2023 POLICEMENS ANNUITY AND BENEFIT FUND OF CHICAGO. The Ende, Menzer, Walsh & Quinn Retirees', Widows' and Children's Assistance Fund 's sole purpose is to provide financial assistance to the neediest widows and orphans of Chicago firefighters and paramedics. Opinions expressed are his own. The Better Government Association is a non-partisan, non-profit news organization and civic advocate working for transparency, efficiency and accountability in government in Chicago and across Illinois. This HUGE differential is the combined result of much richer Public Sector pension formulas and much more generous provisions such as much younger full/unreduced retirement ages and COLA increases (almost unheard of in Private Sector Plans). A member's start date with the City of Chicago determines that person's "Tier" for the purpose of retirement benefits. Q&A: Pensions for City of Chicago retirees | AFSCME 31 About 10 good reasons to join AFSCME Illinois Retirees Chapter 31 Join Sign up to be a member of AFSCME Retirees Chapter 31 Meeting in My Area Access to all of our organized sub-chapters Get Answers Answers to your questions about pensions, health care and more This entry was posted on December 12, 2018, 8:00 PM and is filed under Fire Service News. My Cabin Cruiser atRead more , Fired back at Crains Greg Hinz today with this comment on one of his articles at Crains: Greg is so wrong here. E-mail: info@fabf.org Not all reports support both export types. Most other public workers have to put in more than 40 years on the job to maximize their retirement benefits as well. 20 South Clark Street, Suite 300 Chicago, IL 60603. //