PHILOSOPHY - study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially in an academic discipline. Question Your Life: Naikan Self-Reflection and the Transformation of Our Stories - Gregg Krech. Approaching matters in a philosophical fashion is great for people as individuals, but it is also extremely important in societies as a whole. Philosophy is to believe that things are explained the way you have thought they can be and it attempts to make everyone obedient to such so called truth; however, this will only happen for as long as there is no other proof of things being done differently. I guess this made me develop a cautious attitude towards making decisions and evaluating issues before coming to a conclusion. Change). For example, as we are living in this world, we should take good care of our body not just physically as well as mentally for it is the house of our soul and when the right time comes, we wont regret anything for it has been useful. PHILOSOPHY. In the literature, there are many correlated concepts, such as: self-consciousness, consciousness, self, personal identity and other . [.] After conceiving the existence of I, the mediator does not stop at this particular point but aims at defining and explaining the meaning of the I am. student. To be is to be conscious and to be conscious means to be fully aware and thoughtful. In this portion of his findings, Descartes explains the nature of human mind and that it is better than the body. The human self has been a topic of exploration and inquiry in various fields of study, including philosophy and psychology. For him our human mind is a Tabula Rasa or also known as a mind self at birth is a blank state. I believe that the self has 2 divisions, the ME- SELF and the I-SELF. We use the particle 'self' to form reflexive pronouns, like "myself" and "yourself", and these pronouns, refer to persons. Throughout his memory, Descartes believes that whatever he is happened to see is actually meaningless and may not ever exist in the real life (Descartes 17). Regardless of these initial doubts, many people sink into a ditch of doubts and hang on the fact that one has the ability to think. If you are asking me why? Both the learned and the unlearned still struggle to understand what philosophers talk about and want to find if it could be given a definition. Frankfurt, Harry. In general, individual existence is considered as the representation of a human being and advocates fighting for its rightful position in the world (Rorty 216). However, it appears that a persons chief problem is inborn and it lies in what he/she is rather than what he/she does; persons deeds could not change him/her for better. Theres nothing wrong in asking somebodys help if youll be the one who will benefit from it. CARL RODGERS:SELF THEORY: REAL & IDEAL SELF From birth our minds are plagued by outside influences that shape our mind regardless of how much we try to avoid it. Someday, she wants to touch lives to live up to her name and say that she will always be Ife, a part of someone's life. For an instance, a famous Book Publisher Erich Fromm write a book the Art of Loving. I would be happy if Ill be making it but in the process if I know I am not who I am like I am not that happy because I put too much pressure and if I didnt make it, it may cause loneliness or so. The Self from Various MODULE 1: Perspectives Lesson 1: Philosophical Perspectives by: Jemimah G. Pizarro-Ompad INTRODUCTION "Who am I?" is a very fundamental existential question. That much is certain. According to Socrates, we need to take care of our soul to attain the "Good Life". This dream of mine may help also my family in terms of financial. Even when we are in womb of our mother, our parents are very excited to see us, they are so careful on what they do specially our mothers to make us being safe. But many philosophers would say that there is a difference between myself--- that . This critical writing on Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay was written and submitted by your fellow Still there are those who think they can live without boggling their minds with whether philosophy helps them or not. My confidence develop through time and through the situations I encounter. Personal identity (or the self) is founded on consciousness. One cannot say: I sleep, therefore I am, since the act of sleeping can be doubted. Answer (1 of 31): My own philosophy about the self is that we all see ourselves as a certain color, (who we think we are) but in reality we are but a blank canvas crafted by the events in our lives from the day we slipped into consciousness to become the art of which is our individual personality. IvyPanda, 17 June 2022, Thus, it became a good topic of interest in the field of philosophy. Theism Dates back to prehistoric times Theism is the proposition that God or a Supreme Being exists. I know that dream of mine is very hard to reach but I will strive more and face the challenges in life, I canachieve the goal that I wanted to achieve and that is to become a teacher. I agree that the I-self is the thinking self because this self is what I know that I describe my self to others. It is an important element of man which governs and defines himself. And the last one is love hurts, no one in the world are experience that they are not felt hurt after they are in