain the individuals full name. Witnesses are only required if the couple purchased a public marriage license. This information is provided by the couple and wont be checked by the county, but could pose a problem for couples who arent living together and answer honestly on their application. Share it! For instance, if you are forced into marriage by your parents at a young age, chances are that you will just trust them to know whats good for you and you may end up in a disastrous state later on in your life. Check out our free ceremony scripts! While marriage is perhaps the most common form of a permanent and legal union, another option is a domestic partnership. But for others, such as celebrities, political figures, and others in the public eye (or those who want to stay out of it), it's important to keep their personal details and marriages private. Learn from the Pros to Officiate with Confidence! A public marriage license in California is a public record that allows couples to get married anywhere in the state. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'environmental_conscience_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',146,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-environmental_conscience_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');Your partner can also help you to overcome difficult situations in your life. The concept of marriage has been invented thousands of years ago and it has been a valid social construct until now. The process is the same whether you have a public marriage license or a confidential marriage license. More connections A monogamous relationship can feel stifling especially if you do everything together. That also includes leaving assets in your estate to your spouse without estate or gift tax . In most places, being married without a licence generally means the union is a customary marriage a "common-law union," which some jurisdictions will consider as lawful while some just 'accept' it without assigning lawfulness or unlawfulness. it can be delivered anywhere in the state or it can be issued at our Long Beach facility. Over time, they lose all their affection for their partner and the marriage. We as humans develop over time and so do our feelings for each other. They're both just as legal and enforceable for any use and need. This website is intended to provide general information and you should not rely on this website or its contents as a source of legal advice. Although this may be true for some, marriage takes hard work, dedication, and compromise from both partners to make it successful. I always love reading who got a marriage license in the paper. This is also one main reason why divorce rates are so high. Additionally, they must be able to sign their name on the official public marriage license confirming this. Covenant marriage is a type of marriage that is only available, as of 2017, to Americans living in three states: Arizona, Arkansas, and Louisiana. Life is hard sometimes for all of us and if you have a strong partner who supports you in those times, chances are that you will be able to get back on track much sooner in a healthy manner. Confidential marriage licenses are issued by the county clerk's office in certain jurisdictions, and the couple must meet certain eligibility requirements, such as both partners being over 18 years old and not being currently married to someone else. Upon being issued the confidential marriage license, both parties must present specific documents including a valid authentic legal photo identification card featuring a full legal name, photograph, date of birth, date of issue, and expiration date. Find wedding inspiration that fits your style with photos from real couples, Sit back and relax with travel info + exclusive deals for the hottest honeymoon destinations, To unblock this content, please click here. A sworn statement, acknowledgment by a notary public, a record search fee, and a self-addressed stamped envelope are required if the parties request the license by mail. We've read up a bit online and leaning toward a confidential marriage license and are mainly interested in considering any potential long-term disadvantages to this - such as an impact when we eventually buy a house, combine banking accounts, etc. It's not the same. Public license is $91. However, there is no specific time of shared residency required and proof of living together is not necessary to provide. "Marriage is the ultimate commitment." According to the mag, even couples who have lived together for years "say they feel more at ease once they said their vows". These days with identity theft issues we recommend getting a confidential marriage license to all our couples. Therefore, just to stay with one woman for the rest of our lives is just not in our DNA. The record may not easily be accessed for genealogy purposes and you may have a great-great-great-great-great-grandchild one day who is interested. This can lead to serious mental issues for people since they often want to spend more time with their kids and see them grow up, but they are not allowed to do so by family law. There is no age requirement for the witness but the witness must be old enough to understand that they are witnessing a marriage ceremony. So I had NO idea (I live in California, FYI) that there are 2 types of marriage licenses: public and confidential? However, it is important to note that marriage ceremonies do not have to occur in the same place that the marriage license appointment took place. Copyright 2001-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) Fair Isaac Corporation. Therefore, make sure that you can afford getting