He has a master's degree in Physics and is currently pursuing his doctorate degree. Which of the following should have the A) it can be forced through pipes at considerable pressure. Atop Mount Everest, for example, the air pressure is only 30% of the normal sea-level pressure. b) non-equivalent before-after (pretest-posttest) design At a given point, the direction of steepest ascent is in the same direction as the gradient. Which of the following statements regarding this finding is correct? The agent ________ is used in cloud seeding in the hope that it will act as an ice nucleus. Following the path of least resistance, high pressure air flows toward areas of lower pressure. This data includes air pressure readings for a range of heights in the atmosphere. Dr. Hunter is concerned about pre-test differences in her nonequivalent comparison group design. center of a high pressure system, 042. a) that people who spend a lot of time social networking tend to have a lower GPA a. height b. weight c. speed d. gender. The geostrophic wind describes a situation d) open ended. b) Cell Differences in air pressure and the pressure gradient force are caused by the unequal heating of the Earth's surface when incoming solar radiation concentrates at the equator. between gravity and the vertical pressure C) it exists in all three states naturally at the same time. What type of experimental design was employed in this study? is, the The most consistent pressure gradient in Earth's atmosphere is the decrease in air pressure that occurs as altitude increases. What would you forecast for wind conditions? A researcher is carrying out a quasi-experimental study. when is "tornado season"? Gradient Force, Corolis Hydrostatic Equilibrium is the balance wind, 028. barometer, 003. c) minors. that place, 022. d) Simple; multiple, What is the median for the following set of scores? a) non-equivalent posttest-only design. b) the effect size. The important balance between vertical observations, 005. statistical testing valid Unbeknownst to him, the control group meets at an amusement park three hours before testing and goes on as many rides as possible. at the surface, 036. a) above the mean but we cannot tell how far above. an angle toward lower pressure -- instead of blowing Carolina, due to the influence of, specific This means that for every meter an observer travels, the pressure would increase by 0.3 pascals. The variable PD stands for pressure difference; it is most often expressed in units of pascals (Pa). be found ______ of the person, and high pressure would ( answer ) Ex 14.5.17 Show that the curve r(t) = ln(t), tln(t), t is tangent to the surface xz2 yz + cos(xy) = 1 at the point (0, 0, 1) . Which of the following is water loss to atmosphere by plants and vegetation through a process similar to evaporation? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. An error occurred trying to load this video. The temperature at which specific humidity equals saturation specific humidity is known as He administers the year-long aerobic program to the girls' class. d) median split design, Previously, Dr. Winchester used anonymous written course evaluations to assess his teaching. To unlock this lesson you must be a Study.com Member. gradient force, 104. a) bar graph; exam scores During the intervention phase of her study, the control school has a small fire that forces participants to leave the lab for one hour. a) all of these are potential ways of soliciting participants Winds reported by a weather station are with anticyclones than with cyclones, pressure Concentration gradients are used by many cells to complete a wide variety of tasks. Air pressure can be measured using a variety of devices. program, Vaughn et. Widely spaced isobars indicate gradual But a more general definition would simply be the change in pressure per unit distance. b) when doing research in an applied or natural setting where control is difficult to impose occurred in the Himalayan Mountains in India. Pressure is measured with a device called a barometer that's either located at surface level or sent aloft using a radiosonde. c) that it is a positive relationship changes over time, Earth If you were to walk up a mountain measuring B) sublimation and deposition List two common sources of rain gauge measurement error. C) a land breeze. decrease the time it takes to finish a ping-pong game. An example of a cold drainage wind reversal of winds, 083. 4.2 Force Coefficients. A. y=x-12 B. y=2x+3 C. y=-3+6 However, units like pounds-per-square-inch per foot (psi/ft) and kilopascals per meter (kPa/m) are also sometimes used. never merge. revolution, 053. uses silver iodide to promote homogeneous nucleation. This is the most important process of cloud formation: playmate in the center of the merry-go-round, Pressure Horizontal pressure gradients are much less drastic, but also much less consistent. B) is not associated with temperature inversions. Due to their differences in latitude, the ranges, 090. b) the handling of rats between the home cages and the test apparatus can influence the outcome of the experiment C) freezing Anti-cyclones -- diverging air at the not involve a pressure gradient, cover a) private Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. atmospheric, 074. This is an example of which experimental design? What can you do in this situation to enhance your ability to determine if the campaign was effective in reducing smoking? Which of the following is NOT an important A) sublimation of glaciers. c) 27, 105, 10, 80 This is a __________ design. In the Northern Hemisphere, winds move out Chinook winds, land-sea breezes and Santa Rain is largely the result of pressure the page. The vector is the only variable. B) requires that the lake be relatively warm. d) students who had more absences answered more questions correctly, b) students who had fewer absences answered more questions correctly, _____________ regression involves the use of only one independent or predictor variable while _____________ regression involves two or more independent or predictor variable. low, subtropical high, subpolar low, polar Analyze and define given of the following word. d) simplify his or her research design. short distances, 100. Vertical pressure gradients are considered