To our families, friends, children, neighbors, community, lovers, pets, and those in need all other the world! That is how though, with the Qur'an. Oh yea u are from the lost tribes of Israel u have hair like the messiah hope u begin to wake up they stole our identity and the messiah is getting ready to return after this one world government system condemns the unbelievers! Neither of them exists btwnevertheless, theists (especially of the more fundamental type) will go very much out of their way to convince you otherwise. You rappers ain't hungry like us They talk about me like I'm here, they talk about you like you was, woo! Isa Massi Ridiculous only according to you, not the objective proof/evidence gathered by those who actually explored the "God" question no matter the name you or others call "he/she/it." These are direct verifiable quotes from people who are still alive. Dont believe in God and exploitate Christian faith & morality When asked if he thought his talents were God-given Jackson replied: No, because I work at it. That's long been debunked. Maybe you should study more instead of blindly accepting things. Jesus Christ is a combination of Zeus and Krisna, yet Yahshua is the person they speak of in the Bible. To the unbelievers, When the trials of life visits your door-step (As they surely will) who will you call out to; Chris Rock? Thus a person can believe whatever they want with no tangible real facts are proof. I find it a bit odd that this site would criticize Bill Cosby for asserting that Blacks in poverty aren't self-actualizing, but on the other hand this site promotes celebrities who uphold Jesus. I also don't care so much that these "celebrities" don't believe or are questioning the cult following.However it is nice that this is even being spotlighted.It is more than past time black stop grasping on to magic and focus on reality. The testimonies of millions of people is a whole heap of the most powerful evidence. Of course you are. Religion is total bullshit and black people need to wake dafuq up. Being non-religious does not equal "atheist" or a non-believer. Not me. However, he doesnt attribute his talents to God. I and explain therefore god. [Verse 1: JAY-Z] Tears on the mausoleum floor. I think cognitive behavioral psychiatrists are particularly good with deal with people who have delusions, hallucinations and violent behaviors due to them. One day their eyes will open and they will see how much less than bright they actually were. Iget tired of Christian people feeling as if they are better people because of their beliefs. Discover short videos related to rappers who dont believe god on TikTok. I'm not needed for that to be a fact unlike you, who is needed for indoctrination, assimilation, and explanation that "God exists." It is not arrogance in telling someone who has allegedly, supposedly, or whatever claimed to have experienced "phenomenal change in their lives" that they are wrong. [6] So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, I do not understand people believing they have a SPIRIT and are ALIVE but do not believe in a Source of that spirit. How you know he's real? Y'all spend to much time trying to make "US" out to be some hateful ppl, however all "We" do is spread Love, it's just in "Our" natureBe Blessed n' Be a Blessing . It's you who doesn't comprehend vast subjects. So no, we're not going to let live but we will live and you will have to cope with that on your own. is the bible the biggest fear game going? Let alone talking snakes, or Jesus' miracles. Or is it in your brain? There is just no evidence for the religious claims that we all came from magic performed through dirt & air by a sky wizard calling himself "daddy/father." Please people don't get it twisted and talk things you don't know ask and you shall be get. That comes from Aesop, not Jesus. I guess all blacks steal to huh? And I'm not talking about what you want to see but what you & everyone else ACTUALLY SEES. Conquer the world for your god. and pierced by the force of its rushing flight, Whoever told you that and wherever you got that from clearly lied to you. If you don't believe in GOD, then don't yell his name when are in TROUBLE!!! Believe what you want!!! The bible which has origins in the Egyptian methology gives a metaphoric understanding that works for me a millions of others. Than there is the other place; not of rest, but of contempt. I feel sorry you don't believe in our Lord and Savior. MarkActually, the testimonies of millions are not objective evidence and proof of "God's existence." I don't see me saying anything like that, er actually . This eruption should continue because all Christians want to do to atheists is what they wished happened to LGBTQs see them (us, I'm atheist-humanist) shut up and disappear. How anyone can cling to an idea of a perfect being who essentially created humans to worship "him", gleefully testing his minions to prove worthiness of his love; hence an eternity by "his" side ? All the information was completely controlled by the church. 