love. Nevertheless, it can generally be viewed that I is a necessary and true preposition when suggested by somebody or conceived in ones own mind (Descartes 72). Plato wanted to uphold justice and do everyone good. The definition of I is enshrined in Descartes cogito argument based on its formulation in Latin, cogito ergo sum translated as I think, therefore, I am. As i have discovered, many of the things people believe are lies and illusions. The magic of the divine feminine lies less in action and more in reflection, stillness, and self-care. This is to say that actions and thoughts experienced at different times of the day or in life may as well concern the self. In most cases, philosophical definitions of self are discussed based on the first-person attributes. This line is quite famous in the history of philosophy and most probably regarded as the origin of Western philosophy and other schools of thought that developed after Descartes. REFLECTION ABOUT PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE SELF - MY SUNSHINE September 4, 2018 Abby Santos REFLECTION ABOUT PHILOSOPHICAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE SELF Share this: Twitter Facebook Loading. Those who are able to study philosophy, can find out what is to be human, what kind of person is it good to be, and especially how are we to live a good life. As such I has to exist in order to doubt and be deceived by the evil one. The I self refers to the self that knows who he or she is. For instance, self can be viewed as an illusion (Sorabji 17). To able me to defend my own opinion, I will relate this Gabriel Marcels theory to my own story of life. I need to balance the true me and the person I want to be to be able to be happy because if not this may cause loneliness, depression or anxiety. Therefore, the only way to truly gain an improved understanding of our life and the world we live in is to explore our different perceptions by sharing and challenging these views with others in debate and/or argument. This can only be done after the discussion of Chapter 1. It's the start of a new yeara time when energy and ambitions are at their most palpable. I can say with confidence that I believe philosophy is an integral part of human life and should be promoted on an international scale in order for countries to work together to logically solve global problems. IvyPanda. Some people also look at the wider knowledge that can be learned in schools as at some form of philosophy, because in some way they are based on individual theories. While philosophy seeks to understand the nature of the self and its . REFLECTIONS Published by Abby Santos View all posts by Abby Santos A situation where everyone considers himself to be right usually ends when the least interested in the argument yield to the so called talented in the battle of words. It would be impossible for a person to say he/she exits or even thinks of existence without being in a real state. Therefore, we are conscious that we did something wrong and we should not do it again for we should not repeat our own mistakes twice because were grown-ups already. Making an assessment of my life, i will say that philosophical reflection has been a part of my life. With an increase in interdisciplinary research, an examination of the points of difference and intersection between the philosophical approaches can generate critical reflection and debate about what we can know, what we can learn and how this knowledge can affect the conduct of science and the consequent decisions and actions. "Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay." As a result, his pieces of writing remain key reference materials for scholars across the global plane. When we hear the word Love we always think that is relationship but if we will see in our environment, all the people that we belong with even the people that we hate much is what you call Love. View all posts by ifetower.,online_chips:philosophy&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwijgt7UravdAhWPHHAKHTRBA5EQ4lYIJygC&biw=1024&bih=672&dpr=1#imgrc=5yBIYjwA3slMiM: Happy go lucky Also this paper will include the history, concepts, main points, examples and my own personal reflection. This reading approach further analyzes the cogito to be a conclusion that has been reasoned out at a specific point in the doubtful mind of the mediator even when inferences that have been well reasoned out are called to doubt (Frankfurt 189). In other words, body and mind cannot be one since one has got to either know both of them or none of them. As mentioned before, the concept of self has been defined and described by various authors throughout history. Get your custom essay on, Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". For example, my teacher in senior high school in entrepreneur asked me why I can be an entrepreneur? "Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay." , students are going to answer the question, Who am I? In his description of this analogy, Sorabji asserts that his definition of self fits other members like animals as an embodied owner of the body. This is because imagination can trigger all forms of things that may not necessarily be real. Although most of the works and thoughts have been widely considered, there has been a strong emphasis on Meditations on First Philosophy. We all know that