Numbers and coding systems; Boolean algebra with application to logic systems; examples of digital logic circuits; simple machine language programming and Assembly and C/C+ programming language; microprocessors programming (both assembly and C/C+) for input/output, interrupts, and system design. Students may complete the professional elective requirements in several ways: Students are required to select 6 credit hours of graduate-level courses from other non-ECE engineering disciplines, such as: Students may also select any 500-level course from the mathematics & statistics department (MATH, STAT), excluding math subject courses for educators (MATH 508, 5386, 5387, 543, 544, 5440, 5441, 5442, 5443, 5445, 545, 546, 549, 586, 591). 3135935498 (Work) Students will use simulation tools to design filters and verify circuit performance. The course will cover basic devices and applications in Electromagnetic waves. Case Studies will be presented to illustrate a variety of applications. It will include ignition systems and controls, amplifiers, frequency characteristics of electronic circuits, feedback in electronic systems and stability, power electronics and motor drive controls (DC/DC and DC/AC converters) and EMC issues. Simulation techniques and software will be introduced. Review of discrete-time signals and systems, introduction of discrete-time random signals and variables, linear signal models, nonparametric power spectrum estimation, least-squares filtering and prediction, signal modeling and parametric spectral estimation, selected topics. Impact of modern materials on commercial product performance; representative illustrations from product areas such as automotive vehicles, commercial aircraft, recreational equipment, and electronic products. ECE670 Adv Comp Netwk&WL Comm 3 Credit Hours. Basic concepts, algorithms, and standards will be covered for systems that process digital images, vector graphics, and text. Design of real time systems. Three lecture hours per week. Must be taken in the first year), ECE 5831 Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks. Operating systems for parallel architectures. Michigan Engineering | University of Michigan 1221 Beal Avenue. It is the responsibility of the student requesting transfer of credit to submit this completed form and an official transcript with course final grade and a copy of the course syllabus or the catalogs description. SIMD and MIMD structures. ECE526 Multimedia Comm Sys 3 Credit Hours. Computer control of machines and processes. The ECE Department offers an evening program of 30 credit hours, leading to the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering). Three lecture hours per week. ECE588 Robot Vision 3 Credit Hours. This course will include programming and simulation work and students will be required to accomplish a related course project. Dearborn, MI 48128. General Curriculum Requirements and Sample Course Sequences Electrical Engineering Core Curriculum Chart Electrical and Computer Engineering 2050 - Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building 4901 Evergreen Road Dearborn, MI 48128 View on Map Phone: 313-593-5420 Office Hours Sunday: Closed Monday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm Eng.) Students desiring admission to the program must have earned a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students will gain an understanding of the language, formalism, and methods of artificial neural networks. Study of functions and types of actuators in automotive systems. ECE576 Information Engineering 3 Credit Hours. The focus of this class is on protection of radial fed system, fault studies and arc-flash calculations. Jobs: Most of the recruiters coming to Michigan are looking for electrical engineers, and are willing to pay them among the highest salaries. EECS 330: Electromagnetics II. Three lecture hours per week. Required unless waived. The purpose of this course is to provide students with advanced techniques for generation and control of movement of a humanoid robot itself and its motion to change the environment. A project will be required. UM-Dearborn launches D.Eng. Today's electrical engineer is a leader among those who work toward making our world better. This course is intended to expose students to fundamentals of security primitives specific to CPSs and to apply them to a broad range of current and future security challenges that such systems are facing. View the University of Michigan profile of Xuan Zhou. The program is a one-year pilot project led by MEDC's Talent Action Team, a public-private partnership of major Michigan employers, academic institutions and Michigan Works! ECE528 Cloud Computing 3 Credit Hours. This course will cover the software and hardware widely used in the rapid prototyping, including Stereolithography (SLA) and virtual reality software and hardware used for rapid prototyping. Selected examples include applications such as voltage regulators and battery chargers. Topics will include basic flight principles of fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, inertial representations in 3D space, the principles of Bayesian state estimation, visual odometry, path planning, and autonomous navigation. These 6 transfer credits of previous equivalent graduate coursework can be applied to the degree only if those credits have not been counted toward a degree and have a final grade of B (3.0) or better. Exceptions beyond this deadline must have the approval of the program director. (F, W). Topics include: an overview of embedded processors and microcontrollers, digital signal processors, field programmable gate arrays (FGPAs), sensors and actuators, embedded operating systems including various Linux and Android platforms, and embedded networks. The basics of digital audio will be covered, including sampling, quantization, and compression standards. Other energy storage systems such as super conducting magnetic, hydraulic, compressed air, and integrated (hybrid) energy storage systems, will be discussed as well. . Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Information Sys Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, ECE5424 Data Analytics and Machine Learning for Power Systems 3 Credit Hours. In addition, the student will learn how to perform computer simulations of various statistical and neural network models, and learn how to select appropriate model parameters, such as network architecture, hidden layer size, and learning rate. It is a research-oriented course including a research literature survey, a final project implementing a state-of-the-art algorithm or system, and a set of hands-on assignments that cover modern tools and real-time embedded systems development frameworks such as the Robot Operating System. Students desiring admission to the program must have earned a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Dynamic models of sensors and actuators. (F,YR), ECE5545 Sec. Exemptions and transfer credit are granted at the discretion of the program chair. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, ECE583 Artificial Neural Networks 3 Credit Hours. ECE586 Digital Image Processing 3 Credit Hours. This degree program is available both on campus and online. Projects can be faculty-generated, self-generated, and/or work related. This course covers advanced technologies in power electronics with emphasis on hybrid vehicle and renewable applications. Three lecture hours per week. Three lecture hours per week. Minimum Grade Requirement in addition to maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher every semester: 1. Students may be placed on probation, if their cumulative GPA falls below 3.0. program in electrical and computer engineering 8/2/2021 Doctor of Engineering programs are an increasingly popular Ph.D. alternative for working professionals who want applied research expertise. Students will apply software tools to analyze, design and simulate multirate digital signal processing systems. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Rackham or GraduateCan enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Information Sys Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE543 Kinem, Dynam Control Robots 3 Credit Hours, Full Title: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control of Robots Students will get an overview of various mobile operating systems and will learn how to develop software for mobile devices. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is Graduate or DoctorateCan enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE524 Interactive Media 3 Credit Hours. A high level-overview of different types of mobile robots is presented first. Real TIme Memory management.. The course will cover topics such as advances in Internet, wireless communications and sensor networks, wireless networked control systems, vehicular networks, smart grid, cloud computing, multimedia networking, and network security. to CPS Security 3 Credit Hours, This course covers introductory topics in cyber-physical systems (CPSs) security. Three lecture hours per week. Prerequisite(s): ECE478 or CIS450 or IMSE450, ECE579 Intelligent Systems 3 Credit Hours. The course will focus on vehicular communications and networking, autonomous vehicles and intelligent transportation systems, robotics networks, and smart grids. Mathematical representation of digital control systems; z-transform and difference equations; classical and state space methods of analysis and design; direct digital control of industrial processes. Students are expected to have knowledge of high-level programming language and will be required to accomplish a research-related course project. Students with inadequate background in Electrical/Computer Engineering may be required to meet with the department graduate advisor to determine the need for preparatory courses. Three lecture hours per week. Students in RE program must take this course in the first year. Real Time Kernels. The course will cover the sources of energy including coal, nuclear, solar, wind; their impact on the climate; and their technological characteristics in terms of availability, cost and reliability. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE541 Sustainable Energy Systems 3 Credit Hours. The course is intended to provide an overview of information security, CPS security, risk assessment and mitigation, network security, attack-resiliency for bulk power systems, attack surface analysis and reduction techniques, cyber-security testbeds, security standards and best practices for critical infrastructure, e.g., smart power grids. Office of the Provost. Discussion of design practices used in large installation, including component segregation, cable routing, connectors, grounding, shielding, common impedance coupling, ground planes, screening and suppression. Students cannot take both ECE415 and ECE5425 for degree credit. Permission of instructor required. (F). Study of automotive sensory requirements; types of sensors; available sensors and future needs. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer ScienceCan enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Information Sys Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ECE615 Advanced Power Electronics 3 Credit Hours. Measurement, control, computation, communication, energy conversion in these and other technical areas, provide students an excellent preparation for positions of leadership in a world where science, engineering, and human relations are of basic importance in improving the quality of life. 4901 Evergreen Road. (W). Three lecture hours per week. EECS 398: SPECIAL TOPICS COURSES: All Current and Past Offerings. Introduction to linear spaces and operators; mathematical description of multiple input-output systems; state variables and state transition matrix; controllability and observability and its application to irreducible realization of transfer function matrices; state variable estimation; controller synthesis by state feedback; stability of linear systems; analysis of composite systems. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is Specialist or Graduate or Doctorate, ECE539 Production of Elec Prods 3 Credit Hours. (F), ECE 532 Auto Sensors and Actuators (F 08), ECE 533 Active Automotive Safety Systems (SS 09). Sensing technologies including basic computer vision will be covered. ECE585 Pattern Recognition 3 Credit Hours. Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering (IMSE). ECE507 Intro to Multimedia Sys 3 Credit Hours. This class will introduce students to the technology used in mobile/smart devices and mobile communication networks. Curriculum requirement sheets and sample course sequences are available through the Office of Advising and Academic Success. Some automotive EE applications are used for case study. Lecture and assignment topics include embedded software architectures and modular software frameworks for robotics, modern computer hardware, robot perception and embedded image processing, automatic code generation from higher level modeling languages (such as MATLAB and Simulink), deployment considerations, as well as other selected advanced topics. The goal of this course is to introduce protecting an electrical system from faults and other concerns in distribution system. All three courses may be taken from one specialization or a combination of any of the specializations. Three lecture hours per week. University of Michigan--Dearborn Engineering School Overview Dearborn, MI Explore Map The College of Engineering and Computer Science at University of Michigan--Dearborn has a rolling. Topics of the course include advanced web technologies, distributed computing models and technologies, software as a service (SaaS), virtualization, pallelization, security/privacy and the advance in cloud computing. The D.Eng. Possible areas include medical imaging, advanced concepts in morphology, stereovision, shape form shading, and active vision. The course introduces the fundamentals of speech processing using digital signal processing methods and techniques. Case studies and applications. This course cannot be taken with ECE500. Applications of PR. (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Graduate or or DoctorateCan enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE545 Intro Robot Syst 3 Credit Hours, Full Title: Introduction to Robotic Systems The course will cover computer simulations of various neural network models and simulations. The course will also cover basics of cryptography and coding theory. Monochrome and color vision in man and machines, image quantization edge detection, image enhancement, image restoration, color analysis and processing, multispectral image processing, texture analysis, image coding and compression, morphology, geometrical image modifications. Grades below B- are not counted and no more than two B-s are allowed. ECE679 Adv Intelligent Sys 3 Credit Hours. Modeling and simulation will also be covered. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is Graduate or Doctorate, ECE533 Active Automotive Safety Sys 3 Credit Hours. Mar 2009 - Aug 202213 years 6 months. Previous undergraduate or graduate coursework deemed substantially similar to MSE core courses may qualify to exempt students from those core courses. Concentration Courses (9 to 11 credits), Interim Chair and Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Administrative Assistant Intermediate, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Student Administrative Assistant Senior, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2050 - Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building, Professional Development and Career Preparation, Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Dual BSE in Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering, Ph.D. in Electrical, Electronics, and Computer Engineering, D.Eng. Layered techniques in operating systems. Enrollment in cognate courses may be dependent on prior authorization from both the non-ECE Department and the ECE department. (W). Associate Professor. The University of Michigan is open to prospective students from all walks of life, and we're glad you're considering us. Must be taken in the first year) (F), ECE 580 Digital Signal Processing (F, W, SS), ECE 5831 Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks (W), ECE 529 Introduction to Computer Music (W 10), ECE 5121 Modeling & Design of Elec Cir. Principles and characteristics of embedded micro-processors: processor/device interfaces; time critical I/O handling; data communications in embedded environments. Control will include the classic PID control, position and force control, and trajectory tracking. Three lecture hours per week. Exempted courses must be replaced with ECE courses from within the degree program. By learning and understanding the working vocabulary of each of these three fields, students will be able to contribute creative and effective multimedia-based solutions to interesting real-world problems. Topics relating to Software Development for engineering applications will be discussed. Multi-tasking. Parallel and non-Von Neumann architectures. Locomotion will cover balance control, footstep planning, walking gait generation, joint space trajectory planning, and human motion tracking. Students whose undergraduate background is in a field other than Electrical or Computer Engineering may be granted admission and required to take preparatory courses in electrical and/or computer engineering. The following are suggested specializations. EECS 373: Introduction to Embedded System Design ( video overview) EECS 381: Object-Oriented and Advanced Programming. Topics covered will include the design of digital filters (IIR and FIR filters), characteristics of analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters, the spectral analysis of signals, and discrete filters. Failure mechanisms and interconnect lifetime prediction. Impactful Research: Building on $50M of research, EE faculty and students are leaders in transferring technology from the lab to real-world products impacting sustainability, communication and information systems, security, computers, and more. Robot simulation technologies and tools will be introduced. (W), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Graduate or Rackham or DoctorateCan enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE646 Adv Elec Drive Transportation 3 Credit Hours. This course will build the skills needed to design and test the protocols, policies, and specifications for enabling technologies that will guarantee the security and integrity of the smart power grid while preserving personal privacy. ECE681 Adv Digital Sig Processing 3 Credit Hours. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE514 VLSI Design 3 Credit Hours. 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