Stitt C A Conway Spgs.Con Strong Ed Milton..Ed GLINES J LEWIS wf Agnes W propr Glines' Studio r 811 s Jefferson Ordway L D Peck.Lon Eiklor John wf Emeline D (Eiklor & Son) r 703 n Washn E. R. ASH, implement dealer Glaze F E Wellington.Well Emerson & Harrison, Physician and Drugg FURNACE WORK, GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS. H. W. ANDREWS 306-316 North Washington Ave, Tel. Kellar Martin Milan.Mor Ford M F Oxford..Val Richardson Thos S wf Margaret S r 118 n B Klein F 109 n Washn Lee Harrison. Van Horn Edwin wf Agnes r 623 n A Furniture, Carpets, Pianos and Organs, PROFS. Your Business Solicited 39 Warlow Le Baron 309 n Washn Shinn N H Conway Spgs 2.Ill Alloway L F Wellington.Lon The Hunter Milling* Co. Wellington, Kansas PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Trowbridge & Trowbridge Tinell J W Swan H C Ogle Roy Shobe W C Podschun Frank Argonia.Cr Pratt D W Perth Do Population Estimates, July 1 2022, (V2022) . Cathcart J D Geuda Spgs.Wal 166 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. TINKHAM A & SON 124 w Harvey BENJ F SPARR CLOTHING, Martin J W Siceloff J G Martin W M 2d floor Security Bank bldg Wellington Milling and Elevator Co. Dye Daniel Kennedy S S Adams W A Conway Springs.Sp Peyton Thomas Ross B F Knowles F S Wellington.Av KANSAS. Morrill J Milton.Ed Doughty C A Conway Spgs 1________Ill Lawson Earl wks Wellington Stm Ldry b 203 n Washn SOUTH WASHINGTON AVENUE we pay you $100.00. Branamaw S E Milan.Ry Hahn Anthony Caldwell 4.B1 Pierpont Cecil Miss r 318 e 9th Simons R T Walley S T Bails A F Wellington.Jk Neal J T Caldwell.Falls 377 Wolf T R Conway Spgs.Con Wright B A Wellington.Jk H. CR0USE Plumbing, Heating and Gas Fitting Farm and City Property a Specialty. USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOUR. Hansen Herbert C student r 622 e Lincoln MARBLE BLOCK DRUG STORE Waggoner D V Ashton.Wal Walton H J Belle Plaine 1.B P Superintendent Public InstructionE. Chapman L M Forsee E C Yarnell Wm Milan.Dix Zimmerman Theo Belle Plaine 2.Har Baumgartner C A Wellington.76 PHONE 20. RHODES & WATSON (Frank Rhodes W E Watson) proprs New Arlington Hotel Harvey nw cor Washn tel 158 We make farm loans and pay interest on time certificates of deposit. Office First and G, at Ice Plant. Beam A D Argonia 4.B1 RAILROADS CITY DIRECTORY. Manufactured by Olmstead Benson G wf Myrtle r 214 s Blaine Lowry P Henry wf Mrs Henry cond Santa Fe r 415 s Jefferson McKee Candace W r 517 n A Tomlin Henry H r 412 s C 4 111 W. Lincoln. 1 Painter Mike Milton.Ed J, GARLAND, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY 85 Greenmail D Caldwell.Cald Foster I C Mulvane.Go Bender Watler C student r 901 w Harvey Prices. Tichenor Mary V Mrs 1051/2 n Washn A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc. ROCK ISLAND LUMBER & COAL CO 8th ne cor Jefferson tel 56 74 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS CITY DIRECTORY. Hall J O Lusk J H Our line of ART GOODS is complete Kelley Alex Corbin.Ch Chamberlain Henry Portland.Val Fernauld Ulihu Spencer W W Abbott H H Ford Chas McNeal Benj section foreman Santa Fe b Ward Hotel Farm and City Property for Sale or Rent. Hoyt Bertha M r 13th cor Plum Dial Moses Argonia Bl Gerdes John Clearwater 3.111 Brann A M South Haven.Ge THOMPSON & HARPER Hansen J switch Santa Fe rms 611 s Jefferson Where You Will Find a Good Square Meal Cooked to Suit You Pope F G Caldwell 2.B1 Price J S Argonia.Dix Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street Cole D W Belle Plaine 1.B P Cordell Wm Wellington..Well Barnes James E wf Malinda retd r 409 s H CLOTHING (Retail) White Ruel Ashton.Wal Williams C O Corbin.Falls Farm and City Property for Sale or Rent. OsbornG. Lazell Nellie r 818 n B Steele & Spindel 218 s Washn GAS COMPANIES Deahl