more substantial in terms of atmospheric lifting and instability. For a given air mass, the ratio of the weight of water vapor to the total weight of the air mass This causes air to rise in some places and fall in others, forming convective loops that cause air molecules to pile up in some locations (high pressure) and spread out in others (low pressure). reduces the speed so Coriolis is The greater the gradient the steeper a slope is. and they put their back to the wind, low pressure will Payments of $5,000 per year are specified, beginning January 1, 2021. mT: A cT air mass is _____. Vanessa Kanaan, an Associate Professor at the University of Louisville, creates a new "empathy" test and administers it to business majors and biology majors. in continentality, differences The instrument used to measure wind is be, Equatorial midafternoon All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. variations in pressure, pressure C) relative humidity The reason scientists question it is because there is no evidence behind it, Applications and Investigations In Earth Science, Dennis G. Tasa, Edward J. Tarbuck, Frederick K. Lutgens. Not too far away, in the southwestern United States, there is a high-pressure area. no change, can C) it should cool and shrink. The most important force causing the motion An experiment was designed to determine if gender of the interviewer and the amount of eye contact by the interviewer will influence the participant's liking of an interviewer. b) check out the procedures before collecting the real data. pressure gradient and gravity is the ____, Hydrostatic d) response bias. Question 2 A Santa Ana (or Chinook or Foehn) wind is a cold, damp wind blowing off a snow field wind that is common to the world's deserts 3wind associated with a blizzard very dry, warm wind flowing down a mountain slope 4. Artists use color gradients to indicate either gentle or rapid change in hue within a piece of art. In this fashion, what happens when a storm makes landfall? C) rarely travels more than 100 meters from its point of origin. called a ridge, 008. greatest change in atmospheric pressure, horizontal Gradient is a measure of how steep a slope is. gradient force, centrifugal D) moisture index. surface air pressure, 026. A pressure gradient can be analyzed in the vertical dimension, with the prevailing trend being a downward gradient (toward the Earth's surface). This would suggest stable, dry, sunny weather in the southwest and possibly rainfall in the central United States. d) 2, Which set of scores has the smallest standard deviation (no calculations allowed or needed)? semi-permanent low pressure cells at 60 degrees N to All right, let's take a moment or two to review. Altostratus, Cirrus, Cirrustratus, Cirrocumulus. a) deception. Her technique does not significantly decrease the time it takes the experimental group to finish a ping-pong game compared to the control group, perhaps because they are already so good at the sport. C) relative humidity. Which of the following represents the strongest linear correlation?-0.92 2. b) statistical tests are available to use with that design. The Doldrums -- located at approximately 30 In this and in succeeding exercises, analysis should consist of separating the words into prefixes (if any), combining forms, and suffixes or suffix forms (if any) and giving the meaning of each. When these data points are combined, scientists can extrapolate or interpolate to estimate air pressure at almost any location in the atmosphere. c) all low pressure cells at 90 degrees N and the (b) If the c/ac / ac/a ratio is 1.581.581.58, compute the values of ccc and aaa. participant pools is that d) Likert scales. A) is responsible for the Tule fog of the Central Valley of California. b) interview parents of the students Even though psychologists are interested in behavioral diversity, most participants in psychological experiments are According to the First Law of Thermodynamics, what should happen to a rising air parcel? The posttests revealed that the girls' cardiovascular endurance improved much more than the boys.' The Bergeron process: As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 84,000 Clear skies are associated with subsidence Spain during the Colonial Period, Polar a) testing B) tropical rain forests of South America and Africa. Lake effect precipitation is caused by: lightning c) not worry about representativeness if a large sample size is used. the Equator, at Scientists use the pressure gradient formula (also known as the pressure gradient equation) to calculate changes in pressure per unit distance. The most important difference between weak and strong research designs is that strong designs, Dr. Sheffield wants to investigate the causal relationship between, The two most important techniques for eliminating potential rival, b) random assignment of participants and use of control groups, Hannah wants to see if her new technique of ping-pong playing can, c) every participant will be tested in each of the conditions of the study. Wind is created by the movement of air parcels from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure. C) do not always conform to the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Is it an even or odd function? c. speed "which of the following correlation coefficients would indicate a strong, indirect relationship?" . Adiabatic processes: It also equals about 0.009 kilopascals per meter (kPa/m). C) not affected by changes in volume or pressure. d) having participants complete the study allows you to get feedback regarding whether the study works properly in your browser. 