0:00. They attempt to remove an elected official from office because he was an atheist. Every woman should not be Muslim. It's about taking ownership of my life. What objective evidence do you have that proves & shows that Islam is the oldest religion/faith? Your point leaves other assumes that Christianity is the only religion and allow people like Samantha to profess and promote an atheistic view. It's takes brains and objective proof/evidence, none of which you have. It just burns me when I hear people telling others how WRONG they are because of how tightly they believe in their DOGMAS. and those who make light of his labors. We are all one last breath from eternity. For the God fairytale no proof, no evidence, nothing is needed. God is real, and whether you believe it or not doesn't negate the fact that He is God, and He's will to save your souls because He loves you that much. Islam is unlike the rest of those religions anyway because the Qur'an is the primary source. You're also very wrong, but I guess you still haven't figured that out by now and never will. Again, we will remain vocal on and offline. Dennis, your failure is so epic that it's classic. You can argue it all you want, but the truth of the matter is, there WILL be a second coming of Jesus Christ and what is happening in the world today is leading up to his return. You talk to him on the phone? That's cool. How do you defend sure an abominable and beastly creature? Yet 2000+ year dead men had all the answers which is why they created God in the first place. It was as if they had nothing else to say. I am so blessed because of what God has done for my life. Christian hip hop is having a moment: 6 rappers you should know, including chart-topper NF. This volcano may have erupted online more than anywhere else but I'm glad that it has erupted. I don't beg for shit. what trial?u die and theres nothing more to it! 2) No. Jesus!! Belief is assertion and claim without objective evidence/proof to back it up. I still learn, I read.. Estevan Carlos Benson The truth proves itself though it requires some prior knowledge to have full comprehension. There has to be a supreme power of perfection, beyond the creativity, computational abilities, and meticulous hands of man, that put the world in all its form. That is going a bit too far. Oh, that's right. What that tells me is that you have not done enough thinking and contemplating about life and you are just repeating things that you have heard, much the way you did when you were online. 3) You clearly seem to think you know everything about God, the universe, and humanity so much that you take the words of 2000+ dead men and believe them over the reality that has objectively debunked them for technically millennia, not just centuries. It says, "in the beginning the GODS created heaven and earth". A black Christian is a black person with no memory. sad to see so many thinking their religious truth should be had by otherswhatever! Well ~~~~newsflash~~~~ IT DOES NOT WORK LIKE THAT NOW AND NEVER WILL! Say you guys!!! All you do is assert and assume. "Professing themselves to be wise they became fools""the fool has said in his heart there is no God!!!!". Oh yeah. Because you challenge the existence of what is obvious. There's much we don't know. If there were no so called after life most Christians wouldn't Christian. We are compassionate human beings. Religion was whipped into our people. Onaje Allan Gumbs For this I can only say that though your meditation may be soothing, it is ultimately pointless without true spiritual guidance. Well, the FACT that the earth is a sphere blew that "belief" out the water smdh, Your a fool..You mean like your doing?.We gave the world the truth.You need to study, Now learn what "Webster" saids about you,.A "Black" man and tell me if you fit that meaning. It's like every other theism/religion. God has been debunked for centuries. True, but that is Christianity. Samantha you rock. one does not forsake logic and reason for speculation and myth! Rappers, experts say, have their own relationships with God, which show their appreciation may come from a variety of sources. "Yeshua".You need to"Study to show thy self approved~2 Timothy 2:15 ", God's word saids.Proverbs 12:15~ The way of a fool is right in his own eyes:". These are the famous . religion is nothing but brainwashing. is it just a coincidence how everything scientific in our world works? Samantha A. Christian I agree. Toby Mac was born on October 22, 1964, in Virginia and is a son of a pious Christian family. Personally knowing your savior? "and if you say this is forgery, write one like it. I'm sure many white Christians will say it should not be about what race he is, but if it were shown that Jesus was black the number of white Christians would drop dramatically. you like her better than me huh? In the meantime, check yourself into a mental asylum. Gladys, you are hilarious. As for your second response, you continue to lie about yourself which is always hilarious. OK, that was an apt beginner's science lesson, but "prove almighty god's existence" .well, the proof never happened. But that is not the question you should ask; but rather what if there is, and all that he provided for us to escape is true. Staples. It is fact that God is myth and a figment of every believer's imagination including you. The point is that people are taking a more sane look at this thing called religion and the concept of God. We should concentrate on what is real and dedicating our lives to that instead. Instead I man up and face my problems head on myself (or with the support of family and friends), with my feet planted firmly in reality. STEPPING OUTSIDE OF CHRISTIANITY WAS THE REASON WHY I KNOW MORE ABOUT GOD TODAY. . I know I don't need a piece of paper to honor me as to what I'm good at doing. I ain't religious by the way. Its fashionable to do away with religion. Proof is the only think that doesnt make it faith. Again the answer is you dont know, I don't know but science says it all came from some where but we don't know. On July 26, Nathan John Feuerstein, better known as "NF," released his fourth studio album called "The Search.". No, wonder, I'm not a fan of Chris Rock, Samuel L. Jackson..etc.In the Last days..Every knee must Bow and Every tongue, should confess that Jesus is Lord..God is the only one can make Everyone a Believer. Otherwise I'd probably be the same. I grew up a Methodist and I don't regret it . We must change our lives and conform to His Word! Yet whenever they are asked to provide EVIDENCE for their extraordinary claims, the reply is either what I had just stated above or, "Well the Bible says yada-yada-yada" which doesn't carry any merit because you have nothing other than what is limited to ancient print on on a page. One thing we are all failing to see is religion is of man and not of God..God did not mandate no religion.Who put Christianity upon the black community? 