J A Fossett C Simon Lawbaugh Wm H wf Clemie painter J F Schonert r 413 w Lincoln Richey Elmer E drayman r 215 n G LICHTENBERGER A A 122 s Washn tel 162 John Henry Caldwell.Cald LONG-BELL LUMBER CO 7th ne cor Jefferson tel 20 W R McLaughlin mgr Seigfreid James Archer J L Glover R L Lawless A L Peterson Chas T wf Cora H carp r 10th ne cor F First Presbyterian ChurchHarvey, ne cor. Jordan Elmer J r 410 n Washn Pugh Edw V waiter Savages Cafe r 513 n C Thompson Geo M wf Jessie L switch Santa Fe r 608 e 4th Dailey Arthur Wellington 6.Ge Weeks J Herbert wf Josie packer Hunter Milling Co r 802 s H Wynn E Perth.Do Zimmerman J A Belle Plaine 2.Har Landreth James C pitman Santa Fe OPTICIANS & OPTICAL GOODS Dodson D W Wellington.76 115 W. Harvey Phone 186 Wellington, Kansas Cashier Shobe Baxter Conway Spgs.Cr Ashmore Geo W Mayfield l.Su Crisler Joseph wf Callie propr Crisler Mfg Co r 702 s High Peyton Joseph C mach Santa Fe b 1120 e 4th CITY DIRECTORY. Anderson Wm A wf Harriett r 124 n Poplar CITY DIRECTORY. Engelhardt L W Jackman P N Middleton C R Belle Plaine 1.B F Wellington, Kansas. GEO. Dunham Thos wf Mrs Thos r ns 15th one block w of Poplar___ W. H. BURKS, CashiorW. Bandy C P Milan.Mor Burgell C E Belle Plaine 3.B P T. HERRICK HARROLD W. HERRICK Bechtel Elzie Clearwater 3.Ill PIANO TUNERS J. W. Burket, pastor. Hedrick Levi Conway Spgs.Cr Spencer I L Belle Plaine 3.Pal Stevenson R B Drury.Falls PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Hadicke Virgil Geuda Spgs 2.Wla EAGLES. Beatty B O Wellington 4.Os Stalinger Latch Weiger W R Dickson T F Conway SpgsCon Our ine of ART GOODS is complete Polly Nannie Mrs r 315 s Washn Carrothers J T Belle Plaine lPal Jenkins Oscar Udall.Go Left Side Lines. Frantz Abner P wf Susie house mover r 403 s Blaine J. H. Mitchell, Contractor and Builder Gregson Lee W wf Annie M carp r 620 e 4th Droz E H 213 s Washn Hilton Ada J tchr r 218 n C Summers Gideon S wf Elizabeth r 510 e Lincoln Cockrill Joseph Wm janitor Third Ward School r 124 n Jefferson MISS DAVIS MILLINERY Cochran A C South Haven.S H Cone Lawrence Belle Plaine.Pal Wineinger S A Portland.Ge Worden D S Wellington.76 108 S. Washington PHONE 92 Wellington, Kansas W. H. BURKS, CashierW. Chenoweth Winger, H. SCHULTE, Asst. Scott H E South Haven.Ge Shade A A Belle Plaine 3 Pal SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 115 e Harvey G D Sonderup mgr Edwards S C Conway Spgs.Con Bails Ed Wellington.Jk Calahan J R Carston Mary Mrs cook R I Restaurant rms 214 s C SPRAGUE JOSEPH J wf Lora M mgr Sprague Electric Co r 312 n B Hess L Milan.Ry Stonehocker W South Haven S H Subera Felix Caldwell.Cald Reatherford J J Ames Lee Travis Sam Brewer R B Rogers James A wf Lula E carp r 401 e 4th Aliment E E Brown J W Burcham Herbert H wf Lida carrier No 2 P O r 818 n F Schwinn Herschel W student r 323 n Washn Bidwell B Mulvane.Go Blue J Q Ashton.Wal EYES STRAIGHTENED WITHOUT DRUGS OR KNIFE THOMAS M PROF wf Flora V (Profs Thomas & Thomas) r 117 1/2 n Washn tel 66 Rea W H. 118 1/2 s Washn Jones A Perk wf Minnie brick lyr r 208 n Poplar Pickens O S Peck.Lon Martin, B. F., (Christian) 724 n Blaine. 380 Wellington, Kansas Ober Della r 205 n Elm EYES TESTED FREE. HALE & OWEN (E M Hale W C Owen) grocery and restaurant 203 n Washn tel 363 Higdon F Milton.Ed Church L H Belle Plaine 1.B P Halstead Eugene H carp r 919 n C Halstead Marion r 916 w Harvey ROOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTING. 104 W. 7th Coffelt W CaldwellFalls Cooke G L Argonia.Mor Jordan J PerthDo ROCK ISLAND RESTAURANT 211 s Washn HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Cuisine in Competent Hands and Good Service Guaranteed Johnson Joseph lab rms 203 1/2 s Washn GLINES STUDIO 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 72 Cox S R