we are created in the image and likeness of God for we are geared towards the good. Man is a bundle of all sensation and perception. Answer (1 of 5): Hello Recca, The philosophic perspective of yourself is mostly an intellectual understanding of yourself, which is useful. Answer (1 of 5): As we grow in understanding of both ourselves and our surroundings, we can more accurately gauge our capacity. In this line, the mediator gets in touch with a grip of certainty after his continuous disbelief is manifested in the First Mediation (Frankfurt 186). Self-reflection is a skill; the ability to be aware of yourself. My father used to tell me; You are what you do. All claim that their deity is superior and all-powerful; all the gods, according to major religions, have some sort of an evil opposing power, which must be fought and eliminated. (LogOut/ In this line of thought, it can be argued that the existence of a person can only be confirmed by oneself in the present tense, I am. It, therefore, emerges that we can only have schools of thoughts according to these people; everyone has his/her own conclusion about life, and those who can agree with that way of thinking would be called his students or adherents. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with He believes that a person dwells on a state of fictional self or authentic self as created by the Supreme Being. I am always asking to myself for whom am I living for? and who are the person who am I live with? I study here at University of Makati for me to fulfill my dream to become a teacher someday but the real question is for who am I living for? f My philosophy is that the Human Person was given the ability to process thought to search or seek for and find his goal. A soul can't live in this world without a body for it is considered as a unity of body and self. As what I have understood, each one of us should be conscious of what is good to be able to have a good life. Be it the Christian Bible, the Islamic Quran or any other religion creed, they all have their own order of belief; each claimed that their belief is the right and that their philosophy is correct; even atheists have their beliefs, who in this case will agree or accept that their philosophy is not correct. Locke posits an "empty" mind, a tabula rasa, which is shaped by experience, and sensations and reflections being the two sources of all our ideas. Modern countries would do well to incorporate philosophy in areas such as: government/politics, education, etc., and thankfully many do. I believe that myself wont be possible without the real and ideal self. I have long considered philosophy to be a method of deeper understanding when it comes to the human life. I think yes, because if I do not study right not I will not able to achieve my goals and I will stay as I am right now. For instance, this knowledge affects the way human beings view themselves different from animals. According to Sorabji, the idea of self is real in the human history. From a general perspective, we can view ones self as simply a thinking something.. There are two related ways in which philosophical reflection on the self may usefully be brought to bear in social science. Our brain is not inseparable from our body. Even our enemy, we able to express love to them even we hate them we already express them love by giving them mercy when they do wrong and that is the sign of love. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you )Socrates and plato - he said that everyman is composed of body and soul. (2022, June 17). But as I grew older and high school life is my turning point where my confidence boosts up as I become the president of the club, team captain of the badminton team and create my own organization in my previous school. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Much of Platos stories could be witnessed in the history of Carl Marx, who also thought that the peoples chief problem was just morality and that if trained, everyone would be a good person. Need a custom Critical Writing sample written from scratch by United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2004. According to him, all the knowledge of every individual comes from the inner world of subjective phenomena of experience that people are aware in everything within its consciousness. Aristotle argues that the self or the human person is a composite of body and soul and that the two are inseparable. A very good friend of mine always reminds me that if you will not try, then youre a failure. " (1) The okra for Gyekye has the same concept of a soul as in other metaphysical systems and proclaims that "a crucial aspect of Akan metaphysics is the existence of the world of spirits" (2a). There is no doubt in perceiving the identity of something and these actions of thought clearly imply that the item exists in reality. 