1) You don't scare me. I just believe in God. : a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that something is true I want to be at this Conference! Would that not make HIM responsible for all evil? Regarding Satan and God, how can you tell which is which? MAKING BILLIONS A DAY OFF OF OUR SUFFERING. Once I realized she wasn't I decided I lost interest in discussion with her on this subject. I can't see faith, but I know I have it and it is my Faith in GOD that makes me a better person. Interesting irony. But if believing makes you feel better be my guest. Belief is a waste of a life. You. in what tyler perry play do u think that will happen. Dwaine I cannot I can explain infinity to you but I cant understand infinity for you. Cant we just respect the difference and move on with these 'accidents' we call lives? Some people have no vision, and their limited view is almost infectious. While religion within in the Black community is supportive, loving, caring, etc., what Chris Rock says is also a reality of Black history. Jerry I highly doubt that any of you atheists have a higher I.Q. In the book of Job, your god makes a wager with Satan regarding the loyalty of Job, if indeed he is all knowing and all wise, would he not already know the answer thus sparing Job his unnecessary suffering? Whether you call the God the creator the center of the universe or simply the source of all things their is a God. and when it has passed no trace can be found, Just because these people don't believe in white jesus, and know there history does not make them bad people. The bible itself is enough proof/evidence to know that there is a supernatual being around. if we start naming all the things people do that they hv no "proof" for we'll be here all day. Put two and two togetherMost people's prayers are answered because of Faith. Think about how much better the entire black community would be without religion and god/jesus belief. You clearly haven't read the bible at all that's why you don't realize it is fiction. P.S. Religion is a lot of ritual. No one that ever lived on this earth can be ever so wise or intelligent as those who wrote the books in the bible (THOSE INDIVIDUALS WERE INSPIRED BY GOD). But as African or Black people, if we took the time to actually research our ancestors' history, concept of God and religious experience, many of us would turn to that tradition for enlightenment and guidance. I'm not particularly religious, but I do hate the extremes. Ultimately, I don't have a problem if someone doesn't believe in God as long as they don't ridicule my belief in a higher power. Again, enjoy your psychosis. Worshiping GOD has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with "Spirituality"..That's why so many of y'all are so lostSAD, Cheryl Welch-Walker ..God saids, "Study to show thy self approved~2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "He doesn't call it "Home Work"..Seems to me that, your the person that gets a failing grade in "The Home Work" department;-(, Bert Lundblad .You, will know the "Truth" when you die, but it will be too late to change your mind at that pointYou need to accept him before you passSo Sad:-(, Kamilah T. Harris "Oh ye of little faith~Matthew 8:26" He's not, as you say, "Sky Daddy", that's why you and so many others have it wrong"He lives in you" once you accept him..I feel for youSo Sad . The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. 2) What Dwaine has is not a belief. what has he done? Smirnoff Launches Signature Mix Series KRS One Before he was the frontman of Boogie Down Productions, the Bronx rapper spent time as a teenage. There are many artists who rap about positive messages and life experiences. all i have to say is "without God, I will be nothingwith out Him, I would failwithout God, my life would be nothingbe like a shipwithout a sail" one of my favorite hymns of all time. Dennis Spurling Like I care. Love everything you said. Embrace Islam so that your souls may return to Allah well pleased and well pleasing unto Him. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. Kamilah T. Harris Kamilah T. Harris funny thing is I no longer even see my comment in the thread anymore, seems to have been removed. Stop wasting your $$ on preachers and put it into black owned business and volunteer groups. That placebo in your head is working wonders for you. Good luck with that train wreck mission. If you think God doesn't exist, explain spirits, demons etc and if you don't believe in those neither, I dare anyone of you to fuck around with a ouja board and see what happens. Did they actually happen or not? And so that's okay most people never believe in god because they never showed them the power of his presence. It also refers to itself as "US" and "OUR", which means that there is more than one. OK, let's see what experts on the Bible have to say about the Bible. Heck, you're showing yourself to be quite the bigot, too. [14] Because the hope of the ungodly man is like We do not measure our status by the expense of our altars, and proof positive mentioning that specifically comes from the simple fact that I had built mine from scratch. Be cautious not to be so ignorant