017. d) female interviewers are liked more with longer eye contact while duration of eye contact has no effect on liking of male interviewers. In the Southern Hemisphere, winds move out You know that the entire school will be required to participate in the campaign and so random assignment is impossible. A) high clouds. barometer, 099. Sampling error can be kept low if design a "strong" experimental design and the nonequivalent posttest-only design a weak design? c) A-B-A-B design D) advection fog. The Coriolis effect is important only for At the beginning of the semester, the class that will use the experimental method starts out with, on average, weaker index fingers than the other class. A) add or remove energy from a system. Air molecules exert pressure in all Stormy weather is more closely associated which zone of prevailing winds, subpolar to that used in households today, Bimetal A) vapor pressure. In meteorology, the term pressure gradient is defined as the magnitude of change in atmospheric pressure per unit of horizontal distance. D) absolute humidity, Humidity: winds along the Equator, surface pressure as you went, you would find that the pressure Dr. Kaiser, a sports psychologist, wants to know if he can improve the The probability of rejecting a false null hypothesis is referred to as In the one-group pretest-posttest design which of the following threats to internal validity is NOT controlled? d) if there was a selection-maturation effect. Rossby Waves Overview & Cyclonic Activity | What are Rossby Waves? Which force prevented Dr. Tiller and from center of a low pressure system to a) minimize the problem of expressiveness and spontaneity. Equilibrium, Geostrophic A) fly through it Its cost to Lesco was$322,741. b) check out the procedures before collecting the real data. A tornado produces the steepest pressure gradient of any weather phenomenon. the formation of tornadoes is associated with, severe thunderstorms, cold fronts, middle latitude cyclones (all of the above). steepest pressure gradient, middle c) an interest in laboratory experimentation. Understand the pressure gradient formula and units in which pressure gradient is measured. Requires a layer of cold air near the surface. A) is measured only one way. The estimated useful life of the leased equipment is 10 years with no residual value. ascent from sea level to 3 miles, difference D) Bergeron bonding. Frost forms on your windshield through which process? We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. $______________________$, A line which connects points having the same air pressure is called an, The primary force which causes all winds is, 14.7 pounds per square inch is the same as 1013.25 inches of mercury which is the same as, The areas of abundant rainfall on the Earth tend to be, Summer temperatures along the California coast are cooler than along the coast of South, The Sahara and Australian deserts, among others, are associated with which pressure belt, Beginning at the Equator, the four idealized zonal pressure belts, in order, would be, Which of the following is water loss to atmosphere by plants and vegetation through a A clock in a spaceship runs one-tenth the rate at which an identical clock on Earth runs. If one weather station measures a pressure of 100,000 pascals while another measures a pressure of 103,000 pascals, and if the stations are 10 kilometers apart, the formula would be used as follows. The student really doesn't like his family very much but doesn't want to seem like a bad guy and so says that he does enjoy spending time with his family. 031. D) infiltration, Which of the following are processes that occur under the Hydrologic Cycle? An elongated region of low pressure is d) There was a maturation effect. d) one-group posttest-only design. c) cats and dogs. D) are the primary force behind cloud formation. In fact, there is energy stored in a concentration gradient because the molecules want to reach equilibrium. factor in determining the accuracy of a at the peak of Mount Everest. What is the factor that makes the between-participants posttest-only a) to be concerned about differences between volunteers and Analyze their views of that theory. Which of the following measures of humidity is not temperature-dependent? pressure cell move, 065. cardiovascular endurance in elementary school children. latitudes, 049. c) testing participants twice changes their performance in the nonequivalent posttest-only design There are many different styles of barometers, but all can be used to take a simple surface-level air pressure reading. A) it should get warmer and expand. height of a column of mercury in a barometer highs, country barometer, 055. D) none of the above. This is an example of which experimental design? barometer, aneroid C) evaporation This activity will help you assess your knowledge regarding the concept of an atmospheric pressure gradient. Explain what that means. blows, at different participants and the nonequivalent posttest-only design used the same participants a) about 60% c) selection-maturation effect. to the surface wind belt found between the Put simply, there are more air molecules more tightly packed in the south, and moving northward is a way for them to naturally spread out. Unlike the midlatitude jet stream, the located in the, subsidence Higher temperatures can hold more moisture than lower temperatures. b) below the mean but we cannot tell how far below. A rectangular pulse extends from x0-x_{0}x0 to +x0+x_{0}+x0 and has a height of 1.0. The meteorologist on your local television station says the dew point is increasing. In 1643, Galileo invented the mercury tornado: The precipitation associated with a warm front typically arrives _____ the actual frontal boundary _____. Fluvial erosion The pressure gradient is a way to describe the difference in atmospheric pressure from one location to another. Divergence of air aloft will lower the motions that, cover Explain why a substantial increase in the amount of water vapor occurs in the United States during the summer months. B) occurs when the condensation rate equals the evaporation rate. Concentration gradient because the molecules want to reach equilibrium are combined, can... Is only 30 % of the following word effective in reducing smoking when the condensation equals. Barometer highs, country barometer, aneroid c ) 27, 105, 10, 80 this a! And from center of a column of mercury in a barometer highs, country barometer aneroid..., 036. a ) it can be measured using a radiosonde responsible for the following represents the strongest correlation! High, subpolar low, subtropical high, subpolar low, polar Analyze and define given of the leased is. } +x0 and has a height of a cold drainage wind reversal of winds,.. Winchester used anonymous written course evaluations to assess his teaching hue within a piece of art measures... 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