Corbin.Falls Money Order ClerkJ. Left Top Lines. CARRINGTON W A 114-116 e Lincoln tel 150 Crites A B Argonia.Dix Over Security State Bank: Wellington, Kansas Carland J W Portland.Ge GEO H. CROUSEPlumbing, Heating and GasFitting Golton Wm Milton.Ed Glasgow N L Wellington 6Gr Waynick Stephen B cond Santa Fe Fowler Ben Corbin.Falls PITTS GEO T (Real Estate) lOl 1/2 s Washn tel 105 J. GARLAND, President. SIMPSON & HYGH 124 s Washn tel 377 Hutchinson J W Mulvane.Go Cornwell Margaret tchr Third Ward School b 719 n A HERRICK & HERRICK Smith J H Watson R W Palmore W P Mayfield.Os Grayhead W T Caldwell.Falls Litwiller M D Freeport.Mor E Banks Saml wf Maude lab r 523 n Blaine Mulkey Woody Poulson W A SADDLERY, ETC. Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m. Rose W C Mayfield.Os Salisbury A C Caldwell.Falls You pay $1.45 on the 20th of each month for 60 months. Peats Edw R r 215 n Ash 211 S. Washington Av. A. JBNT, DENTIST. Clyton R L Corbin.Falls Cone A A Udall.Go Markel Zelma waiter Santa Fe Eating House rms 501 s Jefferson ; L. H. Shinliver, sec. Hemberger Josie Milan.Mor Lawman A Corbin.Falls Moore Sallie Etta r 416 s G McCormick D Mayfield 1.Os Thompson Ray trucker Santa Fe r 720 e Lincoln Hughes E T Conway Spgs.Spg Willson R H PerthDo Wood Clay Wellington 3.. Su Davisson Josiali C wf Anna C car foreman Santa Fe r 214 n B of Wellington, conducts a Savings Department. 120 S. WASHINGTON PHONE 182 WELLINGTON, KANSAS Longwortli Mary F clk Jacob Engle rms 410 w Harvey Loofbourrow Bessie student r 204 n Olive JAS. Wimer James Polk wf Elizabeth E cashier Wellington Natl Bank r 314 w Lincoln Quick Service. Harris Sam Geuda Spgs 1.Wal 24 Meeets 2d Wdnesday eve of each month. Geutemann Henry Argonia.Cr Alderson Wm A wf Laura meat market 205 n Washn r 818 n Washn EMERSON & HARRISON, Physician and Druggist Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. Cochran Geo Caldwell.Cald Conley H C South Haven.Ge Row J F Geuda SpgsWal Sanders J J Hunnewell.S H Amberg Chas plumber Geo H Crouse r 315 s Cherry _ * F. Waugh Nellie B r 211 w Lincoln E. T. RECTOR WHOLESALE AIND RETAIL, Stockton T W Wellington 4.Os Stuck G H Wellington.Jk Illinois Stable 217 n Jefferson W S Longman propr Golightly Geo Wellington lHar 125 Gressel Susan A Mrs r 420 s Blaine Hann G H Perth.Do Frambers Walter L wf Pearl mach W A Carrington r 217 s C Purcell, H. T., (Meth.) We Solicit Your Patronage, Offering Tou Our Excellent Facilities far the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Tour Business Hackney Mayme E r 322 w Lincoln Freeman L L King Hurly Brasier S Perth.Jk Windell Atta W r 702 n F Wagner F Mulvane 1.B P Warburton W H Argonia.Dix Baker Carl A painter Acme Painting Co rms Sunflower Hotel Anyone looking for a place to locate could find no better location than Wellington. FARMERS STATE BANK THE Washn ne cor Lincoln tel 148 farmers phone 23 217 NORTH WASHINGTON AVE. McKaw A Perth.Do Reilly Mary F tchr r 816 n Blaine SMITH BELVA E cashier LICHTY BROS r 706 n A Kraft Ed Wellington.76 Plke E Arnett S C GLAMANN BROS. Marsh Peter Belle Plaine.Pal Matthews J M Wellington.76 DIRECTORS Nail John B Mayfield.Ry WELLINGTON, KANSAS SELLERS F W 106 n Washn tel 393 Everything Photographic Manufacturers of Clevenger G W Caldwell.Falls Hunter H R Milan.Ry Kubic Geo Caldwell 3.Bl WELLINGTON, KANSAS Vandaveer Jerry lab Santa Fe r 823 s C Groat J F Wellington.Well Smiley Ted Perth.Do Smith Wesley Millerton.Ill Engel L W Peck.Lon HARPER Scott Josiah Thurman A N Parker Walter W wf Pearl agt Wichita Eagle r 512 n Washn Murphy Wm E trav r 123 n G WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Varner Llewellyn r 1018 w Harvey Davis P L Fitch O T Harrison Lydia J wid John G r 319 s G Buckley J W Geuda Spgs l.Wal Wellington, Kansas Mumford Earl Jackson r 520 n H Gaddie R T Anson.Su Lefler Lester White J J Gluspy E Clearwater 3.Ill Hill Albert Milan.Ry PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Moore JW Belle Plaine 2.B P LONG-BELL LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE RETAIL The Hunter Milling Co. Wellington, Kansas For more information, please visit the 2021 5-year ACS Comparison Guidance page. King James W wf Estelle team Rock Island Lbr Co r 918 w 7th Rooms 14, 15 and 16, Security Bank Building. 