52K views 2 years ago This is the first video of the lecture series in the course "Understanding the Self." In this video, you will learn about the philosophical perspectives of the self as. Then, my mom told me that even though I wont make it its fine as long as I pass my course. But how we die, is at least somewhat, up to us. The mediation is further divided into an argument of three steps, which are: whatever thinks exists, I think therefore and I exist (Frankfurt 188). "Philosophical Perspective of Self Essay." Abstract: In the last three decades, we have been witnessing a growing interest toward academic research on mindfulness practices based on Traditional Meditation (TM) and Buddhist document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Design a site like this with, SOCRATES: AN UNEXAMINED LIFE IS NOT WORTH LIVING. He shared with Descartes a scientist's perspective, seeking to develop knowledge based on clear thinking, rigorous analysis, and real-world observation and experimentation. Each person has a specific goal, a contribution he must make to repay his existence, whether to nature or God. In explaining this, one cannot doubt the act of thinking because doubt on its own is a form of thought. For example, our first impression towards our new classmate from other country is quiet for he doesnt speak to us. In this category lies Rene Descartes, whose findings remain essential in defining the concept of self and how this definition affects peoples thinking and interactions. A man reflects philosophically when he is able to build on previous actions, events, or decisions. I would rather say that philosophers have shown open disagreement among their different philosophical ideologies, and even among the learned there still exist gaps in opinions; it is, therefore, true that there is no single settlement as per what philosophy truly is. In. IvyPanda. Considering the great philosophers, such renowned men of thoughts like Socrates, Plato, Napoleon and the rest, and also appreciating the extent of their contribution in the modern social sciences, someone may not be left in doubt that these people lived in their own worlds with little or no harmony amongst their opinions. Slavery did exist and the women were not considered true citizens, but when compared to other, much more tribal cultures at the time, the Greek people experienced a freedom unheard of in any other part of the world. Retrieved from On the contrary, a rationalist is one who believes that the source of knowledge is reason, not experience/impression. He further notes that in explaining "self," there is a stream of consciousness, which lacks the owner. an academic expert within 3 minutes. No matter what happens, you should meet the deadlines that are given to you. As a result, intentions can only be deduced from something being observed through actions undertaken by an individual. The branches of philosophy are divided into two approaches: For more discussion about philosophy, read, Chapter 1: Different Perspectives of Self. Philosophy is known as the "mother of all sciences." Moreover, self is linked with time and mind, which determine obsessive thinking based on the future than emphasizing on the present. This gives way for the conclusion that one is a thing that thinks. With preciseness, I can be defined as the thing that thinks. In addition, I posses other attributes apart from being able to think, understand and have the willingness to do certain things. Man is a thinking man that has an entity to doubt, understand, analyze, question, and the most important thing is to reason out that can exist independently in the physical body. developing a more critical and reflective attitude while enabling them to manage and improve their selves to attain a better quality of life. I do not attach sentiments to whatever i do because this will lead my judgement astray. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. In defining the soul, Aristotle divided his argument into four major parts including the desiderative, calculative, rational and scientific part. The different branches of science sprouted from this philosophical discipline. In other words, our existence does not solely depend on the above-mentioned attributes of human beings, but we have no doubt about our breathing power. For instance, before I have low confidence. It is doubtless that the definition of self has a wide range of implications. Your privacy is extremely important to us. Some recent accounts have lost sight of its roots in the history of philosophy. Short Description: This course examines the way philosophy looks for fundamental characteristics that identify life as a properly human life, asks about its ultimate meaning or purpose, and raises questions about what counts as a good life. We should pattern our lives in such a way that we separate truth from illusion and make decisions after careful or critical consideration. Confirming ones existence is, therefore, core in order to ascertain the nature of the mind through the intellect alone. (MEANING: LOVE FOR WISDOM) - STUDY OF ACQUIRING KNOWLEDGE THROUGH RATIONAL THINKING AND INQUIRIES THAT INVOLVES IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS REGARDING THE NATURE AND EXISTENCE OF MAN AND THE WORLD WE LIVE IN. He believed that philosophy was a mega entity that encompassed all aspects of knowledge expressed through it. (LogOut/ My confidence develop through time and through the situations I encounter. As we can see, this is the ultimate goal of Socrates's philosophy. Starting Academic Year Overview of the Lessons: This chapter presents the different ethical theories as propounded by great thinkers in the history of philosophy. Identity ( or the human self has been defined and described by various authors throughout.... 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