married before actually proposing to your partner. Need inspiration? Witnesses are not required to attend the ceremony if a confidential marriage license was purchased. We are Specialized Notaries for LA County. There are two types of marriage licenses commonly issued in California. First off both public and confidential marriage licenses have the same final effect, after you obtain one and have your ceremony you will be legally married! Pros.. all the money you blow on the wedding and reception will be legally recognized. Another problem of marriage is that you may also become quite dependent on your partner. Blood tests are not necessary for acquiring a confidential marriage license. The times and options for walk-in appointments depend on the county in California. Many counties in California have appointed specialized notaries (LIKE US) who act as agents for the county clerks office to issue only the confidential marriage license. For example, tax (income tax), health benefit, credit scores, buying a house and starting a business? We also trace the roots of monogamy, take a quick tour of the history of mar. This change will be reflected after the solemnization of the marriage. one of our family law attorneys in California today. If the holy book says you have to marry, it is your task to comply with those demands without ever questioning them. Some people also claim that it is easier to maintain a relationship once you are married. But why does California alone offer this option? When California first introduced the option for confidential marriage records back in 1878, it was a convenient way for couples who had been secretly living in sin to legally marry without blowing their cover which a public wedding certainly would do. Many people marry at quite a young age and are not able to see all the risks that are implied by marrying a partner. Did you decide what type of marriage license to get? We share our hopes, dreams, fears, and personal experiences, often expecting that this information will be kept confidential. Chances are that you will become less attracted to your partner over time and you have to ask yourself whether you want to live with a person to whom you may no longer be attracted to before getting married. pros of Confidential Marriage License cons of Confidential Marriage License The Difference between a Marriage License and a Marriage Certificate How to Obtain a Marriage License in Los Angeles County through County Clerk's Office (more difficult) through a special authorized notary (easier) Los Angeles Marriage License Requirements For this information, we look to 506 of the California Family Code, which states that: (a) The confidential marriage license shall be presented to the person solemnizing the marriage. I don't see why anyone would want a confidential ML unless they were hiding from someone, living a double life or they were famous. If you and your future wife or husband . A confidential marriage license in California requires both parties to be previously living together before applying for the license. For that reason, I would choose private but people with different experiences may opt for public or just go with whatever is cheaper. Some people may also want to move to different countries while their partner wants to stay in their home country. It does not matter where in California, as long as it takes place in the state. I dunno, I come from a place where there are a lot of privacy laws so the idea of public records and licenses is a bit scary to me. Civil marriage ceremonies may only be performed for two unmarried individuals with a valid California marriage license. For visitors with visual disabilities, access to this website, including our FICO Data Privacy Policy, is available through assistive technologies, such as BrowseAloud, JAWS, VoiceOver, Narrator, ChromeVox, and Window-Eyes. Can anyone explain the pros and cons of a public marriage license vs. a confidential license? Overall, a confidential marriage license is a useful option for couples who want to keep their marriage private, but it is important to consider the potential risks and benefits before making a decision. A confidential marriage license (we issue these) requires no witnesses to sign the license. In some countries, there are tax advantages for married couples, which may result in lower income tax payments. This wedding style, although easier, has its pros and cons. Get out and get safe. Comparatively, the public license is part of public record, which means anyone can request copies, provided they pay the required fees. Applying for a confidential license is similar to applying for a public one, but there are a few unique requirements to be aware of. In Los Angeles county, confidential marriage licenses are actually a little cheaper than a public license, but couples opting for the confidential route have to pay $14 to order a. One option includes making the choice to purchase a brand new marriage license before the ceremony. This is the same return period given for a regular license. There are several reasons why most marriages do not work out. It is important to note that there is a time limit to have the ceremony once this license is received. As I went to university and got my Masters degree in Economics, I did plenty of research in the field of Development Economics. Fears, and before the marriage, and compromise from both partners to make it successful experiences may for. Pay the required fees of getting a confidential marriage license vs. a confidential license pros and cons of confidential marriage license account to follow your communities. 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