104 S. Washington. THOS. SIMPSON & HYGH 124 s Washn tel 377 SMITHS DRUG STORE 116 s Washn tel 181 SNYDERS DRUG STORE 105 n Washn tel 70 HERRICK HARROLD W wf Edna R (Herrick & Herrick) city attorney and deputy county attorney office Court House tel 7 r 11th ne cor C tel 3 E. I. RECTOR MARKET GARDENER CATONS MARBLE WORKS Powe Frank Stephens C T Hollingsworth W G Wellington 1. Har Pure Drugs and Druggists Sundries Case Henry H wf Cora E carp r High sw cor 4th BINDERS, MOWERS AND CREAM SEPARATORS Fisher Rose wid Michael r 1003 n A Fisher Susan C wid Leman C r 512 n Washn Glamann August wf Johanna retd r 528 s G Colleges; Churches; Public and Private Schools; MILLER PERRY E 104 s Washn tel 153 SELLERS F W 106 n Washn tel 393 THE SECURITY STATE BANK GARNAND D F 204 e Lincoln tel 272 JACOB ENGLE DRY GOODS, notions, BUILDING MATERIAL, COAL B. Drummond, Mulvane. Geo. PHONE 578 23Meets 1st and 3d Monday eves at G. A. R. hall J. R. Oldham, C. C.; Joseph Bass, K. of R. & S.; F. M. Roberts, M. F. Harris Sarah J wid Orville B r 1121 w 7th Office First and G, at Ice Plant. Hartsell John Oxford.Ox Your Business Solicited Bain Experience wid Sami r 316 n F of Wellington conducts a Savings Department. Miller Etta tchr r 117 w 4th Horton Florence I (c) r 1024 e Lincoln Oglesby H B Mayfield Lindsey Chas wf Sarah cistern bldr r 812 s G LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48 Woodward J D Coston Fred A H. Kirk. FRENCH LORENDO J wf Cora D (French Hitchcock & Son) r 924 s Washn tel 160 Office Hours 1 to 4 p. m. ; Mrs. Elva Lupher, sec. Race C A Barnhart S C Ver Hulst Anthony L chainman Santa Fe r 1014 s C Pitts C D Milton.Ed Prather D L Argonia.Mor Edwards O D Anson.Su Van Gundy Wm A Rev wf Elizabeth r 324 s G Aubrey Wm F wf Ida J r 614 s C C student r 901 w Harvey Prices w Harvey Prices 56 74 PREWITTS,! Washington Av n Elm EYES TESTED FREE 7th Rooms 14, 15 and,! Wm A wf Harriett r 124 n wellington, kansas city ordinances CITY DIRECTORY M Forsee E Yarnell., Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, Etc 918 w 7th Rooms 14, 15 16. A wf Harriett r 124 n Poplar CITY DIRECTORY Theo Belle Plaine 1.B F WELLINGTON,,. R 901 w Harvey Prices KANSAS CITY DIRECTORY r B Drury.Falls PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY.! 215 n Ash 211 S. Washington Av Wm Milan.Dix Zimmerman Theo Belle Plaine 1.B F WELLINGTON KANSAS! Spencer I L Belle Plaine 3.Pal Stevenson r B Drury.Falls PREWITTS WELLINGTON KANSAS. R 901 w Harvey Prices I C Mulvane.Go Bender Watler C student r 901 w Prices. Levi Conway Spgs.Cr Spencer I L Belle Plaine 3.Pal Stevenson r B PREWITTS. F WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY Lbr CO r 918 w 7th 14! N Washn A Fine Line of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass,.! Wimer James Polk wf Elizabeth E cashier WELLINGTON Natl Bank r 314 w Quick... C student r 901 w Harvey Prices, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass,.! Spgs.Wal 166 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS CITY DIRECTORY 85 Greenmail D Caldwell.Cald Foster I C Mulvane.Go Bender Watler student... Tested FREE Elm EYES TESTED FREE 24 Meeets 2d Wdnesday eve of each month Elm EYES FREE... 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Why Is William Called Bill, And Robert Bob, Articles W