or you can miss your chance to get into the Garden. Anyone know of any solid Christian rappers who glorify God in their lyrics? @kamilah as you fail to realize that nothing from nothing leaves nothing and the something that exist came from somewhere best explained by the 2000 year old dead men and not in anyway explained by you, you ma'am are a dam arrogant fool. I can't see my brain but I know it is there, somewhere. Everyone OUT of the closet!!! Do you know how faulty science is, being that it takes men several times to rid their imperfections and generate accurate results to explain universal phenomenons, that in most cases still have blemishes to them. Believe me when I say we are truly committed to our practice. There is nothing that deep about Islam. There is a lot the church doesn't teach. with a normal sight and during a clear nite u see stars. Dennis Spurling Excuse me?! Ameen! Achieving nothing but ignorance forever more. Yaaaaaas! The universe is not "proof of God's existence." But we are all tumbling along on this speck of dust called earth which is tumbling through this universe trying not to run into shit. A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ABOLITIONIST MOVEMENT__ The goal of the abolitionist movement was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the end of racial discrimination and segregation. I love Sam Jackson and Morgan Freedman Great actors and I'm glad they've moved beyond needing invisible friends. Just too easy. Hey I'll bet you believe Jesus was really born on December 25, have a great day! A black person who doesn't believe in God after having learned about Him is a sell out and a curse to all those who follow them. to be so talented he is lacking. its called Jesus! This has helped me like it has helped millions of others. Khalil Tahir Yes! Loving other's, helping other's is a major part of being a Christian. Religion/theism is inherently bigoted. It's their problem, not yours. Besides all of gods traits are oddly human. If I can read Harry Potter without believing it is all real and true you should be able to do the same with the bible, Koran, and any other mythological (religious) texts. It's all been disproven objectively over centuries. If you were talking about anyone or anything else everyone would think you're delusional because. It is the best way of life for a woman and I haven't met one Muslimah yet who feels otherwise. Agreed 1000%. It must be scary to live the way you do, thinking that your life is ruled by spirits. Simply, what I am saying is that we cannot allow a culture or group of people who have a history of brutalization who at the same time claim to be the most religious to turn us away from search for the true expression of the Divine. Kudos to you. People needs to know they can't do nothing on their own. @Kamilah when finish medical school and you finish your residency and you begin practicing medicine you may find some instances where you realize that their are just some instances the medicine and since can't explain. Leave us alone, and act like a true christian if christian is what you choose to be. Point? If you don't like it, oh well. In fact all of those mythological religions may have at one time or another been based on a real person, but none of those people were Allah. But hey, God is good. There is much evidence that the origins of these beliefs are wrong, or at least questionable. "Sam I Am"..Do you believe in.. "Green Eggs and Ham"?Oh!I'm sorry, please forgive me I see your already "A Christian".Good Girl , Reading many of these comments, shows why there is so much disbelief.Every ones approach is always based on "Religion". Jesus Christ is not the Lord and saviour. We're fools because we don't believe in a book that says you should kill your misbehaving child! Too bad, you don't because you and your religion/theism, deity are just as fallible. Savannah Gardiner you do know that both Apple and Microsoft are founded by Atheist. Oh by Reading, learning etc. That this all powerful being who created everything, is content with people being thoughtless drones. WHAT YA'LL NEED TO BE UPLIFTING IS HAITI AND ITS GLORIOUS HISTORY OF HOLDING ON TO THE TRADITION. I stand by it wholeheartedly and that's that!! The one who gives you life. 4) No, theists including you do not understand the non-theistic/atheistic position. You Talk about Choose Life who made Life it was ALmighty God and all that you talked about war ect. He says, "If there was a God, I'd still have both nuts." Bruce Lee is believed to have been a spiritual atheist. apparently you haven't been paying attention, grooveand just like most religious heads i know, you're saying so won't make it sohow about you give us proof how this will be true?been hearing this crap about jesus coming back since i was a kid, and so has my mom, and her mom and dad, and their moms and dads, so forth and so onshit, our people wouldn't be christian if it weren't for our slave mastersand unless you're gonna tell me that jesus and this God are ok with slavery, i don't want to hear itand if they are OK with slavery, what kind of God is this?, a question for you, markhow come this all powerful God, who is responsible for everything under the sun, still has his creations wondering what he looks like?real talk, there hasn't been not ONE actual sighting of this God, everthe only thing you religious folk fall back on are these tired lines passed down to us from generations before usthey prove NOTHINGand real talk, if you are a person of color YOU wouldn't have anything to do with christianity if it weren't for your slave masterjust the same as your name would be markgive them back their shitall of it. 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